East Pua
Floracratic Republic of Pua Blumekratische Republik Pua | |||||||
UŊ member | |||||||
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![]() Location of East Pua (dark green) | |||||||
Capital city | Kanga | ||||||
Demonym | East Puan Puan | ||||||
Government | Socialist Autocracy | ||||||
General Secretary | Peaches | ||||||
Official languages | English German (in some parts) | ||||||
Population | 90 (September 2024 Census) | ||||||
Official religions | Cornflorism | ||||||
Currency | Puan Unity Argent | ||||||
Date format | yyyy/mm/dd | ||||||
Ŋational Motto | "Pua, Whakamua!" "Pua, Forward!" |
East Pua (German: Ostpua), officially known as the Floracratic Republic of Pua (FRP or F.R.P.) (German: Blumekratische Republik Pua, BRP), is a country located south of Naronpar and Xarslasja, north of Aylongam and Pihi, and east of West Pua in the regions of Pua, the Acacialands and Kākāriki Jungle on the continent of Thasusa.
The name Floracratic Republic of Pua is rooted primarily in English. Floracratic is a portmanteau of floral and democratic, which, along with Republic are considered misnomers as the government lacks both democratic characteristics and the Unional Kaunihera has little true power. Pua is a Maori word for flower.
Name in Other Languages
- Áwaric: Coíiós Póa Cóíiós Póa [kɨ.jus pu.a]
- East Narkevin: Möu'ëhjëz M'ëjäŋësp zda Pua /møˈuʕ.əx.jəz mʕəˈjɛŋ.əsp zda ˈpu.a/
- German: Blumekratische Republik Pua/blˌuːmɛkɾˈɑːtɪʃə rˈeːpuːblˌɪk pˈuːɑː/
- Isle Narkevin: Mewaħiz Majæňosp zda Pūa /meˈwa.hiz maˈjɛŋ.osp zda ˈpuː.a/
- Kathyrian Urmhu: Puua Left Puua Left [ˈpuwə left̚]
- Knrawi: Sewàhit Mausárnanta Pûua[x̟əʍa˩hɛt mɛwx̟a˥ɹnɛntɔ pʊ˥˩wɛ]
- Old Narkevin: Mewaiz Majeƞusp zda Pua /mɛˈwa.iz maˈjɛɴ.usp zda puˈa/
- Romanian: Republica Florăcrată Pua /repˈublikˌa flˌoɾəkrˈatə pwˈa/
- Russian: Флоракратическая Республика Пуа Florakraticheskaya Respublika Pua/fɭʌrʌkratʲˈit͡ʃʲiskʌj͡a rʲispˈubɭʲika pˈua/
- Śácamþaśá: pAiqmiorTANqi qmigwfa N/apu Puáń Fáwumiq Cecarámiqipa /pɯɑ̯ɲ fɒːβ̞ʷumiχ cɪcɐrɑːmiqipɐ/
- Soc'ul': Xojait Miuyan' Buua[ʃo̞˥xʷɒ˧jt mi˧ɣʷɰa˩nˀ bu˧ɣʷa˧]
- Spanish: República Floracrática de Puá /ɾɾepˈuβlika flˌoɾakɾˈatika dˈe pwˈa/
- Toki Pona: ma Puwa pi nasin suno kama /ma ˈpu.wa pi ˈna.sin ˈsu.no ˈka.ma/
- West Narkevin: Möwëïz Mëjäŋëcp zda Pwa /møˈwɤ.ʔɨz mɤˈjɛŋ.ɤʃp zda pwa/
The Blossomic Empire of Pua was an absolute monarchy encompassing a vast majority of the Pua region in the continent of Thasusa. Due to the widespread disillusionment surrounding the corrupt leadership in the Imperial government, a populist revolution began, and the King was forced to abdicate the throne.
Following the Puly Revolution the two largest populist factions of the ensuing long and bloody civil war could not agree on how best to run the country following the swift defeat of loyalist forces. The ideological split was primarily caused by differences in the religious views of each faction; those factions later became the governments of Pihi, East Pua and West Pua.
The Chilled War
Main article: The Chilled War
Further Information:Floral Curtain, Ŋerlin Wall
Immediately following the Puan Civil War the two major powers in the Pua region began separating both diplomatically and physically with the construction of border fortifications and the breakdown of cooperative discussions between East and West Pua.
Eastern Expansion
During the Scramble for Murbetia East Pua took the confusion as an opportunity to “Liberate” the eastern lands from the banks of the Blue River to the western shores of the Great Lakes of Thasusa.
Whenua-Kāo-Ua is the East Puan portion of the Acacialands in south-central Thasusa. The oblast of Whenua-Kāo-Ua had its capital designated as Sun City on 9/14/2024.
Expansion into the Kākāriki Jungle was fast on maps but slow in practice, the terrain is littered with dense jungle trees and, at night, rife with deadly creatures. The portion of jungle acquired during the Scramble for Murbetia was vast and unforgiving to the East Puan expeditionary forces tasked with charting the newly acquired territory. Following the Eastern Expansion Quing Zendrid of Aylongam officially requested full or partial control over the Paŋama Canal to which General Secretary Peaches responded by offering a 100 year lease of the canal to Aylongam.
Southern Expansion
Occuring during the Scramble for Murbetia as well, the Southern Expansion to the river comprising Aylongam's border was seen as a widely popular and successful move within the country as it brought Tongatown into the nation.
South Puawhenua & Tongatown
Due to a large amount of intermingling between the Tongatown population with nearby East Puan and Pihitian settlements the East Puan government considered Tongatown to be the perfect place to liberate following the initial annexation through to the far east. Tongatown was in rough economic shape prior to the annexation so the inhabitants welcomed the East Puan government with open arms.
Paŋamania is the nickname given to the cooperative split annexation of the Paŋama region of the Kākāriki Jungle conducted by Aylongam and East Pua. The planning occurred during the days leading up to the official annexation.
General Secretary Peaches explained the justification for this further East Puan expansion by stating "In order to prevent border gore by currently established nations, the Aylongami Quing and I have come to an agreement as to the division of this previously unclaimed territory in a manner deemed amicable by both parties." Thus forming the Paŋama Oblast upon the East Puan portion of the Paŋama peninsula.
The lease of the Paŋama Canal to Aylongam by East Pua, additionally, extends to the newly acquired half of the canal for the remainder of the lease.
Order No. 227
Following the apparent dissolution of Amuj, East Puan General Secretary Peaches stated
"I am instating Order No. 227, Any non-Puan nation that attempts to colonize within the Pua region shall be, in turn, invaded and annexed by the Floracratic Republic of Pua."
This order was said to be initiated in order to protect the regional interests of all Pua nations in times of crisis from potentially hostile foreign powers or nations hoping to benefit from regional instability. Some critics of the policy regard it as East Pua exerting unreasonable and unjustified control over the region for their own gain, to which the General Secretary issued the following statement on October 9, 2024:
"Regardless of what the West claims to desire I have issued Order No. 227 to their benefit and in defense of their right to self determination just as I had hoped they would do for the Floracratic Republic of Pua. My counterpart in West Pua has time and time again proven to make choices and statements solely to be contrary to East Puan interests even when the West stands to gain from cooperation. We shall not falter under the criticism and naysaying and shall bring upon the region a new era of prosperity and protection. My heart goes out to all of the workers in the former Amujan states that are currently suffering. I will admit that supporting the Kyawcenni occupation of the states comes as a tough pill to swallow but rest assured I will not rest until the Pua region is free of foreign troops. Diplomatic discussions of the Amujan occupation are underway."
The Amujland Expansion
The former territories of Amuj were ultimately split between East and West Pua following the conclusion of the 2024 Nguhrovision Song Contest on November 2nd. This expanded the border between the two Puas greatly, albeit, with natural water borders rather than direct land borders. This has posed some challenges to the two governments. An additional challenge was posed in regards to the Drebzha CenRail station.
East Pua has many diverse geographical regions including acacia speckled savannah biomes, temperate forests, grassy plains, jungles and sparse jungle biomes. The most plentiful biome type is the savannahs split into two distinct regions, the one surrounding Ŋerlin, and the larger one encompassed within the Whenua-Kāo-Ua Oblast. Jungle is the second largest biome type.
The numerous flora and fauna endemic to the various biomes that make up East Pua are found within the nation. Armadillos, Llamas, Sheep, Pigs, Cows, Wolves, and Wild cats roam the wilderness. The flora is also primarily composed of endemic varieties of plant life. Some cherry blossom trees were imported from abroad and have found their new homes across East Pua.
Government and Politics
After the armistice agreement on the 12th of July 2024 the East Puan government, led by the Puan Workers' Party, set to work in changing the governing systems from the previous monarchal system to its modern socialist unitary state.
National Government
Main article: Government of the Floracratic Republic of Pua
The Council of Ministers is nominally the highest state body, it is made of ministers appointed and approved by both the Unional Kaunihera and the General Secretary. The Kaunihera works to legislate, approve and implement the decisions made by the representatives appointed to it by the oblast councils and functions as an executor of the will of the Council of Ministers and the General Secretary. The Kaunihera is tasked with managing an enormous bureaucracy responsible for the administration of the economy and society, while the Council of Ministers serves to allow for communication between the various ministries.
Political Parties
Main article: List of political parties in East Pua
Despite East Pua having multiple political parties the country is often de facto a single party state with the Puan Workers' Party serving as the primary party of legislators in East Puan government. The party holds a vast majority of seats in the Unional Kaunihera and all ministers of the Council of Ministers are de facto required to be prominent party members although de jure any party can ascend to the position of minister. Other parties are allowed to form and exist within the East Puan government but significant pushback can be expected from PWP members and even the General Secretary themself. Currently only 3 non-PWP parties hold more than 0 seats within the Kaunihera.

Main article: Federal Subjects of the FRP
In the East Puan federal system, the national government holds primary executive power with the General Secretary above all others. The highest subnational government bodies are the federal subjects. The federal subjects consist of oblasts, which make up the majority of the subjects, and metropolitans which are federal cities that reach a threshold in population, cultural significance, area, legislative significance, or are deemed to be important by the General Secretary themself.
East Pua is broken up into the following thirteen federal subjects:
- Whenua-Kāo-Ua
- Pleten
- Kākāriki
- Siniyrekaskaya
- Lepestokluga
- South Puawhenua
- Paŋama
- Kuzhgub
- Amudzh
- Dozh
Foreign Relations
East Pua initially had a neutral stance toward most geopolitical issues, taking a stance only when it affected them directly, however, following increasing West Puan efforts to expand the western bloc General Secretary Peaches made the decision to apply to join the United Ŋations on 08/25/2024[1] ending the policy of total neutrality. East Pua was admitted into the United Ŋations on 9/7/2024 during the 18th UŊ meeting. Since their admission into the UŊ the Floracratic Republic has been at the heart or near the center of numerous international issues, and are currently projected to continue this trend.
Many East Puans see Aylongam in a favorable manner despite a noted lack of official interaction between the two governments initially. Following the East Puan “liberation of the East” during the Scramble for Murbetia Aylongami Quing Zendrid requested total or partial control over the Paŋama Canal to which the East Puan General Secretary offered a 100-year lease of the East Puan segment of the canal bank. [2]
The lease was later extended to the eastern canal bank following the East Puan and Aylongami territorial expansion into the Paŋama region. The continued cooperation between the two nations contributes to the positive image of Aylongam in both propaganda and the eyes of the citizens of East Pua.
The third largest faction in the Puan Civil War were a group of Pihitian separatists, caused significant trouble for the East Puan government to such an extent that the East Puan government installed a puppet leader and created a suzerainty state by acknowledging the Pihitians preferred flower is second best to East Pua’s in exchange for their sovereignty. Pihi has been instrumental in the advancement of the Floracratic Republic's rise from a minor power within Pua to a dominating player on the world stage. Pihitian construction crews assisted in the building of the Puan Steel foundry in Port Pleten and Pihitians occasionally operate the foundry directly when East Puan laborers are unable.
West Pua
West Pua is seen by many East Puans as "an antithetical and cautionary look into the mirror of what [they] may become if perverse political forces are allowed to blossom within [their] borders." [3]
Xarslasjan Bezuv Agma Schwa requested an exchange of embassies between East Pua and Xarslasja on insert date here.[4] Following the island exchange between West Pua and Xarslasja on 23 August 2024 the East Puan government raised Xarslasja on the FRP ŊASCO-Index. East Pua proffered Xarslasjan entry into the South Thasusan Common Market Agreement to which Xarslasja Legislation held votes, the voting was inconclusive with an 8-8 tie. The vote caused the Ministry of Defense to lower Xarslasja on the ŊASCO-Index from 2 to 3. Following more voting Xarslasja voted to join STCMA.
Coup Sabah
On October 13th 2024, East Pua sent army and naval forces into eastern Xarslasja with the intent of ending the coup attempt and capturing Gu Sabah. The Shea Island Naval Complex was blockaded and besieged by the 3st Puna Peere Fleet.
Corneria along with Oberia and East Pua formed the First Interŋational on 9/24/2024 to support the struggle of workers and villagers worldwide.
Kingdom of Kyaw Cen
The Kingdom of Kyaw Cen is depicted positively by East Puan government channels and thought of favorably by many East Puan citizens. Despite General Secretary Peaches stating the Kingdom of Kyaw Cen to be "a potentially concerning agent of imperialism but too far to be of any real threat alone," [5] the East Puan government sent an aid package of sand and sandstone to Kyawcenni Pua on 8/30/2024 in order to assist the local colonial government in “Reverse Greenification” and construction of infrastructure.
Oberia is one of three current members of the First Interŋational alongside Corneria.
Port of Eras
East Pua engaged in some limited trade with Port of Eras in August of 2024.
Realm of Madness
The Realm of Madness supplied East Pua with critical weapons technologies[6] which were previously elusive to the country.
Former nations
There were no substantive interactions between the two nations prior to the collapse of Murbetia.
North Amuj
North Amujan diplomats requested East Puan entry into the Transpunese Economic Union on 2024-07-20 but East Puan officials rejected the offer because of West Pua's entry into the union. Following statements by the North Amujan Gepach stating East Pua to be "ðe most disgustingly evil place on Ŋearþ. I will not let West Puans get wiþin even a kilometer of ðat country's worth of wretched scum," lead to the Ministry of Defense raising North Amuj on the ŊASCO-Index from 2 to 1.
South Amuj
General Secretary Peaches of East Pua put out an official recognition of South Amuj mere minutes after the state broke away from North Amuj. During the culmination of Amujxplosion East Pua moved troops into the Kuzhgub Peninsula in order to maintain the peace. General Secretary Peaches issued FRP Order No. 227 with the goal of "prevent[ing] imperialist vultures from picking at the corpse of a Puan nation." Many critics viewed this as the FRP leader strong arming foreign powers in order to advance East Pua's territorial ambitions within the region.[7] Supporters of the General Secretary viewed this as a victory for the workers of Kuzhgub as well as workers everywhere.
Main article: Ministry of Defense of the FRP
Further Information: Puan Army of Liberation
The Ministry of Defense is one of the many ministries governed by the ministers in the Council of Ministers. The Ministry of Defense oversees the FRP ŊASCO-Index as well as the Puan Army of Liberation. Defense against the political and military forces of West Pua is seen as their number one priority. The Ŋerlin Wall and broader defenses of the Floral Curtain are also overseen by the Ministry.
Operation Bezuv Shield
Main article: Operation Bezuv Shield
Further Information: Coup Sabah
On October 10th 2024 Gu Sabah, leader of the Xarslasja Port Authority, initiated a coup d'état with the intent to depose his father, Xarslasja Bezuv Agamashuya. The Floracratic Republic of Pua deemed this to be a major threat to national security and began Operation Bezuv Shield with the hopes of stopping the coup before it lead to the destruction of Xarslasja.
General Secretary
The General Secretary is the leader of East Pua and often the Chairman of the Puan Workers' Party. The General Secretary is chosen by the Unional Kaunihera once the term ends for the previous General Secretary. The current term length is indefinite by decree of General Secretary Peaches and will likely last until his death.

Whare Rangatira
The official residence of the General Secretary is the Whare Rangatira a massive estate taking up much of Rangatira Island in the lakes connected to the Blue River. Often described by critics as an "Evil Lair" it was constructed throughout September of 2024 and is currently still unfinished.
Colonies and condominiums
Officially, colonies and condominiums are fundamentally abhorred by East Pua. They are deemed to be "imperialistic" and "anti-selfdetermination" (sic). This policy applies to East Puan territorial expansion doctrine and the expansionistic history of the nation through the ideal that "all territorial gains by East Pua must, excluding exceptions deemed reasonable by the government, be fully integrated with the rest of the nation as a Metropolitan or Oblast and be, excluding exceptions deemed reasonable by the government, as contiguously connected to East Pua as reasonably possible and or have a reasonable proximity to East Pua."
Defense from the "imperialist dogs" of West Pua was seen as vital and much government effort went toward the planning of these defensive structures and networks, however due to the FRP Fuel Crisis of July 2024 the projects were unable to break ground on their prospective start dates. An internal study found that the East Puan economy was "the best and greatest to ever exist" and that "[their] economic policies are rivaled by no other land." [8] Refined metals are a major industry in East Pua with the state-owned Transpuan Steel Corporation being the primary fabricator of steel and a biproduct of red dye that can act as fertilizer when treated properly.
The Puan Unity Argent is the official currency of East Pua, adopted on 9/16/2023. The currency was also adopted by Kyawcenni Pua and Pihi, along with the former South Amuj following the South Thasusan Common Market Agreement.
The Ministry of People's September 2024 Census surveyed many houses in the major population centers of East Pua and found that the current population was around 90 with a 67% confidence level. The population is made up almost entirely of villagers which have the same rights in East Pua as players[9].
The official language of East Pua is English, however, other non-official languages are present in the country, including speakers of German, Russian, Toki Pua and Herng (Villagerese).
Many proper nouns in East Pua are transliterations or altered versions of Maori words, including the name of the country itself.
Russian is also occasionally utilized similarly for the naming of proper nouns, however, Cyrillic is rarely used despite the General Secretary's enjoyment of the script and its aesthetic. German is rarely used for proper nouns, the language was proposed to be adopted as a secondary language given the higher number of speakers currently residing in the Pua region, this proposition passed on 19 November 2024 and was seen as a win for the Deutsche Sprachpartei although their primary goal of changing the primary official language to German remains.
The East Puan federal subjects within the Pua region favor Russian for their proper nouns whereas the more newly integrated federal subjects prefer names with Maori/Toki Pua roots, the exception being the Paŋama Oblast as it was named after the nearby Paŋama Canal.
Main article: Religion in Pua
The people of the Floracratic Republic of Pua officially worship the sole state religion of Cornflorism a sect of Florism that believes in Cornflower primacy above the Oxeye Daisy and Allium flowers respectively. Followers of Ætérnalism and its branches and sects are tolerated in East Pua, however they can occasionally expect to be discriminated against due to the fierce national devotion to the Cornflower.
Culture and Society
East Puans have always had a distinct culture when compared to the various groups within Pua. Their art, literature, music, fashion and other cultural identifiers reflect these differences.
Culturally, the country has been described as having the values of national unity, strong work ethic, a broad sense of duty to one's community and a passion for state-approved art.
Many in East Pua are native Puans with some being Pihitian. East Pua also hosts a number of expats[10] primarily from nearby or neighboring nations.
Many forms of free speech are censored within the nation including flag desecration, hate speech, blasphemy, lese-majesty and desecration of state icons.
Cornflorism is the state religion as well as the religion of majority. Alliumist Florism, Traditional Florism, Ætérnalist Alliumism and Ætérnalism while not banned outright are discouraged to varying degrees.
The Floracratic Republic of Pua is a socially progressive country with permissive attitudes surrounding human sexuality. LGBT rights in East Pua are advanced by global standards.
East Puan authors primarily focus on retelling ancient Puan mythology, folklore and historical documentation. Philosophy, economics, military information and other more serious topics are also written about but to a lesser degree. The East Puan romanticism movement is in full swing and is wildly popular within the nation's literature.
East Pua is considering nominating an East Puan musician for Nguhrovision due to West Pua considering the same. East Puan music tends to be very industrial in nature, mirroring the ideals of the nation. The nominee from East Pua has yet to be announced despite the rapidly approaching deadlines for entry into the competition.
The Floracratic Republic of Pua has a large fashion industry, however much of the fashion in the nation is dominated by either formal clothing that is generally utilitarian in nature with functionality dominating form. Some exceptions exist, however, counterculture clothing choices are shunned socially. Many jobs have a strict dress-code and some have designated uniforms. Even the General Secretary has a strict uniform code, although no one will comment on the General Secretary's conformity or lack of conformity to the aforementioned uniform code. Ŋerlin is the largest hub of clothing manufacture and fashion design in the Floracratic Republic.
Due to the occasional famines of East Pua's past the government has imported tons of raw cod from the nearby Blighted Shrine Guardian Farm. The practice has been criticized by some who see it as detrimental to East Puan food production, but they are often silenced by the chewing sounds of tens of people eating freshly cooked cod. The cod has since become the national fish and, when cooked, is the national dish of East Pua.
Competitive boating, nether quartz mining races and martial arts are common sporting events within East Pua.
Another popular sporting event, primarily to spectate, is Southern Loop speedruns which provide entertainment to the population of Kanga. The Southern Line currently takes players through Kanga's station and occasionally brings in a large crowd. Participation in the events is encouraged by the government and the hope is to get an East Puan on the leaderboard one day.
Once Drebzha is fully integrated following the 2024 Nguhrovision Song Contest there are plans for the government of East Pua to officially sponsor an East Puan citizen's run on the Southern Line.
As with the literature industry, the East Puan art industry is currently primarily made up of artists depicting the East Puan Romanticism movement primarily regarding Puan folklore. An extensive movement revolving around Socialist Realism exists, especially when viewing officially produced government propaganda. The Socialist Realism is encouraged by the government as well. Art is wildly important to East Puan culture.
References and Footnotes
- ↑ https://discord.com/channels/697450809390268467/1206001705490325524/1277274441079984233
- ↑ reference?
- ↑ reference?
- ↑ reference?
- ↑ reference?
- ↑ a trident
- ↑ Need the reference to Oressian claims that the order was crap
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWDrfcxWsuM
- ↑ None
- ↑ East Pua rarely offers dual citizenship opportunities and illegal residence within the nation is a punishable offense