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Here's a list of all currently known words in the [[Kyawcenni language]]:
Here's a list of all currently known words in the [[Kyawcenni language]]:

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|+ Kyawcenni vocabulary
|+ Kyawcenni vocabulary

Revision as of 21:49, 5 March 2025

Here's a list of all currently known words in the Kyawcenni language:

Kyawcenni vocabulary
Word IPA Translation POS Notes
-(k)arh (nominalization) -ity, -ness, -tion suffix
-tem, -kem un-, not suffix
a(h) but conjunction
abecdê mistake (more severe than jem), incident noun
air head noun
anašta leaf noun
antworc stone noun
arc peace noun
ardem count verb
ardenem give verb
armawme tie verb
ašêrng hand noun
aswaiy new, young adjective
aulô some adverb
aung /ɔŋ/ I (formal, casual),

we (informal, casual, formal)

pronoun Gen.: aung
awga nose noun
ayxden spiky, sharp, pointy adjective
barč green adjective
barzew point (sharp, geographical) noun
bas bus noun from English bus
batwa together adjective
batway join, combine, unite verb from batwa = together
batwaynu union noun from batwa = together
bawka round adjective
bęč walk verb Past tense: bih
bęma stick noun
bęn road, street noun
benzang calculate verb
bijen split verb
birn fruit noun
biyom flower noun
bôc language noun
Bocwauna Botswana name
bôtica forget verb
boyng dull (as a knife) adjective
breščem stab verb
buh house noun
buj bad adjective
bum red adjective
bwaršôw thick adjective
bwiwme squeeze verb
byac fight verb
byenčan left adjective
caidim string noun
cam self noun
candang dog noun
cay spruce noun
čehem cut verb
čęjen sea noun
cęlay many adverb
cen /tsɛn/ sand noun
čes short adjective
cewem suck verb
cihsôw to remove meat from bones noun originally “to shave, shorten”
čikon belly noun
cim kill verb
čirs what, something pronoun
čiwen bake verb
čo because conjunction
côkwe move verb
crêto sky noun
cun river noun
cutau monarch, quing, king, queen noun
cutaunyor president noun
cuwj fat noun
cyawcyaw mess noun
dai heart noun
dai someone, somebody pronoun
dan if conjunction
daukyiw speak, talk verb
dêbih lobster noun
denken smell verb
derba salt noun
dey warm adjective
didi toy noun
dij duo, couple, group of two noun
dôwhôwm politics noun
dôy how, somehow pronoun
Doyčlen Germany name
drez border, edge noun
dwaste cold adjective
dyuwmow vomit verb
ękwau other adjective
Elaunam Aylongam noun
elę gender noun
elę lêgum agender adjective
elę tečih genderfluid adjective
enjyaw animal noun
er /(ɛ)ɻ, ɚ/ in, inside preposition
esdepa smooth adjective
eskawdač wide adjective
exo broadcast, radio noun from Mosici ‹esilnea› /ɛɕlnɛ/ v. To broadcast
exo broadcast verb
gah here adverb
garma partner noun
gôwan rice noun
gristô territory noun
gristôtrais colony noun lit. ruled territory
grôpe spit verb
gyatô correct adjective
gyaun live verb
haš go to (away), leave verb
Hawčasya Xarslasja name
/χɚ/ I (masculine informal) pronoun
heckem threaten verb
hęn /χɚn/ you (singular masculine


hęska heart verb
hęstauy sheep (female) noun
hrunkem fear verb
hucdyi ash noun
Ingliš English (language) adjective From English English
jain knee noun
jaitow already, still adverb
jêkaw dry adjective
jelehame push verb
jem mistake, error noun
jem aungne, jemaung sorry (lit. my mistake) expression aung can be replaced by any other 1st person pronoun.
jêr /dʒeːɻ/ you (plural masculine informal) pronoun
jęz skin noun
ji /dʒi/ I (gender-neutral informal) pronoun
jido hair noun
jin /dʒin/ you (singular & plural

gender-neutral informal)

jing child noun
jitan day noun
ka not (verb) adverb
kah sharp (as a knife) adjective
kai where, somewhere pronoun
kaim battle, competition, contest noun
kaka meat noun
kanôwc unclear, unknown noun
kasci circle, wheel, disc, plate noun
kasci mawlam year noun "big circle"
kaw drink verb
kax dirty adjective
kay make, create verb
man noun
kelwa know verb
ken sunrise, dawn, east noun
kenxe dusk, west noun
kerc few adjective
kęta fog noun
kih ban verb
kiš normal adjective
this, that, it pronoun
and conjunction
komiš forest noun
kongme hit verb
kôpang snake noun
koylê nation, people noun
krašme dig verb
krau place noun
kudah dead adjective
kude die verb
kukun night noun
kulya rain noun
kwascen scratch verb
kwêm black adjective
kyaw /kjaʊ̯/ isle, island noun
kyôtow near adjective
lacaw understand verb
lan back adverb
lauh see, look verb
lêgum zero (alt.) numeral
leš fire noun
leščem sew verb
Lika Lika Kyawcenni (People from the Republic of Kyaw Cen) noun from lika = turtle shell
lika(-tekač) (turtle) shell noun
lursem eat verb
lways egg noun
lying everyone pronoun
mam mother noun
mar sheep (male) noun
maška worm noun
mawlam big, much adjective
mayiwa, Mayiwa gulf, Gulf of Kozdenen noun
mêwka bless verb
mêz who, someone pronoun
micsem straight adjective
moc high adjective
mokôk bark (of a tree) noun
monju bottom noun
monke dense adjective
mordę lake noun
môriya ocean, large sea noun from Pyuwan mōrija
muto cave noun
mwačê stay, stop (moving), halt verb
mwai rub verb
naj all adverb
nakâ there adverb
nam top, north noun
nas hate verb
nay at, in, into, toward (movement to sth) preposition
naykai where to pronoun
naza eye noun
ne /nɛ/ he, she, they, it (singular) pronoun
nelepen elephant noun
nęxame hold verb
nez at preposition
ni /ni/ they (plural) pronoun
ni laugh verb
nika fish noun
nikaw name noun
nogaume bite verb
nyor person noun
nyortrais governor noun nyor + trais "ruling person"
ô tree noun
odya white adjective
ôla /ˈoːlə/ you (singular casual and formal) pronoun
ôlen /ˈoːlɛn/ you (plural casual and formal) pronoun
ôlenni mêwka (Yitęnar) hello, goodbye (bless you) expression
onašsaw say verb
ordow swim verb
owcum army noun
ôwmwen blow verb
pa who, which (relative particle) conjunction
pahsan right adjective
palaw tail noun
palyen borrow, lend verb
pan /pan/ you (singular masculine casual) pronoun
pane /ˈpanɛ/ you (plural masculine casual) pronoun
papôr owl noun
paš good adjective
paščaw heavy adjective
paskih try verb
paycror group noun
pe for (to someone/thing's advantage) preposition +Dat
pęč horn noun
pęčyuwh fingernail noun
pes water noun
pesšem freeze verb
pôtai corner, point noun
pras leg noun
pwarne seed noun
pyutan image, picture noun
pyutancam reflection noun
qêx star noun
qi /cçi/ I (very formal) pronoun
qine /ˈcçinɛ/ we (very formal) pronoun
quz ear noun
qyan mouth, tongue noun
qyonci moon noun
qyondaw wash verb
qyuys full adjective
rêcoyng pepper (spice) noun
rem parent noun
rês pit, valley noun
sačlaw wet adjective
šadêws blood noun
saiy sit verb
šamele smoke noun
san /san/ you (singular & plural

very formal)

šanê wind noun
šar bone noun
šaze breast noun
sęč woman noun
šęgoy tooth noun
sekaiga feather noun
šęn louse noun
šęs wing noun
šihayxden bush noun
šihayxden rose bush noun ših + ayxden
šing land, country, state noun
šingdwainkoylê republic noun
šingpalyen mandate noun
šinkwau Nether, hell noun
šipô breathe verb
šôskem send, deliver verb
sow can, be able to verb
šôw foot noun
sowšę come (here), arrive, welcome (to) verb +Acc
sowšę thank verb I'm thanking (GEN-DAT) for (ACC).
sôy song, music noun
su that, who, what (relative clause) conjunction
šum when conjunction
šwa word noun
šwalan answer noun
syaipwo back noun
ta father noun
tac liver noun
tačkow far, far away adjective
tantaw paper noun
tantrais law noun tantal + trais
taswo mountain noun
taucigem sing verb
tauš black adjective
taux earth noun
taziya root noun
tečih drink, water, soup, fluid noun
tekač turtle noun
tem no (interjection) adverb
temež win verb
tengyau organ noun
tengyawzeng brain noun
tenzai then adverb
têr yellow adjective
tez lie (as in bed) verb
tinra when, sometime pronoun
to with preposition
trais rule, lead over, administer, govern verb
tru thin adjective
tu non-binary gender adjective
tumwome hunt verb
tuš finally adverb
twir pass, isthmus, spit (landform), land between a coast and a mountain noun
twir bawka atoll noun twir + bawka "round isthmus"
wayn swell verb
wêc milk noun
wêlowme rub verb
werhowten rotten adjective
weyaw cat noun
wiha long adjective
wing snow noun
wir grass noun
woclêw frog noun
worhęne throw verb
worka neck noun
wuj love (romantic) noun
wuj love (romantic) verb
wumai fly verb
wusa sun noun
wuščyan help verb
xancę hamster noun
xandarme wipe verb
xe against preposition
xeh south noun
xidrau turn (intransitive) verb
xin bread noun
xiw stand verb
xongwukame pull verb
xyai do, execute, yes verb
ya (imperative particle) particle e.g. mwačê ya! = stop!; Both versions are interchangeable, but “a” is usually used after consonants and “ya” after vowels
yačaray small adjective
yanwu flower noun
yarh dust noun
yen you (plural feminine informal

and casual)

pronoun /jɛn/
yi I (feminine informal and casual) pronoun /(j)i/
yic come verb
yičin generation noun
yidêng fall verb
yidon why, for some reason pronoun
yidonarh meaning, purpose, destiny noun
yikam bird noun
yimar bay, gulf noun from Mosici imer
yimepo float verb
yimwow collect verb
yin /(j)in/ you (singular feminine

informal and casual)

yines burn verb
yinjau play verb
yipa sleep verb
yipre boat noun
yiw low adjective
yoc narrow adjective
yon free, autonomous adjective
yuwh finger noun
zadô rope, thread, band noun
zaing ice noun
zanja cloud noun
zeng think verb
zincya dance verb
zos station, stop, inn, platform noun loaned *into* Kozramva as zosʉ
zosyipre harbor/harbour noun zos + yipre "boat station"
zun old adjective