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Welcome to the Nguhcraft Wiki!

For the ŋerds who keep on gaming

Are you bored or procrastinating? This is the perfect place for you! If you don't know where to start, maybe here or the United Ŋations page!

Also check out the The Gambian Holiday Wiki!

What is Nguhcraft?

Nguhcraft is a minecraft server hosted by Ætérnal and is the namesake of Agma Schwa, run around Agma's Discord Server. This wiki is maintained by many active members of the server and hopes to document the goings on of the server and the many entities within. On Nguhcraft, players have been creating countries, building cities and monuments, and engaging in foreign relations with other countries for over a year now, much of which is documented on this wiki. It's pretty awesome.[citation needed]

The current server is Season 2 of Nguhcraft. Season 1 was a previous server that was deleted, save for some important structures which were brought to the new server (with the exception of an Enderman farm, which will be placed in the End after the Ender Dragon is defeated).

The server has streams where its players used to go on adventures. Check out the Nguhcraft Streams article for a summary of them or this unofficial playlist to see the streams themselves!

How to get a wiki account

In order to get an account for this wiki, ping Annwan or Ætérnal on the Discord server and ask for an account. Make sure to specify what username you want the account to have. The first letter of the username has to be uppercase, and it cannot contain underscores. Once the account has been created, you’ll get a DM with the password on Discord.

Ongoing events


See also: List of sovereign states

UŊ Map

There are 50 nondisputed sovereign states in the world of Nguhcraft, 31 of which are United Ŋations members:

  1. Aylongam
  2. B’hiy’aj Dchâjâ
  3. Civuyiscajrn (UŊ member (observer))
  4. Coldba (Cuba), Empire of (UŊ member)
  5. Corneria, Anarchist Workers Republic of (IWA member)
  6. Dhourigkàn (UŊ member)
  7. Dulgarda
  8. Eistówú (UŊ member)
  9. Enkavak (UŊ member)
  10. Ettêre Ðiffyt (UŊ member)
  11. Gdaƨihr Ni̦xlo
  12. Hentzo (UŊ member (observer))
  13. Hummland (UŊ/IWA member)
  14. i Êpcêm Mûn-nan (UŊ member)
  15. Imerchal (UŊ member)
  16. Islands of Ʒimh Gwynh (UŊ member (observer))
  17. Jičeiñŋã, Ovvú (UŊ member)
  18. Kathyria (UŊ member)
  19. Kotland
  20. Kozdenen (UŊ member)
  21. Kyaw Cen, Kingdom of (UŊ member)
  22. Legwa Rrina
  23. Latium Regnātum (UŊ member)
  24. Maryland
  25. Moldova
  26. Myžariky (UŊ member)
  27. Nāroňpār (UŊ member)
  28. Oberia, Peasants' Republic of (UŊ/IWA member)
  29. Oressia (UŊ member)
  30. Pihi (UŊ/IWA member)
  31. Port of Eras, the (UŊ member)
  32. Pua, The Floracratic Republic of (Pua) (UŊ/IWA member)
  33. Rauratoshan Kingdom (UŊ member)
  34. Realm of Madness, The (UŊ (Observer) (IWA member)
  35. Rěč Pollica e Divinna (RPD) Nošaterçe
  36. Ř̩ktsðèvsǽmuxō (Arktsev)
  37. r̦ijeləm
  38. Smalland, Democratic Free People's Autonomous Social Democratic Republic of
  39. Sofao Tâsi
  40. Spansos Gaming (UŊ member)
  41. Stej Ven (UŊ member)
  42. T'anshilebs (UŊ member)
  43. Tanylezi (UŊ member)
  44. Tanzang (UŊ member)
  45. Tauranga Puawai
  46. Tje Manathi T'onzolo
  47. Vazr, The (UŊ member)
  48. Vilantnen (UŊ member)
  49. Xarslasja (UŊ member)
  50. Xtrakva (UŊ member)
  51. Zotazil (UŊ member)
  52. Þunan Qumreá (UŊ member)

Disputed Countries

  1. Evil Scamming Country
  2. Oblane Wybrzeże
  3. Old Kingdom
  4. State of Confusion

See also


Guiŋŋǝss Ŋorld Records


Slab Exchange

Thasusa By Land Initiative

Timeline of Nguhcraft history

United Ŋations
