Thasusa By Land Initiative

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Logo for the Thasusa By Land Initiative, showing the continent of Thasusa covered by a web.

The "Thasusa By Land" Initiative (Arodjun: Eirax Tasussja Mo Fixwau) is an international cooperation initiative between the nations of the continent of Thasusa to create a network of roads for foot and horse travel. It was announced by Bezuv Agamashuya I of Xarslasja and, as of November 28th, 2024, has gained the support of Cenroad.

Participating ŋations

Participating companies

Naming Scheme

The road labeling scheme proposed by Agamashuya is as follows, as inspired by the United States Interstate System in real life:

  • Roads whose net displacement is mostly on the east-west (x) axis end with even numbers, with numbers as low as 0 at the furthest south and as high as 98 at the furthest north
  • Roads whose net displacement is mostly on the north-south (y) axis end with odd numbers, with numbers as low as 1 at the furthest west and as high as 99 at the furthest east
  • X axis roads begin with a letter associated with the nation or city at their furthest west point
  • Y axis roads begin with a letter associated with the nation or city at their furthest north point
  • Each road also has a "full name" as chosen by its primary builders

Rules for Official Status

  • The road should be passable by foot and by horse, and at least 90% on the surface
    • Any tunnels must be tall enough for horses to pass through safely
  • The road should be well-lit enough to be largely safe from monsters
  • The road should be at least two blocks thick at all times and free of potholes or other obstructions
  • With the permission of a local government, a road whose planned route approaches a town, city, or naturally-generated village, should pass through that settlement

Coordinating Projects

  • Imerchal plans to extend the initiative through Pòjaj
  • Coldba (Cuba) also plans to extend the Freezeway network from Pòjaj, through Murbetia Basin, North Mountains, Sprutia, and Arctic Circle Counties, ending in Old Cuba.