West Pua
For the new country, see Tauranga Puawai
Holy Puan Floracracy | |||||||
12 July 2024–02 Feb 2025 | |||||||
UŊ member | |||||||
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![]() Location of West Pua (dark green) | |||||||
Capital city | Allium | ||||||
Demonym | West Puan Puan | ||||||
Government | Absolutist Theocracy | ||||||
Pontifex | Skrungk | ||||||
Official languages | English, Maori, Toki Pua, Herngarian | ||||||
ISO-3166-1/2 | PF | ||||||
ISO-3166-1/3 | HPF | ||||||
Official religions | Alliumist Florism, Ætérnalist Alliumism | ||||||
Currency | West Puan Taara | ||||||
Succeeded by | ![]() |
West Pua, officially known as the Holy Puan Floracracy, was a country located south of Xarslasja, north of North Amuj, east of Coldba (Cuba) and west of East Pua. The People of West Pua exiled their leader, Skrungk, and his most trusted advisors, to Tauranga Puawai. After the Coup, the FRP voted to reintegrate the continental West Puan territory, making the land their own and changing their name to Pua. Pontifex Skrungk and the his supporters turned Tauranga Puawai into an independent country, and the Chilled War came to an end.
The Blossomic Empire of Pua was an absolute monarchy encompassing the entirety of the Pua region in the continent of Thasusa. Due to extensive corruption in the government and the people’s dissatisfaction, the citizens of Pua revolted against the king, and he was forced to vacate the throne. A coup following the sudden disappearance of the Puan king preempted violent clashes over who should lead the country, giving rise to the Puan Civil war.
Due to a clerical error, West Pua has dedicated an excessive amount of resources to the study of bugs instead of the study of words.[1]
West Puan Entomology focuses on research involving the relationship between flowers and pollinators native to the Pua region. Studies made by the Agricultural Administration have shown that Bees play a large role in the health of the Puan Ecosystem. West Pua will start to invest further into the acclimation of bees throughout the land.
After the Puan King was forced to step down, there was heavy controversy over who should fill the position. The two leading factions were unable to agree on how to run their country, and it caused them to split into two separate countries, West and East Pua. The primary reason for the disagreements was because of differences in the religious views of the floral gods, and the West Puans refused to worship a false idol. The third largest faction, a nonconformist group called the Pihitians, also rose. The East Puans in an attempt to cleave unto their control of the Pihitian territories made the false claim that both the East Puan Cornflower and the Pihitian Oxeye Daisy are better than the West Puan Allium.
The Chilled War
Main article: The Chilled War
Further Information:Floral Curtain, Ŋerlin Wall
Immediately following the Puan Civil War, the two major powers in the Pua region began separating both diplomatically and physically with the construction of border fortifications and the breakdown of cooperative discussions between East and West Pua.
The Scramble for Murbetia
On August 22, 2024, the country of Murbetia dissolved, granting West Pua the opportunity to claim the eastern chunk of Scarecrow Harbor. This was cause for celebration among the West Puans, as they had finally resecured a piece of their mainland that had been missing for so long.
While this was happening, East Pua claimed a large section of land to their East. Pontifex Skrungk commented on the East Puan Annexations, stating "The East Puans took advantage of the Scramble, and annexed ridiculous amounts of land to their eastern border in an attempt to gain an advantage over us." The resulting power imbalance had many West Puans worried about the ever-increasing East Puan threat.
While all this was happening, Coldba (Cuba) claimed a majority of the Murbetian mainland, as well as several surrounding islands. One of the islands mistakenly claimed was West Pua’s Plus One Island, and it was promptly sold to Xarslasja along with Xar Harbor for 1 Slab. West Pua, rather than be angry with their loss of land, took this as an opportunity to strengthen ties with Xarslasja, and proposed a trade – Xarslasja gets Plus One Island, and West Pua gets the Island of Peoria, but both countries keep their water borders. Xarslasja accepted, and the trade was made official on August 24, 2024. When the trade was completed, both Islands names were changed, Plus One Island being renamed to “Bar Harbor” and Peoria being renamed to "Puoria".
Tauranga Puawai
On September 17th, 2024, West Pua secured Tauranga Puawai, an island to the south, as a colony of West Pua. This land is sanctioned as holy land by the Pontifex, as this is the only known place on Ngearth where you can acquire Alliums. "Tauranga Puawai is now under the protection of West Pua. We invite people from all around to harvest the flowers here, as they are gifts from the Higher Order. We only as that you keep the island well kept."
The Church of the Allium

Near the end of September 2024, the Pontifex of Pua authorized the construction of the Church of the Allium. The church is planned to be the largest man made structure in West Pua, a testament to the people's devotion to the Higher Order. Until further notice, most of the country's resources will be put towards the construction of the church until it's completion.
The Amujxplosion
The Amujxplosion had a major impact on the West Puan way of life. The most immediate change was the the dissolving of the Transpunese Economic Union, which led to West Pua creating the Taara as a new currency. After multiple land disputes, including East Pua's Order No. 227, CMC stepped in and announced that the main area of Amuj would be split between East and West Pua, stating that they want the land to stay in Puan hands, but does not want just one of the Puas to have it all. This took affect after the 2024 Nguhrovision Song Contest, and until then the land was a protected UNg Mandate, enforced by the Kingdom of Kyaw Cen.
The Amujxplosion also sparked the Coup Sabah in Xarslasja. West Pua openly supported Gu Sabah and the Xarslasja Port Authority, because they had been West Pua's greatest supporters during the Chilled War. Pontifex Skrungk commented on this in the Pua Takiwā Address, where he stated that he will do his best to support the coup without escalating the Chilled War, if possible.
After the Battle of Flagstaff, West Pua withdrew their support from the Coup. After witnessing the destruction in Flagstaff, West Pua stated that they "do not endorse that kind of violence and loss of life. We still believe that Agamashuya was a traitor to his values, but this is not how change should happen."
Growing Tensions in West Pua
After many months of nonstop construction on the Church of the Allium, the people of West Pua began to grow weary of the “seemingly impossible task” and some citizens began to outright refuse to continue working on the project, stating that the construction was a poor use of West Pua’s manpower. This, combined with the Blue Scare, caused instability and unrest throughout West Pua, after which a coup was had that exiled the West Puan government to Tauranga Puawai. This coup, along with the East Puan decision to reintegrate continental West Pua, spelled the end for the Holy Floracracy of Pua.
Regional Overview

West Pua was divided into 12 Districts:
Code | Name | Capital | Type |
1 | Allium | Allium | Metropolitan |
2 | Ipukarea | Nogales | Oblast |
3 | One Paraumu | Queen Creek | Oblast |
4 | Pahu Minor | No capital currently | Island |
5 | Kōpaki Plains | No capital currently | Oblast |
6 | Tauranga Puawai | No capital currently | Colony |
7 | Puoria | N/A | Island |
8 | Ŋerlin | West Ŋerlin | Metropolitan |
9 | Shangu | No capital currently | Oblast |
10 | Ebash | No capital currently | Oblast |
11 | Ongashaw / Pahu Major | No capital currently | Oblast |
12 | Nushabuzh | No capital currently | Island |
The government of West Pua functioned as an Absolutist Theocracy, where Pontifex Skrungk held full power to enact the will of The Allium. The Pontifex also had a council of Disciples that helped enforce his will, called the Petalage. Disciples of the Petalage were appointed by the Pontifex himself, and could act as an authority for matters that didn't need the Pontifex's direct attention. Besides the Petalage, there were 4 major Administrations that worked to keep the country running smoothly; The PIP Administration, The Agricultural Administration, The Transportation Administration, and The Defense Administration.
The PIP Administration
The PIP (Puan Information Protection) Administration was responsible for collecting, analyzing, and protecting intelligence to support national security. They played a vital role in preventing PIP Violations, where Intelligence could be leaked to enemy countries if not careful. A major goal for the PIP Administration was to root out East Puan Spies. The ever-increasing threat of East Pua led to the Blue Scare, a "national panic and paranoia concerning East Puan Spies living among us."
The Agricultural Administration
The Agricultural Administration was responsible for regulating farming and animal safety throughout the country, as well as prioritizing wildlife preservation. A major project of the Agricultural Administration was to plant Alliums throughout the land of West Pua, so the Allium could be closer to all.

The Transportation Administration
The Transportation Administration was responsible for building and maintaining the railways that connected West Pua's cities, as well as the major railways that connected to other countries. The Transportation Administration worked on upgrading the Allium station.
The TA has completed the line connecting Fisete and Idanopolis to Tauranga Puawai, and had invented the three way intersection. The intersection was griefed due to some Cenrail enthusiasts being unable to read.
The Defense Administration
The Defense Administration was in charge of keeping the citizens of West Pua safe from foreign threats, the main focus having been protection against the East Puan Threat.
West Pua was a Theocracy, the religion and the government are one. They practice Alliumist Florism, a religion based on the worship of the Allium. After the collapse of the Blossomic Empire of Pua, the Holy Puan Floracracy moved away from Florism, realizing that the Allium was a far more sacred flower than others, and it's guidance built them into what they were.
A subsect of Alliumist Florism, Ætérnalist Alliumism, was practiced in some of the southern regions of West Pua.
Foreign Relations
Due to West Pua having been a militarily weaker, more agrarian nation than its Eastern rivals, West Pua had sought out alliances with neighboring countries to even the playing field. On September 15th, 2024, West Pua applied to join the United Ŋations, which was accepted during the 19th UNg meeting.
East Pua
East Pua and West Pua were rivals, and on opposing sides in the Chilled War. Relations between the two countries were tense, but there were efforts to deescalate the war so both countries could flourish unhindered.
Because Pihi is a Puppet State of East Pua, they were also considered rivals of West Pua. However, the West Puan government did not consider Pihi a threat, instead looking at them with a sense of pity.
West Pua considered Xarslasja an ally, and had hoped to maintain that alliance. The August 24th 2024 Island Trade of Puoria and Bar Harbor during the Scramble for Murbetia was a "great step in the right direction" according to Pontifex Skrungk. "Keeping Xarslasja in support of West Pua and our cause will be instrumental in our development as a nation." On September 5th, 2024, West Pua Accepted the offer to build an Embassy in Tempe.
On September 17th, Xarslasja signed the South Thasusan Common Market Agreement with East Pua, which came as a disappointment to the people of West Pua. This statement was made by the Pontifex, "Xarslasja's economic agreement with East Pua comes as a disappointment to us all, but we will still try our best to keep up strong relations with them. We cannot afford to have Xarslasja as an enemy."
Coup Sabah and the Pua Takiwā Address
see the Pua Takiwā Address
On October 10th, The Coup Sabah began, and West Pua announced their full support for the cause. 4 days later, Pontifex Skrungk gave the Pua Takiwā Address, announcing their stance on the coup. Gu Sabah and the Xarslasja Port Authority are allies to the West Puan cause.
In the Pua Takiwā Address, Pontifex Skrungk talked about hopes for the future of Amuj, East Pua's Order No. 227, and Xarslasja's coup / how the coup may have affected tensions between the Puas.
After the Battle of Flagstaff, West Pua withdrew their support for the Coup. Pontifex Skrungk made this statement on the issue; "After seeing the destruction caused during the Battle of Flagstaff, West Pua will no longer be supporting the Coup in Xarslasja. We do not endorse that kind of violence and loss of life. We still believe that Agamashuya was a traitor to his values, but this is not how change should happen. Our Priority in Xarslasja is to the safety of its people above all else."
North Amuj
North Amuj was West Pua's neighbor to the south, and a valuable ally. On 10/08/2024, North Amuj dissolved, an event called the Amujxplosion, which left West Pua without an ally or a currency.
The West Puan Taara was the official currency of West Pua.

As a result of the Transpunese Economic Union, West Pua adopted the Amujan Geha as their national currency. On August 7th, 2024, Amuj updated their currency to the North Amujan Pymu, a change that West Pua welcomed due to its stronger backing. On October 8th, 2024, the Amujxplosion left West Pua without a currency and had a devastating impact on the economy. 3 days later, West Pua created the Taara, a new currency to help with West Pua's recovery.
Names in other languages
- Arodjun: Menaix Puwwaxun [me.naix pu.wwa.xun]
- Áwaric: Coíiósloí Póa Cóíióslóí Póa [kɨ.jus.lɨ pu.a]
- East Narkevin: Zaŋjëŋtjëz Möu'ëhjëz Pay zda Pua /zaŋˈjəŋt.jəz møˈuʕ.əx.jəz pɑɣ zda ˈpu.a/
- Isle Narkevin: Žaňiňtiz Mewaħiz Pār zda Pūa /ʒaŋˈiŋt.iz meˈwa.hiz paːr zda ˈpuː.a/
- Kathyrian: Πϋα Εγγυ Pua Eggu /ˈpuæ ˈegːu/
- Knrawi: Sarnànta Maúcivu Pûua[x̟ɛɹna˩ntɛ mɛʊ˥k̟ɛwɔ pʊ˥˩wɛ]
- Old Narkevin: Jaŋiŋtiz Mewaiz Par zda Pua /ʝaŋˈiŋt.iz mɛˈwa.iz paʁ zda puˈa/
- Śácamþaśá: pAjpazo qmiorTAqi N/apu Puáń Cecarámiq Þápájpa /pɯɑ̯ɲ 'cɪcɐrɑːmiχ θɑːpɒːjpɐ/
- Soc'ul': Miuyan' Xíc'ad Buua[mi˧ɣʷɰa˩nˀ ʃiː˥˧kʲʰa˧d bu˧ɣʷa˧]
- Toki Pona: ma Puwa pi nasin suno weka /ma ˈpu.wa pi ˈna.sin ˈsu.no ˈwe.ka/
- West Narkevin: Jaŋïŋtïz Möwëïz Pay zda Pwa /ʒaŋˈɨŋt.ɨz møwɤʔɨz pɑɣ zda pwa/