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Kat djArodjunx
The word "Arodjun" written in the djoPeidog script
Language familySern-Cahilan
Early form(s)Old Arodjun, Ancient Fwonnel
Writing systemdjoPeidog Alphabet, djoDaranx Script, Latin Alphabet (Minecraft Only)
Official status
Spoken inXarslasja
DemonymArodjun, Arojaunzan
Number of speakersat least 2
Technical information
UsageNative language, government language
Language codeARD

Arodjun is a Sern-Cahilan language which somehow exists in this Minecraft world as well as in the Dog Days world. It is the official language of Xarslasja, a desert nation located south of the Spawn. It is a partially-analytical language with a few grammatical cases which are decaying in use.

Streets signs and other official documents in Xarslasja are written in Arodjun, and several documents and signs are written in Arodjun and English for international compatibility.



Labial Alveolar Post-Alveolar/Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal m n
Plosive, Affricate p b t d t͡ʃ <c> d͡ʒ <dj> k qˡ <ql> ʔ* <'>
Tap/Trill r
Fricative f v s z ʒ <g> x χ <kx>
Lateral ɬ <sl> ɮ <zl>
Approximant (w) j w

The glottal stop is used on this phoneme table because of the /b'/ cluster that sometimes appears. Native Arodjun speakers consider /b'/ to be the third in a series of "ejectives" along with /k'/ and /t'/. However, due to voiced ejectives technically being impossible, it saves space on the table to simply include a glottal stop and consider /k'/, /t'/, and /b'/ to be a series of consonant clusters including a glottal stop. Phonemically these are the only situations where the glottal stop occurs, however the letter <'> can sometimes be seen separating two vowels to imply a syllable boundary instead of a diphthong.


Front Central Back
Close i u
Mid e ɚ/ɹ̩ <r> o
Open a

See Also

Official Arodjun Documentation (