Þunan Qumreá

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Þunan Qumreá
arImqu nnAzu
Location of Þunan Qumreá on Ŋearth
Capital cityÞunan Ŋáce (city)
GovernmentReá, Plutocracy
Rijyc: Hilja
Official languagesŚácamþaśá, (in Saqár and Ájáár) Saxish
CurrencyRice, (locally) Punn

Þunan Qumreá arImqu nnAzu (IPA: /θunɐn qumrɪɑː/) is a country south of Myžariky, southwest of Marcyland, northeast of Xarslasja and northwest of Nariŋpar. It consists of a wide range of channels and lakes south of spawn, and the land around these channels. Its center is the lighthouse Þunan Ŋáce.

Þunan Qumreá is composed of 7 provinces: Ájásiq, the channel to the ocean; Fáwupinu, the jewel bay; Muweweśáj, the burnt house island; Þunan Ŋáce, the tower of the stars; Śyjeń, the grainshed; Þunan Þár, the shield of the stars; Saqár, the land of the Saxons; and Ájáár, the flat lands.


The first element of the name Þunan Qumreá is derived from Þunan Ŋáce qIga nnAzu, being ‘of the star(s)’. Ŋáce qIga means tower, so the whole means ‘tower of the stars’ or lighthouse, in Śácamþaśá. Qumreá arImqu literally means river basin, but it is also a pun. Reá arI can refer to an alliance, union, or group of related things, while Qum mqu means confluence. In other words, it could also be considered the Union of the Stars.



The signs commemorating ÞŊ‘s founding still remain inside the lighthouse on their original grass blocks.

On the 27th of december, 2023, Hilja mentioned in the minecraft channel „Maybe I will join the server for all of 2 days before getting bored again”. She did not get bored after 2 days. The next day, she noted a spot on the map that seemed interesting, and joined the server. She walked through the heavily forested Byrtsanšaland towards the river basin that would later be known as Þunan Qumreá. She had initially set her sights on Miŋeń Náf, internationally known as the Þeku Āka, the lake west of what is now Nāroňpār. As she reached a small island on Þunan Náf however, the sun began to set and she was attacked by several drowned. After defeating them, she marked her victory with two signs. Thus Þunan Ŋáce was founded, on the 28th of december 2023, at 20:12 CET.

The first landmark she noticed near the lake was a dirt hill with very square sides on coastal Śyjeń. It now houses the temple to the Earth.

By the 30th of December, the foundation for Þunan Ŋáce had been created, as well as a small auxiliary island where Hilja grew her crops. During this time, effectively all of Hilja‘s time on the server went into building the lighthouse and gathering the resources to do so. The pattern of artificial islands connected to Þunan Ŋáce with bridges that allowed for boat passage underneath would become the foundation of Þunan Qumreá. By the 1st of january, Hilja had built a small tree farm island west of Þunan Ŋáce. As she explored the island further west. As she did so, she stumbled upon the then-oldest building and only remaining evidence of pre-raid construction within Þunan Qumreá: the burnt house.

Picture of the burnt house upon its first discovery

To this day, it is unclear who built the burnt house, but it consists of 4 birch doors, a floating deepslate roof, a tuff floor, and a handful of glass and supplies. Next to the burnt house is a deep one-wide tunnel, designated a dwarven site by Þunan Qumreá‘s archaeologists. Beyond the house is a functional ruined portal, presumably restored by the builder(s).

Initial developments

On the 2nd of January, 2024, Þunan Qumreá (then Þunan Ŋáce) became a founding member of the United Ŋations. On the 5th, Þunan Ŋáce was connected to Marcyland via the new Cenrail® Subway™ (Sen-Náþnatiw in Śácamþaśá). By the 15th, the main structure of Þunan Ŋáce had been finished, and the immense effort of gathering all the redstone, quartz and glowstone to build the rotating light began. On the 25th of January, Hilja announced that ÞUNAN ŊÁCE SHINES, as the rotating light was fully functional. It was only after this that other construction projects in Þunan Qumreá could begin in earnest.

One of the first pictures of the lighthouse after completion, taken at night from Śyjeń. The square dirt hill can be seen on the left.

On the 27th, an xp farm was built in the basement of the lighthouse, around a zombie spawner. The basement has extensive cave networks, which Hilja found while mining out large amounts of deepslate and stone for the construction of the lighthouse. On the 29th, the Cenrail® Subway™ was extended south towards Yuɱa, featuring the Scenic Lake Rail™, a glass tunnel which Hilja built underneath Þunan Náf. On the 5th of February, the name Þunan Qumreá was officially adopted, replacing ‘Þunan Ŋáce’ and ‘Hilja‘s realm’ as official names.

Flora & Fauna

Broadly speaking, the west of Þunan Qumreá is generally forested, composing the provinces of Muweweśáj, Þunan Þár, Fáwupinu and Ájásiq, while the east is composed of plains, the provinces of Śyjeń, Ájáár and Saqár. Þunan Ŋáce itself has little native vegetation left, although some jungle islands remain. It is, however, not lacking in aquatic wildlife, most notably salmon, squids and drowned, as well as some glow squids in the drowned rift just west of the lighthouse. This forms the deepest part of Þunan Náf, as it reaches diamond level.

An average day in Þunan Ŋáce

In the northeastern corner of Fáwupinu, an artificial cherry grove has been constructed along the path to Saxland. It is home to all of Þunan Qumreá‘s bees.


Þunan Ŋáce

Main article: Þunan Ŋáce (province)

Þunan Ŋáce (IPA: /θunɐn ⁿɡɑːcɪ/) contains most of the important buildings in Þunan Qumreá. Naturally, the centre houses Þunan Ŋáce itself, the giant lighthouse in which Hilja and Seo live. The lighthouse also doubles as a monument to Sá, the deity of light and civilisation. On the first floor is storage and smelting, on the second is the bedroom with storage for the most valuable items in an ender chest as well as the pets, the third floor is a work space, the fourth floor is for magic and the fifth houses the Allay Café, where one can try the Þunan Ŋáce‘s cookies and pumpkin pie while listening to music and admiring the view from the tower.

Above this floor is the light mechanism, and finally the roof, which is the best point from which to see all of Þunan Ŋáce province. Below the lighthouse are the mines, with additional storage and the now largely obsolete zombie xp farm. Since Þunan Ŋáce province has no open-air cave entrances (though it does have open water), this was the sole source of mineral wealth in the country until the acquisition of Saxland.

Besides the lighthouse, the guardian of Þunan Ŋáce is visible from the northwestern gate, shielding the province from the endless hordes of drowned that emerge from the Drowned Rift in the west of the province, following the railways. Further to the northwest is the Þunan Ŋáce railway station, due north is Þunan Ŋáce port, featuring the post office. Bridges and roads connect Þunan Ŋáce to nearly all buildings in mainland Þunan Qumreá, as well as 3 of the 4 provinces that surround it.

Southeast of Þunan Ŋáce is the embassy area, where the embassy to Enkavak currently stands.

Aerial photograph of Þunan Qumreá from the top of Þunan ŋáce
Dated Aerial photograph of Þunan Qumreá from the top of Þunan ŋáce, also showing the ashway, but featuring the older station building and no port or Saxland road.


Excluding Þunan Ŋáce itself, Muweweśáj (IPA: /ⁿbuβ̞ʷɪβ̞ʷɪʃäːj/ is currently the most developed province in Þunan Qumreá, although it is a distant second. It can be accessed by means of the western bridge across the tree island, and is mostly composed of sparse jungle, getting denser towards the border with Moshas (Tantsang). Muweweśáj, by its name and buildings, is associated with Miŋe, Goddess of the Sun. Settlement on Muweweśáj is concentrated around the origin of its name, the burnt house, which was the oldest structure in Þunan Qumreá until the discovery of Ŋájaþáw in the colonies.

Around this structure, the village of Fájaþáw (Sx: Æscetoun) was founded. It is unique for its combination of Śácamþaśá and Saxish architecture, featuring the doorless cilinders made of deepslate and calcite Śácamþań prefer to live in, as well as a magnificent temple to the Sun. The temple to the sun features the symbol mu, representing the god and the word ‘burn’, in solid gold. This gold was the target of the thieves (see Diplomacy: Þunan Qumreá heist for more information). Next to this is a Charlottist church, built entirely in Saxish form. In addition, Fájaþáw features the only surface nether portal in Þunan Qumreá, as the portal in Þunan Ŋáce was demolished due to it interfering with the gold farm portal on Śyjeń.

Connecting Fájaþáw to Þunan Ŋáce and all the way to the border with Moshas and the canal at Ájásiq is the Fájatiw (Sx: Æsceweg), a road built entirely out of deepslate, in line with the ash and fire aesthetic of the province. This road also crossed through parts of the territory of Pais Transanguino Ranitino, and a fort has been constructed on the southern border to ensure both the road and river remain open to ÞQ‘s traffic. Both Moshas and PTR have added dirt paths connecting their population centres to this road. At the Moshas border, a border crossing has been created. Since Þunan Qumreá does not recognise PTR‘s sovereignty, it has not done so on the other side.

The Northeastern part of Muweweśáj, by the border with Moshas, contains a deep ravine referred to as ‘the scar’ by locals.


Named for the canal to the Hilja Sea, Ájásiq (IPA: /ɑːjäːsiχ/ was a matter of contention between Þunan Qumreá and Pais Transanguino Ranitino, which led to some in the council calling for war with the country (see Diplomacy: Sea access dispute for more information). It was added to Þunan Qumreá during the March to the Sea, making it the sixth province of Þunan Qumreá in order of accession. Northern Ájásiq is composed of a sparse jungle similar to that of Muweweśáj, but it gets sparser and sparser as one follows the ashway to the canal, featuring a plains-like area followed by a sandy beach in this area. South of the canal, this beach is quickly replaced by some of the thickest jungles in the country, where there is no road or development of any kind. The far south features some temperate forests.

West of the canal are a handful of small islands controlled by Þunan Qumreá, which were the westernmost points of the country until the acquisition of the colonies. In between the mainland and the outermost land lies the temple to the ocean, the largest in Þunan Qumreá (excluding the lighthouse which also serves other purposes). This is the only building within the province apart from the ashway and the canal.


Much like Ájásiq, Fáwupinu (IPA: /fɒːβ̞ʷupinu/) has seen development on one side of its territory, but very little on the remainder. The northwestern part of the province is covered in thick jungles that make permanent settlement difficult, while the southeastern parts are mainly sandy beaches, including the one where Hilja found the buried treasure that gives the province its name ‘gem bay’. The remainder of the province is or was covered in temperate forest.

South from Þunan Ŋáce, the Saxland bridge reaches the mainland in southeastern Fáwupinu, where an intensive logging campaign has turned the eastern coast into plains. The road splits in two here, with one arm meandering through the low-lying coastal areas, continuing south into Saqár. The original forest in this area has been entirely replaced by an artificial cherry grove with an undergrowth of petals and roses, which houses all of Þunan Qumreá‘s bees. The other arm continues westwards towards the sandy beaches, where a compass denotes the exact directions and distances to known cities and places of interest on Ŋearth, in both Śácamþaśá and English.

Fáwupinu is also notable for its turtle population, which supplied the eggs for the gold farm. Sand from the region has been used in the glass railway tunnels under Þunan Náf and in the lighthouse.


Þunan Þár





Sea access dispute

Þunan Qumreá Heist

(See the main article The Great Heist for more information.)

On the 7th of April 2024, John Stamos was discovered to have been stealing priceless gold and valuable items from Þunan Qumreá, with assistance of Astridodorito in creating a cache of the stolen treasures, both members of Pais Transanguino Ranitino alongside La Ranita, the head of the group. As of writing, it is unknown if La Ranita knew of this theft being coordinated by their two subjects.

Both the heads of Þunan Qumreá and Enkavak noticed a few missing items (notably 20 diamonds from Śiłja and a music disc of Otherside from Xhesas) on the 1st of April 2024, but the scraped gold (totalling 45 blocks) from the Shrine to the Sun was not noticed until the 7th, and was later discovered to have been turned into 250 golden carrots. All of the thefts were reverted and the shrines and wealths were restored and placed in Þunan Ŋáce for safekeeping until owners could be found.

Names in other languages

Name in other languages:
  • Arodjun: Tunnan Qlumrejaa [ˈtu.nːan qˡum.reˈja]
  • Áwaric: Sónan Cómria Sónan Cómria [su.nan kum.ʀja]
  • East Narkevin: Fwënan Këmyeha /ɸwəˈnan ˈkəm.ɣe.xa/
  • German: Sunan /suː.nän/
  • Isle Narkevin: Þunan Komræ /θuˈnan ˈkom.rɛ/
  • Japanese: 星同盟(スナン・クムリアー) Sunan Kumuriā [sunaŋ kɯmɯɾiaː]
  • Kathyrian: Θυνανκυμρϊα Thunankumria /θuˈnænkumˈriæ/
  • Knrawi: Fumankumviià[ɸɔmɛnk̠ɔmβɛja˩]
  • Laevanaak:  /kmɛˑɑ/
  • Morytian: Thünan Kümriä /θunan kumriɑ/
  • Old Narkevin: Funan Qumrea /fuˈnan ˈqum.ʁɛ.a/
  • Regnate Latin: THVNANCVMBRIA /tʰʊnɐŋˈkʰʊmbriɐ/
  • Saxish: n/i~pAr/iTUs Størrebenn [ˈstɶɹˌbɛn]
  • Soc'ul': Sunencumriá[su˧nə˧nkʷu˧mrjaː˧]
  • Syzkyn: Ҭунан Ҟумрыяа [ˈtʰunɐn qʹumrɪ̈jɑː]
  • Tásí: sona colía Sona Colía [ˈsuna kuˈlɨʔa]
  • Taylang: NewRomantics-24:2 IOMWIWY-1:5/tiːm stɑɹz/
  • Toki Pona: ma Tunan Kumeja /ma ˈtu.nan ˈku.me.ja/
  • West Narkevin: Fonan Këmyea /ɸoˈnan ˈkɤm.ɣe.ʔa/
  • Xindvâ: Thunan Qumniê /θu.næn qum.niə̯/