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Kingdom of Hummland
Coat of Arms
Location of Hummland (dark green)
Capital cityMitthumm city
Quing: Hummus
Official languagesEnglish, Humild, German, Finnish
CurrencyBarter system using sponges and diamonds

Hummland /hʌmlænd/ or /hʊmlænd/ (Humild: Humdet /humdet/) (German: Hummland /hʊmlant/) (Finnish: Humlanti /humlɑnti/), officially the Kingdom of Hummland, is a country west of the Great Sea and northeast of Spansos Gaming. Hummland also has a website.


Continental Hummland

Most of continental Hummland is a desert biome, with the Rivermund peninsula being mostly jungle. Cities on continental Hummland are: Domeville, and Auŕol Uraxe. The southern border is defined by the river of Hummus.

Southern islands of Hummland

Fliegenpilz island

Fliegenpilz island is a mushroom island. It contains Tyrr's summer home which was built before Hummland was founded, making it the oldest building in Hummland. It also is near to an ocean monument.


Mitthumm is the capital isalnd of Hummland and has the capital city of Hummland, Mitthumm city, whose administrative border also extends into parts of Rivermund containing the Hummland Hauptbahnhof and a farm to the south of Domeville.

Northern islands of Hummland

Glitter island

Glitter island, named after the Glitter variant of tropical fish, is a self governing region of Hummland, designated as the headquarters and a monastary of Ichtheism.

Sand islands of Hummland

There is nothing of note on the sand islands of Hummland, other than a crashed ship and ruined portal.

Vamś Keśeht Uraśe

Vamś Keśeht Uraśe is an exclave of Hummland, and a naturally generated village within a valley, with a glitched desert temple that has a villager house within it.

Minor islets of Hummland

Gravel island

Gravel island was an islet of Hummland, that was just three pieces of gravel. It was moved to a chest within the government building, due to a skyscraper being built where it used to be.

Gravel island in a chest

Pointless Point

Pointless Point is an artificial island north of Mitthumm. There is nothing there.

Subdivisions of Hummland


  • Domeville
  • Mitthumm county
  • Ŋevada
  • Śeht county

Special Counties

  • Vǿś'lkeð County


  • Fliegenpilz Territory
  • Śadauś'ln Territory

Colonial Counties

Colonial Territories

Extranguhcraftial Territories


Hummland has no official state religion, however the most common religion in Hummland is Ichtheism, with 66% of Hummlandic citizens being Ichtheists. Ætérnalism is also a popular religion.

Names in other languages

Name in other languages:
  • Áwaric: Foísuéfráhti Hómtit Fóísuéfráhti Hómtit [ˈɸɨs.wiɸ.ʀɔː.te um.tet]
  • East Narkevin: Fwënan zda Humdet /ɸwəˈnan zda xumˈdet/
  • Iskel: Hùmusalegwa [hùmusalégwa]
  • Isle Narkevin: Þunan zda Humdet /θuˈnan zda xumˈdet/
  • Japanese: フムランド(おう)(こく) Fumurando Ōkoku [ɸɯmɯɾando oːkokɯ]
  • Kathyrian: Χυμηρ Humyr /ˈxumɨr/
  • Knrawi: Gùhivu Hûmvant[ŋʊ˩hɛwɔ hʊ˥˩mβɔnt]
  • Kozramva:  Humʉtte [humɨt:e]
  • Old Narkevin: Funan zda Humdet /fuˈnan zda xumˈdɛt/
  • Soc'ul': Ñéyan Jumlan'[ŋəː˧ɰa˧n xʷu˧mla˧n]
  • Tanzangi: Sehabòs Houmdit [seˈəvɔs ˈundit]
  • Toki Pona: ma Unte /ma ˈun.te/
  • West Narkevin: Fonan zda Homdet /ɸoˈnan zda xomˈdet/
  • Xindvâ: Modreng Hômseth /mo.dreŋ həm.seθ/