United Ŋations Meetings
The Meetings of the United Ŋations are meetings of at least a quarter of member Ŋations. The motions are written down in the constitution, the interŋational law or the executives book.
First Meeting
DATE: 07 February 2024
- Marcy (Kyaw Cen)
- Xhesas (Republica Atlantica)
- Annwan (Imershal)
A United Ŋations meeting is a joint conversiation of representents of member ŋations. A Motion is a desision by the United Ŋations. It can be:
- A decision on common rules (Legal Motion)
- A decision on workings of the United Ŋations (Constitutional Motion)
- A decision on an action of the United Ŋations. (Executive Motion)
A Motion can be voted on by a member ŋation during a meeting. A Motion may be supported at any time by a member ŋation by offically announcing so.
Of the vexillogy of the United Ŋations
The standard of the United Ŋations is a Bright Azur banner adorned in its center by a silver globe.
Of the process of aproving new motions
For a motion to be prolmugated it shall:
- Be proposed in a United Ŋations meeting where are participants representents from at least three (3) member ŋations.
- Be aproved by a majority vote of the ŋations present at the meeting.
Of the acessions of new ŋations to the United Ŋations
For a ŋation to be recognised as a member of the United Ŋations it shall:
- Have an official name, and if that name is not in the Latin Alphabet (as defined by the Unicode Consortium), have a official translation or transliteration of said name.
- Be ruled by one or more active players on the Ŋəcraft server.
- Have a territorial claim that has been reasonably asked for and agreed by consensus of other Ŋəcraft players.
It is also recomeneded to ease the acession process that a ŋation have:
- At least one recognised official language
- A standard easilly reproducible within Minecraft's heraldric and vexillologic framework.
Of the use of ŋational and local scripts in texture additions.
Fonts for ŋational and local scripts may be installed insofar as they:
- Use the private-use areas of the Unicode Character space
- Signage using the script must also be provided in a script suported by the default textures of Minecraft
A working specifications of the United Ŋations specifies the sections of the Private-Use Areas currently in use by the ŋational and local scripts of member ŋations shall be created. An Office for Script Management shall be created to maintain said specification. The office of script management shall assign code points to requesting scripts within reason in a way that avoids collisions in the character space. Scripts shall be registred at the Office of Script management.
Of the working language of the Organisation
English is the working language of the United Ŋations.
Of the offices of the United Ŋations
An office of the United Ŋations is a mission assigned by the United Ŋations to a citizen of a member ŋation to ensure the smooth proceedings of the Organisation. An office can be established by the promulgation of Constitutional or Legal Motion An office can be disbanded by a Motion of the same type as the one that established it.
An officer can appointed to any office by the promulgation of an Executive Motion. An officer may resign from their office at any time for any reason. In case of a resignation, a temporary appointement can be made by support of at least 2 member ŋations that will last until the next meeting. An executive motion suported by at least half of all member ŋations (whose support will be recorded into the motion) can remove an officer from their office. A new officer must be appointed in the same meeting, or the office disbanded. All offices of the Organisation shall have an officer be be appointed to it or be disbanded by the end of a meeting.
Appointment of an officer for script management
Xhesas (Representent and Leader from Republica Atlantica) is appointed Officer for Script Management
Establishement of the office of the Archives
The office of the Archives of the United Ŋations is established The office of the Archives shall store and render motions promulgated at meetings of the United Ŋations into a format readable on the server. The motions shall be sorted into different files by their type. The Archivist shall deliver copies of the texts of the Organisation upon request.
Appointment of an officer of the Archives
Marcy (Representent and leader of the Kingdom of Kyaw Cen) is appointed officer of the Archives
Of the strength of constitutional motions
In addition to the normal vote, a constitutional montion shall be supported by a three fifths (3/5) of the member ŋations.
All motions have been passed to the unanimity of the present representants.
Second Meeting
DATE: 08 February 2024
- Marcy (Kyaw Cen)
- Xhesas (Republica Atlantica)
- Annwan (Imershal)
Starting Motion 2:
- Lutrinae (Entzo)
Admission of a new ŋation
Is hereby admitted to the United Ŋations the Pirate Republic of Entzo.
- Name: Pirate Republic of Entzo
- Ruler: Lutrinae [MurderedNPCs]
- Territory: Area north of Noseless Yoshi's Island
- Official Language(s): Nohenààtza
The flag is to be presented at the HQ of the United Ŋations in Yija. The exact borders are to be presented at the HQ of the United Ŋations in Ŋations in Yija.
A bridge or tunnel accros a body of water must leave at least 7 blocks free for block traffic every 100 blocks of span. The previous paragraph only applies to bodies of water at least 7 blocks wide. If the body of water is narrower than 7 blocks and intended as a water way it must leave at least 3 blocks free for boat traffic. To be considered free for boat traffic a passage shall:
- Be empty for at least 3 blocks above the water level
- Be composed only of water sources or waterlogged blocks with no collision for at least 2 blocks below the water level.
The water level of navigable water bodies is set to the global ocean water level.
Admission of a new ŋation
Is hereby admitted to the United Ŋations the Lesbian Empire of Kīvengṓ
- Name: The Lesbian Empire of Kīvengṓ
- Ruler: april9959 (Ȝahíycendlíc) [useless_lesbian]
- Territory: Peninsula at 4000/-3000, from the village and all west of it.
- Official Language(s): Classical Ngōnsa, Teyę̂ŭ
The flag is to be presented at the HQ of the United Ŋations in Yija. The exact borders are to be presented at the HQ of the United Ŋations in Yija.
Establish an office of Cartography
A role of the office of Cartography is to standardise the English names of landmasses and body of waters for easier comunication among member ŋations. A role of the office of Cartography is to publish regular maps of the server.
Nomination to the office of Cartography
Marcy (representant and leader of the Kingdom of Kyaw Cen) is named officer of Cartography.
All motions have been passed to the unanimity of present representatives.
Third Meeting
Date: 12 February 2024
Represented ŋations
- Pirate Republic of Hentzo
- Free City of Imershal
- Kingdom of Kyaw Cen
- Enkavak
- Kȍzdenen
Starting motion 4
- Kog'eññe
Of a spelling clarifications
- The following member ŋations shall have there spelling amended:
- Pirate Republic of Entzo → Pirate Republic of Hentzo.
- Islands of Ximh Gwynq → Islands of Ximh Gwynh
Of the act of partially cutting trees
One shall not leave a tree partially cut, and floating. Should one be found leaving tree partially cut, they shall go back to the site and clean up the situation, a warning might be issued.
Of the admission of a new ŋation
Is hereby admitted to the United Ŋations Kog'eññe
- Name: Kog'eññe
- Ruler: Cambiae
- Territory: around 3200 / -200
- Offical language(s): English, Cogdisni
The flag is to be presented at the HQ of the United Ŋations in Yija. The exact borders are to be presented at the HQ of the United Ŋations in Yija.
Of embassies and other diplomatic missions
Passed with textual aprobation of Þunan Qumreá
An embassy is the seat of a diplomatic mission in a foreign ŋation. An embassy's soil is considered to be that of the country it is physically in. Within the borders of an embassy, the laws of the country sending the mission are to be respected. A diplomatic mission is to be granted imunity within the limits of the ambassy. United Ŋations laws and treaties superceed the previous paragraph An embassy has to be jointly approved by the ŋation sending the diplomatic mission and the ŋation recieving the mission, a copy of the agreement has to be submitted to the United Ŋations for archiving.
Of the overarching rules of the server
This motions is considered a self-evident truth and thus as been automatically passed.
The rules of server superceed the rules of the United Ŋations at all times and in all places.
Fourth Meeting
DATE: 2024 February 18
- Enkavak
- Kyaw Cen
- Imershal
- Myžariky
Of the admission of a new ŋation
Is hereby admited to the United Ŋations the ŋation of Nariŋpar.
- Official Name: Nariŋpar
- Ruler: Szlanty
- Land Area: Island of Narȷuƞiv́a
- Official Language: Narkevin
- Flag: tierced per fess, azure argent and vert, a fusil argent, a roundel azur.
Banner for Ímersial: Party per bend sinister vert dark and bright, a bend sinister argent, a bezant copper.
Banner for Myžariky: Party per pall azure, vert and gold, a bezant argent.
Fifth Meeting
Date: 06 March 2024
- Enkavak
- Kyaw Cen
- Imershal
- Hentzo (For motions 1--4)
Admission of a new nation
- Official Name: The Great Kingdom of Aylongam (Vâ Qvâ Modreng Aylongam)
- Ruler: Driêng Zendrid of Nilat Vyuông
- Territory: as shown on map
- Official Language: Xindvâ
- Flag: red banner, blue chief, yellow flower charge, yellow lozenge, blue per fess inverted, white roundel
Of the backing of currencies for interŋational trade
Currencies used for interŋational trade should be backed by a non-renewable resource. A suggested backing resource is diamond
Establish an Office of Monetary Affairs
A role of the office of Monetary Affairs is to calculate exchange rates for currencies based on their backing
- If two currencies are backed by the same resource, exchange rates shall be calculated plainly using that resource as an intermediary
- If two currencies do not share a common backing resource, an trade rate for the two resources shall be surveyed for and an exchange rate calculated
- The trade rate of backing resoruce shall be reevaluated on a regular basis
- Recalculating the exchange rate of two resources shall propagate to the exchange rates of all currencies using those ressources
A role of the office of Monetary Affairs is to publish official exchange rates for the currencies in a form accessible to all.
Nomination of an officer of Monetary Affairs
Annwan (representent and leader of the Free City of Imersial) is named officer for Monetary Affairs
Of the representation of names of ŋations
Should be available an official version of the name of written only using characters in the Printable ASCII range (Unicode U+20 to U+7E inclusive) for the use of transcripts and colloquial conversation.
Sixth Meeting
DATE: 23 March 2024
- Enkavak
- Kyaw Cen
- Imershal
- Hentzo
- Tantsang
Admission of a new ŋation
Is hereby admitted to the United Ŋations Hummland
- Official Name: Republic of the Hummland isles
- Ruler: hummus
- Territory: as shown on map
- Official Language: -
- Flag: blue base, red upper left diagonal, blue horizontal bottom half, white square cross, white diagonal cross
Admission of a new ŋation
Is hereby admitted to the United Ŋations Murbetia
- Official Name: Murbetia
- Ruler: Witusiek
- Territory: as shown on map
- Official Language: Murbetian, English
- Flag: orange base with white cross
Of the establishment of the Dino Island Protectorate
The island known as Dino Island is proclaimed as a United Ŋation protectorate in the goal of making it a community industrial area.
Of the purchase of goods as the United Ŋations
- The possibility of a buying of a good or service has to be announced before a United Ŋations meeting.
- The Purchase of a service or good has to be stated in an executive motion with the price to be paid and which ŋations will pay what part of the price
- If the purchase is about a good, this good will be a property of the United Ŋations and will be treated as a common good.
- If a decision about a common good is to be made, it will be made in an executive motion.
Of the establishment of the Interŋational Court of Justice
- If the scenario of of going against interŋational law is given, the Interŋational Court of Justice has the right to judge the situation given the additional laws about judgement and in the case of wrongdoing, to punish the defendant.
- If someone wishes to bring a situation to the court, the court has the right to judge over it like in (1).
- Every time the court is operating, a jury of at least three members has to be appointed in front of the court, as well as someone who documents the operation. They can also be in the jury.
- The jury must not be involved in the case.
- The jury must not have any conflicting interest?
- The jury has to be appointed in an executive motion.
- The defendant has to be able to defend themself and some person who is also involved in the case also has to be able to represent themself and the jury has to acknowledge every opinion and every proof or evidence inside of the judgement.
Every motion has been passed with 100% of the representants. The constitutional motions will be passed after the approval of 9 out of 15 ŋations, which is not the case at the time of writing.
Edit: The constitutional motion of the purchase of goods as the United Ŋations has been passed with the approval of the following 13 member ŋations:
- Kozdenen
- Nariŋpar
- Murbetia
- Aylongam
- Imersial
- Kyaw Cen
- Þunan Qumreá
- Hentzo
- Enkavak
- Hummland
- Islands of Ximh Gwynh
- Kog'ennnne
- Tantsang
The constitutional motion of the establishment of the Interŋational Court of Justice has been passed with the approval of the following 12 member ŋations:
- Kozdenen
- Nariŋpar
- Aylongam
- Imersial
- Kyaw Cen
- Myžariky
- Hentzo
- Enkavak
- Hummland
- Islands of Ximh Gwynh
- Kog'ennnne
- Tantsang
and the unacceptance of the following one member ŋation:
- Þunan Qumreá
Seventh Meeting
Date: 02 April 2024
- Hentzo
- Humland
- Enkavak
- Kogennnne
- Imersial
- Þunan ŋáce (Remotely)
Admit the bezuvate of Xarslasja (see wiki)
- 6 out 6 present: passed
Admit Amuj
- CMCollective
- official language: Sesje
- Party by saltire, celeste in chief and base, copper in dexter and sinster, a roundel purpure
- 4 out 6 present: passed
Kyaw Cen joins
Admit Oblane Wybrzeże
- 0 out 7 rejected
Admit Stej Ven
- Celeste, a pale gold, a base argent
- 6 out 7: passed
Eighth Meeting
Date: 02 April 2024
- Humland
- Hentzo
- Kog'ennnne
- Þunan Qumreá
- Enkavak
- Imersial
- Kyaw Cen (Remote)
- Stej Ven
- Aylongam
Special session on envrironmental protection
Establish an ecologigical preservation bank
- In the palace of Ŋations
- Containing every sapling, crop, or flower that can be planted and grown or duplicated.
- It should also include:
- Sniffer Eggs
- Turtle Eggs
- Chicken Eggs
- Vote: 8 in favour, 1 abstains: passed
Office of environmental protection
- Is in charge of the maintainance of the Ecologigical Protection Bank
- Can be missionned by a motion or by the Interŋational Court of Justice to perform ecologigical maintenance actions.
- Vote: 8 in favour, 1 abstains: passed
Nomination of Kakavasha "Aventurine" "Lutrinae" from Hentzo as Officer of Environmental Protection
- Aproving: 6
- Abstentions: 3
- Opposing: 0
- Passed
Nominations for the office of environmental protection:
- Kakavasha "Aventurine" "Lutrinae", Hentzo → 5
- Rivulet "Lutrinae" of Hentzo → 0
- Hummus "hummus bread" of Hummland → 4
Ninth Meeting
Date: 10 April 2024
- Þunan Qumreá
- Hummland
- Enkavak
- Hentzo (Remote, left after first motion)
- Ímersial
- Nāroňpār (Left after 3rd motion, rejoined starting 5th motion)
- Myžariky (Starting 3rd motion)
Nomination of an archivist
// Nominations // - Annwan >1 // - Seo 0
Nomination of Annwan:
- Approving: 6
- Abstentions: 0
- Opposing: 0
On withers
A rogue wither is a wither that was summonned and subsequently lost control of.
A wither cage is a contraption with the goal of containing a wither for long term use.
- Wither for the purpose of collecting nether stars should be summoned outside of any claim without accord of the claimant, and not within 200 blocks of any player-made structure, as well as rare or significant minecraft structure. at the exception of purpose built wither fighting places, after acceptance of those by a UŊ executive motion.
- Withers in cages must be decalred prior to the construction and summoning of the wither and and approved by an executive motion.
- Should a wither go rogue and destroy property:
- If the wither was summoned for the purpose of collecting nether stars, it is the responsability of the summoner
- But if the summoner loses control of the wither due to a third party, that third party shall be responsible instead
- If the wither escapes from a known and registered wither cage, the responsability is within the party who caused the breach, negligence and misdesign of the cage counts as causing the breach for the purpose of this paragraph.
- If the wither escapes from an unregistered wither cage the responsability lies soley on the builder of the unregistered cage.
- In favour: 5 of 5
- Abstaining: 0 of 5
- Against: 0 of 5
Admission of Spansos Gaming

- Official Name: Spansos gaming
- Ruler: Spans
- Territory: see image
- Official Language: English
- Flag: cyan banner, gray cross, cyan bordure, cyan chief, cyan base, gray flower charge (dont really like it but i couldnt think of anything better than recreating my main base as seen from above
- In favor: 6 of 6
- Abstaining: 0 of 6
- Against: 0 of 6
Admission of Knrawi
- Ruler: ŋ’t
- Name: Discount Knrawi Isles
- Language: <?>
- Claim: Unknown area around <-4920/7482>
Unclear borders (TQ|IM|MZ|EK|HM)
- In favour: 0 of 5
- Abstaining: 0 of 5
- Against: 5 of 5
UŊ Peacekeeping Force
- An armed force under command of the UŊ shall be established under the name of “UŊ Peacekeeping Force”
- The Peacekeeping force is composed of available members of the armed forces of member ŋations.
- In the case of a Minecraft-natural emergency (including, but not limited to, raids and loose large and/or destructive mobs) the Peacekeeping Force may be called upon by messaging in #UŊ-thread
- Acts of violence against an active member of the Peacekeeping Force is punishable by the Interŋational court of justice.
- In favour: 6 of 6
- Abstaining: 0 of 6
- Against: 0 of 6
Of the retrogradation of inactive and unlawful ŋations
- A ŋation of which all the politically active players have been inactive both in the game and in the server-related channels of the discord server for at least 60 days may be demoted to the status of observer ŋation and thus lose it’s member privileges by the means of an executive motion follow’d by support of ⅗ of the member ŋations.
- A ŋation of which all the politically active players have been inactive both in the game and in the server-related channels of the discord server for at least 120 days may be demoted to the status of observer ŋation and thus lose it’s member privileges by the means of an executive motion.
- A ŋation of which all the politically active players have been banned from the minecraft server shall be removed from the UŊ.
- A ŋation of which all politically active players have left the Ŋəcord server for more than 7 days shall be removed from the UŊ.
- The Interŋational court of justice may rule that a ŋation be stripped of it’s member status. Such a ruling may be contested in front of a UŊ meeting. Shall a contestation be presented, the stripping of member ship is put to vote during the meeting, and then supported by ⅗ of member ŋations.
- In Favour: 6 of 6
- Abstaining: 0 of 6
- Against: 0 of 6
Tenth Meeting
Date: 15 April 2024
- Kyaw Cen
- Kog'ennnne
- Hummland
- Hentzo
- Amuj
- Þunan Qumreá
- Enkavak
- Imersial
- Kozdenen (Starting 2)
Demotion of Kivengṓ to Observer (EXEC)
Given 60 days of server innactivity Given lack of participation in the UŊ We demote Kivengṓ to Observer state.
- «Yeah, whatever lmao» — April of Kivengṓ
- «Now I have to take Ecgbørht out to eat grass» — Seo of Þunan Qumreá (Requested by Namnak Xhesas of Enkavak)
- «Passed with L + Ratio» — Bastet of Kog'ennnne
- In Favour: 8
- Against: 0
- Abstaining: 0
Passed on condition of support
Admission of Civuyiscàjrn

- Name: Civuyiscàjrn
- Ruler: ŋ't
- Borders: As seen on image, around -5k/7.5k
- In Favour: 9 of 9
- Abstaining: 0 of 9
- Against: 0 of 9
Let Ecgbørht have his desk
- 7 in favour
- 2 Abstaining
- 0 against
Eleventh Meeting
Date: 20 April 2024
- ʒimh gwynh
- þunan Ŋáce
- Hentzo
- Hummlad
- Kyaw Cen
- Murbetia
- Myžariky
- Enkavak
- Nāroňpār
- Ímersial
- Leporia [Starting @ 2]
Admission of the Serene Queendom of Leporia (EXEC)
- Name: Serene Queendom of Leporia
- Ruler: Charlotte (Queen), Sven (Prime Minister)
- Location: on the lake near 1700 -6200
- Official Languages: Spanish, Leporin
- Banner: Argent, a pale sable
- “She is Messiah :3” -- Everyone
Y: 10 A: 0 N: 0
Of the safety of roads and public spaces (LEX)
- Having observed that many roads and public spaces are improperly lit, resulting in unsafe conditions
- Having observed multiple deaths resulting from improperly lit up roads
- It is mandated that Ŋations make sure by way of light or otherwise that no hostile monster may spawn or enter in a public area.
- Shall a public area not comply any passer-by may render it safe by the way of light sources without complaints from the territory owner
Y: 7 A: 4 N: 0
Of ŋations leaving the UŊ of their own vollition (CON)
- A ŋation may leave the UŊ of their own vollition at any time.
Y: 11 A: 0 N: 0
PASSED on constraint of 12 supports
Edit: Motion 11.3 Fully supported
Twelfth Meeting
DATE: 27 April 2024
- Amuj
- Aylongam
- Civuyiscajrn
- Enkavak
- Fishland (admitted this meeting)
- Hentzo
- Hummland
- i Êpcêm (admitted this meeting)
- Kozdenen
- Kyaw Cen
- Leporia
- Myžariky
- Stej Venn
- Tantsang
- Þunan Qumreá
Motion: Admission of a new ŋation (EXEC)
Is hereby admitted to the United Ŋations Dhourigkàn
- Official Name: United Republic of Dhourigkàn
- Ruler: Umbra
- Territory: see wiki page
- Official Language: Eirvau, Gunerazantya, Ippi
- Flag: [fill this in later please; see wiki]
Ayes: 13
Motion: Admission of a new ŋation (EXEC)
Is hereby admitted to the United Ŋations Fishland
- Official Name: The Fishdom of Fishland
- Ruler: Her Fishness Elisa, Queen of the Fishdom, Leader of the Fishbowl, Maiden of the Fishfolk, Chieftess of the Merfolk, PhD
- Territory: see map thread
- Official Language: English, Alpic, Venetian
- Flag: [fill this in later please; see wiki]
(Tantsang left the meeting while this motion was in progress.)
Ayes: 12
Motion: Admission of a new ŋation (EXEC)
Is hereby admitted to the United Ŋations i Êpcêm
- Official Name: i Êpcêm Mûn-nan
- Ruler: Maple
- Territory: see map
- Official Language: English, Câyngqasang
- Flag: [fill this in later please]
Ayes: 11
Abstained: 2
Motion: Admission of a new ŋation (EXEC)
Is hereby admitted to the United Ŋations Zotazil
- Official Name: Second Imperial Colony of Zotazil in Nguhcraft
- Ruler: Trixie
- Territory: see map
- Official Language: Hurga ker Maja, English
- Flag: [fill this in later please]
Ayes: 14
Discussion: On ‘a certain someone’s’ (aka ÞQ) expanding into literal hell
Hentzo addresses the fact that there should probably be some manner of regulation as to how territory should be claimed in the nether, if at all.
Enkavak proposes restricting territorial claims to above the nether roof and to make the rest of the nether unclaimable.
Hummland proposes that any portal exit linked to an entry in a ŋation should establish a territorial claim on the area around the exit portal.
ÞQ also proposes making the area below the roof unclaimable.
Several members agree that the exit portal idea would be complicated to implement and that it would be reasonable to make the entire nether, including the roof, unclaimable.
Several members propose that portals in the nether shall not be obstructed by a third party.
Motion: Restriction on Territorial Claims in the Nether (LEG)
No ŋation shall claim territory in the Nether, whether below the roof or above; any territorial claims heretofore made are hereby declared null and void.
- Enkavak: ‘Can you please start using dark mode?’
- Hentzo: ‘There is no fucking Notepad dark mode.’
- Enkavak: ‘I don’t fucking care.’
Ayes: 11
Noes: 1
Abstained: 2
Discussion: Follow-up
Hentzo proposes that structures in the nether should be protected and owned by no ŋation.
Enkavak mentions that ŋations should still be able to own structures.
Motion: On Player-Built Structures in the Nether (LEG)=
A structure is defined as any player-made, reasonably contiguous aggregation of blocks built with a select purpose. No ŋation shall disturb, damage, loot from, etc., a structure built by another player or ŋation without that player’s or ŋation’s permission.
- Portals, houses, anything that would generally be classified as a ‘building’ are structures.
- A bridge built with express purpose to be traversed repeatedly is a structure.
- An abandoned bridge that is left unused is not a structure.
(Leporia left the meeting while this motion was in progress.)
(Amuj left the meeting while this motion was in progress.)
Ayes: 11
Abstained: 1
Discussion: Follow-up
Marcy is no longer able to act as Officer of Catography, so Ætérnal will informally be helping with that. No motion on this subject; Marcy remains Officer of Cartography, albeit de jure only.
Thirteenth Meeting
Date: 17 May 2024
- Hentzo (represented by Gwen and Aventurine)
- Imerśal (represented by Annwan)
- Fishland (represented by Elisa)
- Enkavak (represented by Namnak Xhesas)
- Hummland (represented by Hummus)
- Kyaw Cen (represented by Quing Marcy I, in abstensia)
- Aylongam (represented by Zendrid)
- Murbetia (represented by Reansi)
- Leporia (represented by Sven)
- Ŋ3
Admission of Uaiġmnmo (EXEC)
Name: Authority of Uaiġmnmo /ˈwɐjɣmᵊnmɤ/ (or Waighmnmo)
Ruler: Fīl (@pokuls)
Territory: see map
Banner: Tierced per pale argent, or and gueules, a turned pile sable in base.
Official Language(s): Waighin, English, Livonian
- Fnuuy name — Namnak Xhesas Geaumi Ŋaemvaimaiinii Mavellikino
Ayes: 4 Noes: 1 Abstained: 4
On The Preservation of Natural Resources that Could be Saved by the Use of Reasonable Renewable Methods (LEGAL)
- Is deemed renewable by reasonable methods any resource that can be obtained renewably in arbitraraly large amounts given arbitrarily large inputs and arbitrarily large setups.
- Wilderness is deemed to be any land that is unclaimed by any ŋation or player.
- The collection of resources that are renewable by reasonable methods shall not be done in mass from the wilderness. Instead one shall use renewable methods to acquire it.
- The collection of resources not renewable by reasonable methods may happen, but the one collecting shall make sure to not leave the terrain too disformed
- This motion doesn’t apply to the Nether
Ayes: 8 Noes: 0 Abstained: 1
On additional missions of the Office of Environmental Protection (LEGAL)
- A Meeting of the United Ŋations can declare nature reserves in unclaimed areas
- Those reserves are to be kept free from resource harvesting or building
- The Office of Environmental Protection is missioned to ensure the respect of the reserves
- Once a reserve is established, any subsequent claims over the area is seen as void, and a peace keeping and environmental protection expedition may be sent to preserve its integrity.
- ‘get outta my way gay woman I've got an ecosystem to save’ — Aventurine
Ayes: 7 Noes: 1 Abstained: 1
Admission of Bramusia
Name: Branguq (Bramusia)
Ruler: Dominic (Gagma A)
Territory: see map
Banner: Tierced per pale sable, gueules and argent
Official Language(s): N/A
- ‘Terrible, atrocious rail design’ — Annwan
Ayes: 0 Noes: 5 Abstained: 4
/Leporia left
Creation of the Kog'eññe UŊ Reserve
- Is proclaimed a UŊ Reserve the territory of the former ŋation of Kog'eññe as visible in the UŊ Office of Cartography Map of a.d. viii Kal. Maias anno MMXXIV aer. vulg.
- ‘Elisa, touch this and die’ — Namnak Xhesas Geaumi Ŋaemvaimaiinii Mavellikino
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Abstained: 2
/Murbetia left
Creation of the Phoeŋix UŊ Reserve
- Is proclaimed a UŊ Reserve the contiguous mesa and desert biomes at and north of <-4050, -3900>, also known as Ŋari2na
- ‘Sorry, Fīl’ — Annwan
Ayes: 7 Noes: 0 Abstained: 0
Fourteenth Meeting
Date: 21 May 2024
- Imerśal (Annwan)
- Ettêre Ðiffyt (Sven)
- Kozdenen (Pleb)
- Hentzo (Aventurine)
- Kyaw Cen (Marcy)
- Fishland (Elisa)
- Hummland (Hummus)
- Enkavak (Xhesas)
- Waighmnmo (Fīl)
- Tantsang (JJ)
- Murbetia (Reansi)
On the establishment of an United Ŋations Education, Science and Culture Office (UŊESCO) [LEGAL]
- A mission of the UŊESCO is to protect sites of Historical, Cultural, or Scientific Significance.
- A mission of the UŊESCO is the diffusion of cultural, historical or scientific findings to the interŋational comunity.
- Any site may be declared an UŊESCO protected site by means of an [EXEC] motion.
- Any site may be demoted from protected statuis by means of an [EXEC] motion supported by constitutional quorum.
- Any damage to the structure of a Cultural Herritage Site is to be considered a violation of Interŋational Law.
- The area within 100 blocks of Phoeŋix (currently in the Greater Phoeŋix Reserve of the Office of environmental protection) is transfered into the Phoeŋix Cultural Herritage Site.
- The Kog'eññe Natural reserve is to be converted into a Cultural Herritage Site.
- N/A
- Y: 9
- N: 0
- A: 1
/ Tantsang leaves
Of the protected of Some Areas [EXEC]
- Every Narrative-Made structure Old Citadel Island is declared a UŊESCO Cultural Heritage Site.
- The Capitol is declared a UŊESCO Cultural Heritage Site
- Tisheongja is declared a UŊESCO Cultural Heritage Site
- The New Citadel is declared a UŊESCO Cultural Heritage Site
- Guam, in all its iterations are declared aUŊESCO Cultural Heritage Sites
- N/A
- Y: 10
- N: 0
- A: 0
Appointing an committee of Officers to the UŊESCO [EXEC]
3 Seats
- Pleb 1231121202 = 15
- Xhesas 3125232403 = 25
- Sven 4344343304 = 32
- Ćwikła 5552555501 = 38
- Grimme (Lutrinae) 2413414105 = 25
Are elected Pleb, Xhesas and Grime
Vote for approval
- Y: 10
- N: 0
- A: 0
/ Ettêre Ðiffyt leaves / Kozdenen leaves / Murbetia leaves
Jury duty on the UŊESCO v. Elisa Case
- Marcy of Kyaw Cen
- Ŋ3, independent
- Hummus of Hummland
- Y: 5
- N: 0
- A: 2
Fifteenth Meeting
DATE: 11 June 2024
- Imerśal (Annwan)
- Fishland (Elisa)
- Enkavak (Namnak)
- Þunan Qumreá (Seo ⁊ Hilja)
- Kozdenen (Pleb)
- Hentzo (Lutrinae)
- Kyaw Cen (Marcy)
Admission of Bramusia [EXEC]
Name Branguq (Bramusia)
Ruler: Dominic (Gagma A)
Territory: see map
Banner: Tierced per pale sable, gueules and argent
Official Language(s): N/A
- In Favour: 4
- Abstaining: 0
- Against: 3
Admission of Xrakva [EXEC]
Name: Ÿrvangtälzhgizto Xtrakvash (Young colony Xtrakva)
Ruler: Vÿl
Territory: see map
Banner: Purpure, a roundel and bar sable.
Official Language(s): Morytian
- In Favour: 6
- Abstaining: 1
- Against: 0
/ Xtrakva Joins (total 8)
Of Elections and their validity as Motion vote [CONST]
- For motions that require the nomination of one or multiple individuals, an election realised following the procedure described hereafter shall have the same strength of a majority vote nominating the winner(s) of said election.
- An election is realised as followed:
- The candidates are identified.
- Each elector ranks the candidates from 1 to the number of candidates, with 1 being the favoured candidate
- Electors wishing to abstain shall give a rank of 0 to all candidates
- For each candidate sum all the rankings given by all the electors
- The nominated candidate(s) is(are) the one(s) with the lowest score.
- In favour: 8
- Abstain: 0
- Against: 0
/ Aylongam (KorzeN ħ) joins (Total 9)
Of a possible condamnation of the IŊCJ [LEGAL]
- The IŊCJ may decide to exile someone to St-ɧelena (Guam 3) as a verdict
- The exiled has to complete the northern Camel Road back to spawn to be relieved of their exile.
- In Favour: 7
- Against: 1
- Abstain: 1
/ Kozdenen Left (Total 8)
Key words for use in Motions to Indicate Requirement Levels [CONST]
- MUST: This word, or the terms "REQUIRED" or "SHALL", mean that the definition is an absolute requirement of the motion.
- MUST NOT: This phrase, or the phrase "SHALL NOT", mean that the definition is an absolute prohibition of the motion.
- SHOULD: this word, or the adjective "RECOMMENDED", mean that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a particular item, but the full implications must be understood and carefully weighed before choosing a different course.
- SHOULD NOT: This phrase, or the phrase "NOT RECOMMENDED" mean that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances when the particular behavior is acceptable or even useful, but the full implications should be understood and the case carefully weighed before implementing any behavior described with this label.
- MAY: This word, the adverb "OPTIONALLY" or the adjective "OPTIONAL", mean that an item is truly optional. One may choose to include the item because a particular requirement or because the individual feels that it enhances the use while another may omit the same item.
This is basically RFC 2119
- In Favour: 8
- Abstaining: 0
- Against: 0
An update to the quorum required to pass motions in a meeting. [CONST]
- A quorum of ¼ of members (rounded up) MUST be present in a meeting to pass any motion.
- This does not alleviate the need for additional support for motions of constitutional strength.
- In favour: 7
- Abstaining: 1
- Against: 0
RE: Roll call
- Villnark (Xtrakva)
- KorzeN ħ (Aylongam)
- Annwan (Imerśal)
- Elisa (Fishland)
- Pleb (Kozdenen) in Absentia
- Reansi (Murbetia)
- Lutrinae (Hentzo)
- Seo (Þunan Qumreá)
- Namnak (Enkavak)
Admission of Renoriba
Name: Renoriba
Flag: Paly copper and azur, a chief azur.
Map: See map
Language: Renormoosh
- In Favour: 9
- Abstaining: 0
- Against: 0
Sixteenth Meeting
DATE: 02 July 2024
- Kyaw Cen (Marcy)
- Hentzo (Lutrinae:Gwen)
- Enkavak (Namnak)
- Hummland (Hummus)
- Amuj (CMC)
- Narōnpar (Szlanty) in absentia
- Imerśal (Annwan)
Admission of Oressia [EXEC]
Name: Oressia
Ruler: Orest I
Territory: as depicted in https://discord.com/channels/697450809390268467/1228312887517253685/1257043386167332924 without the territory overlapping the Greater Ŋari2ona Inteŋational Reserve.
Official Language(s): Meyesilu
Banner: Azure fading turquoise, a bezant or
- In Favour 7
- Abstain 0
- Against 0
/ Oressia Joins (total 8)
Admission of Ŗijelam [EXEC]
Name: Ŗijelam
Ruler: Nova
Territory: That village just north of Kozdenen
Banner: Argent, a roundel purpure
- In favour 8
- Abstain 0
- Agianst
/ Ŗijelam Joins (total 9)
Admission of Fenizuela [EXEC]
Name: Fenizuela
Ruler: Charles
Territory: https://discord.com/channels/697450809390268467/1228312887517253685/1253111321583550659
Banner: Tierced per bar or, azure, and gueules.
- In Favour 8
- Abstain 1
- Against 0
Seventeenth Meeting
DATE: 09 August 2024
- Imerchal (represented by Annwan)
- Uaighmnmo (represented by Fīl)
- Hummland (represented by Hummus)
- Kyaw Cen (represented by Marcy)
- Enkavak (represented by Namnak)
- Xtrakva (represented by Vÿl)
- Oressia (represented by Orest)
- Þunan Qumreá (represented by Hilja and Seo)
- Stej Ven (represented by Viklo)
- Amuj in absentia
- Myžariky in absentia
- Hanebrug in absentia
- Fishland in absentia
- Coldba in absentia
- Admit Oberia https://discord.com/channels/697450809390268467/767569743229747220/1267544199780372712
- admit Port of Eras https://discord.com/channels/697450809390268467/1206001705490325524/1269342262463299615
- admit Tanylezi https://discord.com/channels/697450809390268467/1206001705490325524/1271276537026580544
- admit The Realm of Madness https://discord.com/channels/697450809390268467/1206001705490325524/1269695699570917469 + https://discord.com/channels/697450809390268467/1268387836835397653/1269375840592855131
- Elect one (1) officer for Env Prot (Hilja has been named temporary officer with support from Imerchal and Enkavak)
- Elect one (1) officer for the UŊESCO
- Revise ŋəri2na reserve – Oressia wants to claim Guam
- Add reserves to the map
Admission of Oberia
Name: The Peasants' Republic of Oberia
Ruler: Magnvs, Comissari Suprèm
Territory: already specified in https://discord.com/channels/697450809390268467/767569743229747220/1267544199780372712
Official Language(s): Breton, Occitan and Nāhuatl
Banner: as in https://discord.com/channels/697450809390268467/767569743229747220/1267544199780372712
Recognized Regional Language(s): Armenian, Tahitian and Lakota
Administrative Language(s): English, Spanish and French
- Ace’s base shall be returned if Ace asks for it
- In Favour 12
- Abstain 2
- Against 0
/ Oberia joins (total 15)
Admission of the Port of Eras
Name: The Port of Eras
Ruler: Chairman Fin
Territory: see map (formerly port fin)
Official Language(s): English, Taylang
Banner(s): as in https://discord.com/channels/697450809390268467/1206001705490325524/1269342262463299615
- Come back with a new flag -- Seo of Þunan Qumreá
- I think your flags lost signal -- Namnak of Enkavak
- The flag is a war crime -- Fīl of Uaighmnmo
- In Favour 9
- Abstain 4
- Against 2
admit Tanylezi
Name: tanylezi
Ruler: octothorpe
Territory: as depicted in https://discord.com/channels/697450809390268467/1206001705490325524/1271519635837157476
Official Language(s): aparatas
yellow banner
red per bend
green per bend sinister inverted
blue chevron
gray saltire
orange roundel
- I have no problem with you settling in Enkavak if you involve me first -- Namnak of Enkavak
- In Favour 13
- Abstain 2
- Against 0
/ Tanylezi joins (total 16)
Admission of the Realm of Madness
Name: The Realm of Madness
Ruler: Suqi
Territory: as depicted in https://discord.com/channels/697450809390268467/1268387836835397653/1269375840592855131
Banner: as depicted in https://discord.com/channels/697450809390268467/1268387836835397653/1269375840592855131
- WTF WAS THAT IPA ‽ -- Annwan of Imerchal
- In Favour 12
- Abstain 4
- Against 0
/ The Realm of Madness joins (total 17)
Election of the Officer for Environmental protection
- Hilja of Thunan Qumreá.
- Carl CMC of Amuj
H 21221222212220000 = 23 C 12112111121110000 = 16
Hilja of Thunan Qumreá is ELECTED
Election of an Officer to UŊESCO
- ẞlanty of Naronpar
- Kate of Coldba
- Fīl of Uaighmnmo
F 13111111221200201 = 20 ẞ 22332332312130302 = 35 K 31223223133300103 = 32
ẞlanty of Naronpar is ELECTED
Revise ŋəri2na reserve – Oressia wants to claim Guam 2
Wheather the borders of the Ŋari2na reserve shall be amanded:
- In Favour 4
- Abstain 2
- Against 10
- Add reserves to the map
Eighteenth Meeting
TITLE: United Ŋations Meeting DATE: <2024-09-07 Sa>
- Xtrakva (Vÿl)
- Port of Eras (Fin)
- Amuj (CMC)
- Hummland (Hummus)
- Imerchal (Annwan)
- Kyaw Cen (Marcy)
- Enkavak (Šœ́hag)
- Myžariky (rnifnuf)
- Þunan Qumreá in absentia
- Uaiġmnmo in absentia
- Coldba in absentia
- Fishland in absentia
- Hanebrug in absentia
- Oressia in absentia
- Xarslasja in absentia
Admission of the Florocratic Republic of Pua [EXEC]
Name: The Floracratic Republic of Pua
Ruler: Peaches
Territory: as depicted in https://mc.nguh.org/w/images/archive/1/18/20240908105036%21Nguhcraft_minimap_east_pua.png
Official Language(s): English
Banner: as depicted in https://mc.nguh.org/w/images/4/47/EastPuaBanner.png
- “Pwa” -- Hummus from Hummland
- “Pwapwa is you” -- CMC from Amuj
- “we all have a little pua in us” -- Fin from the Port of Eras
- “it is Pwa time” -- Vÿl from Xtrakva
- In favor 11
- Abstains 2
- Against 2
/ F.R. Pua joins (total 16)
Admission of Corneria [EXEC]
Name: Corneria/Vyekyatan Location: South-East corner of the world Ruler: Moka Territory: as depicted in https://discord.com/channels/697450809390268467/767569743229747220/1250244417705607281 Official Language(s): Vyekyatan, English Banner/Flag: as depicted in https://discord.com/channels/697450809390268467/767569743229747220/1250244417705607281
- “Corn-area” -- Peaches from F. R. Pua
- “It’s the end of the world as we know it” -- Vÿl from Xtrakva
- “Is this Guam 4?” -- Fin from the Port of Eras
- “thx for the free food!” -- Šœ́hag from Enkavak
- “Marcy was here, 2024” -- Marcy from Kyaw Cen
- In favor 11
- Abstains 5
- Against 0
/ Amuj left (total 15)
For the UŊ to petition The Æternal to formally unban Elytras [EXEC]
Lord Suqi of Madness requests a vote in the next UŊ meeting: a vote to beg Ætérnal/Agamashuya to formally unban elytras.
- “How silly” -- Marcy from Kyaw Cen
- “Ærm what the ham” -- Peaches from F.R. Pua
- “Literally only kate suqi and janus have them” -- Fin from the Port of Eras
- “get a riptide trident” -- Hummus from Hummland
- “Why you bothering us with that then?” -- Šœ́hag from Enkavak
- “What’s the point” -- Vÿl from Xtrakva
- In Favor 1
- Abstain 5
- Against 9
Establish a legal framework in advance of the eventual opeining of the End [LEGAL]
- Ban sovereign claims on End territory, following the precedent set for the Nether;
- Any respawned dragon shall be killed by the one who spawned it withing a reasonable time;
- The Dragon Egg shall be given to Slab Exchange for public display. If the display occurs outside of the site of the Slab Exchange, the site shall be recognised as a UŊESCO heritage site.
- Maintain the integrity of the central island, especially with regards to the entry platform, exit portal, and End gateways;
- Guarantee the right of free travel to and within the End by keeping all natural portals and gateways open and accessible to the public. This could also entail the divine placement of new portals in easy-to-access places, like a special room of the UŊ Building, near Spawn, or worldguarding a natural portal.
- “My heart goes out to Čęjen, who was just murdered a couple of minutes ago.” -- Marcy from Kyaw Cen
- “Who stole the door lmao” -- Hummus from Hummland
- “Please don’t steal our doors” -- Šœ́hag from Enkavak
- In favour 14
- Abstains 1
- Against 0
/ Port of Eras left (total 14)
Of ŋations that were disolved [CONST]
Ŋations that are dissolved are considered as leaving the UŊ of their own volition.
- “Bruches de pas” -- Peaches from F.R. Pua
- “what were we talking about again” -- Šœ́hag from Enkavak
- “Bavaria isn’t part of Germany” -- Hummus of Hummland
- “2 hours in and we're discussing potential new capitals of actual Germany” -- Peaches from F.R. Pua
- “UNg motion speedrun” -- Marcy of Kyaw Cen
- In Favour 11
- Abstains 2
- Against 1
PASSES on condition of approval [1]; SUPPORTED as of 2024-09-07 with 22 supports
Nineteenth Meeting
Date: 2024/10/19
- Imerchal
- Aistóv́y
- Hummland
- Oberia
- Myžariky
- Þunan Qumreá
- Realm of Madness
- Stej Ven
- Xtrakva
- Enkavak
- Aylongam
- Oressia
- Port of Eras
Also voting in Absentia:
Amission of West Pua
See West Pua.
- The Church of Allium is really cool — Fin (Port of Eras)
- More Pua for the Pua god — Vÿl (Xtrakva)
- In Favour: 9
- Abstains: 5
- Agaist: 5
Admission of Pihi
See Pihi
- That’s just a puppet — Annwan (Imerchal)
- In Favour: 11
- Abstains: 3
- Against: 5
/ Pihi left voting instruction in case of admission
Admission of Ovvý Ječäeñŋã
See Discord message.
- Cool banner — rnifnuf (Myžariky)
- Really cool work on the desert pyramid — Fin (Port of Eras)
- In Favour: 12
- Abstains: 8
- Against: 0
Admission of Shudrow
See Shudrow.
- Amuj 4.0 — Hilja (Þunan Qumreá)
- Because of the instability caused by the Amujxplosion, CMC should be limited to a single nation — Magnvs (Obèria)
- We literally call Shudrow “New Amuj” in Aisti — Fīl (Aistóv́y)
- — Šœ́hag (Enkavak)
- In Favour: 14
- Abstains: 3
- Against: 3
/ Shudrow joins
Admission of Kathyria
See Discord message.
- In Favour: 12
- Abstains: 7
- Against: 2
/ Oressia leaves with voting instructions / Shudrow leaves
Of the legal status of the belongings of players who left the minecraft server or the discord server [LEGAL]
- The items of a payer inactive from the minecraft server and the minecraft part of the discord server or having left the discord server are protected for a duration of 120 days from any tempering.
- A player, even if they have left the discord server should still be attempted to contact and are allowed to express their will through an active player.
- Should a UŊ office express an interest to an item, the office in question shall be able to acquire it.
Claims and Structures
- The claims of inactive players are subject to the same rules.
Wills and Banned Players
- A player may leave a will either publicly in the minecraft, or the Uŋ channel or in a Will section on their Wiki User page. That will shall be respected.
- The rules delineated in this motion don’t apply to the belongings of players banned from the server.
- In Favour: 17
- Abstains: 3
- Against: 0
/ Port of Eras leves with voting instructions
Demotion of Hentzo to observer status [EXEC]
Hentzo becomes an observer state.
- Rest in peace Pirate Lord — Hilja
- You will always stay in our hearts, Rutinde — Šœ́hag (Enkavak)
- Rest in peace Rutinde — Quing Marcy I (Kyaw Cen)
- Praise be Rabo — Viklo (Stej Ven)
- In Favour: 14
- Abstains: 3
- Against: 3
Demotion of Civuyiscajrn to observer status [EXEC]
Civuyiscajrn becomes an observer state.
- Do not say its name in the mirror — Vÿl (Xtrakva)
- an-tore nalíis — Annwan (Imerchal)
- If you say its name wrongly three times into a mirror, the evil scamming country is gonna appear — Šœ́hag (Enkavak)
- In Favour: 17
- Abstains: 2
- Against: 1
Dissolve the United Ŋations [CONST]
The United Ŋations are dissolved.
- Enkavak will declare war on every nation that votes in favour if the motion passes regardless of constitutional support. — Namnak (Enkavak)
- I will join Enkavak — Quing Marcy I (Kyaw Cen), Vÿl (Xtrakva)
- If. — Magnvs (Obèria)
- In Favour: 2
- Abstains: 4
- Against: 14
Twentieth Meeting
Date 2024-11-09
- Þunan Qumreá
- Aistóv́y
- Hummland
- Kingdom of Kyaw Cen
- Enkavak
- Realm of Madness
- Stej Ven
- Imerchal
- Oberia
- Xtrakva
Also voting in Absentia:
Of Silverfish Mining [LEGAL]
The practice of Silverfish Mining — removing stone by using the infestation and poison potion effects — is banned, given it’s highly destructive and environmentally damaging potential.
- “How am I gonna wage horrific warfare now :(” — Suqi (Realm of Madness), Fīl (Aistóv́y)
- In Favour: 9
- Against: 2
- Abstains: 4
Of Disbanded Ŋations and UŊ Mandates [LEGAL]
Should a country volontarilly disband or be dissolved, its territory will first be placed under UŊ administration. Ideally, a territory put under UŊ mandate should have two co-administrators to prevent unilateral landgrabs and annexations.
If the UŊ Administrators do not state any intent to annex the territory at the UŊ, the territory under administration is considered unclaimed once the period of administration is over.
The UŊ Administrators may also direct ask neighboring member states whether they have any interest in the territory under administration or not to speed up the transition process.
In accordance to the Will framework defined in 19.6, if the head of state has stated that their territory should go to a specific country, the UŊ administration will end when the trustee member state has confirmed their willingness to be in charge of the territory.
- ‘I think PTR’s case should be considered a war-like event and not convered by this motion’ — Suqi (Realm of Madness)
- In Favour: 9
- Against: 3
- Abstaining: 3
/ i Êpcêm Mûn-Nan Joins
Discussion: Can Uŋuŋəŋŋium even legally exist ?
Currently reading through the agenda, can I append oberia‘s request for a control zone with a discussion on whether area 119 can legally exist in the first place?
- “Uŋ laws would not apply if they left the UŊ ” — Suqi
- “If and ONLY if the realm of madness is liable for damage and reparations.” — Annwan (Imerchal)
- “I refuse to grant more land to the Realm of Madness to justify their inadequate governance” — Hilja (Þunan Qumreá)
- “You cannot escape the ‘Don’t be a twat’ rule” — viklo (Stej Ven)
- “If the UŊ votes against 119ium's activities, it will remain as a territory of the Realm of Madness with the mainland's rules” — Suqi (Realm of Madness)
All laws of the UŊ applies wholly to all members of the UŊ and no local exception is allowed by the laws of the UŊ.
Any additional requests for jurisprudence and clarifications should be submitted to the IŊCJ.
Of the status of Dino Island Protectorate [EXEC]
Repeals 6.3.
- “Everyone is incentivised to build things in their own borders anyways” — Hilja (Þunan Qumreá)
- “Oberia proposes that Imerchal annexes the land” — Magnvs (Oberia)
- In Favour: 9
- Against: 2
- Abstaining: 4
On Motion Introduction Time [CONST]
Players proposing resolutions should have uninterrupted time for their resolution to be explained in full before any open discussion. This explanation can be given by proposer or a chosen representative if they wish.
After 5 minutes, a majority vote in the assembly (by activating the voting podiums) can interrupt a speaker.
- In Favour: 14
- Against: 0
- Abstaining: 1
Notice: Transfer of Suspicion Island to UŊESCO
Acording to the Will left at the disolution of Amuj and by section 19.6.3, Suspicion Islands is transfered to UŊESCO
No Vote Needed
/ Realm of Madness Left
Demotion of Ʒimh Gwynh to Observer Status
Ʒimh Gwynh is revoked to Observer status due to innactivity.
Last known server-relevent message: Discord Message
- In Favour: 11
- Against: 0
- Abstaining: 4
Twenty-First Meeting
Date: 20 December 2024
- Aisti (in absentia)
- East Pua (in absentia)
- Enkavak
- Ettêre Ðiffyt
- Fishland (in absentia)
- Hummland
- Ìmerchal
- Myžariky (in absentia)
- Nāroňpār (joined during the 6th point)
- Kyaw Cen
- Ovvú Jičeiñŋã
- Oressia (in absentia)
- Peasants' Republic of Oberia (in absentia)
- Pihi (in absentia)
- Port of Eras (in absentia)
- Rauratoshan (joined during the 4th point)
- Regnate Latium (admitted as part of 2nd point)
- Stej Ven
- Þunan Qumreá
- Xtrakva
- Admit Rauratoshan
- Admit Regnate Latium
- Admit Heufana
- Add Paul as a UŊESCO Heritage Site
- Discussion regarding modifications of historical structures inside the borders of a Ŋation
- Establishment of a North Thasusan Natural Reserve
- Relaxation of the protection of animals within the Ŋəri2na Natural Reserve
Admission of Rauratoshan
- In Favour: 7+6=13
- Against: 0
- Abstaining: 2+2=4
- ‘no, 6+2 is 63’ — Xhesas
Admission of Regnate Latium
- In Favour: 9+7 = 16
- Against: 0+1 = 1
- Abstaining: 0
- ‘Long overdue, I guess’ — Hilja
- ‘wait they weren’t member yet?!?’ — Annwan
- ‘It is finally time to admit such a culturally and historically rich country into the United Ŋations.’ — Marcy
- ‘my comment on the previous motion wasnt supposed to be a comment’ — Xhesas
- ‘I can't believe we haven't admitted this ŋation yet’ — viklo
Admission of Heufana
- In Favour: 3+1=4
- Against: 4+2=6
- Abstain: 3+5=8
- ‘Let’s call this the admission of New Amuj’ — Ætérnal
- ‘I think we should vote on the admission of Heufana at the next ɱeeting. If it still exists at that time, the Kingdom of Kyaw Cen will be happy to welcome it to the United Ŋations’ – Marcy
- ‘Good’ (regarding the outcome of the motion) — Ætérnal
Add Paul as a UŊESCO Heritage Site
- In Favour: 10+6=16
- Against: 0+0=0
- Abstaining: 1+2=3
- ‘The Pauldom of Paul’ — Villnark
- ‘who’s paul’ — Sven
- ‘Paul is cool, we should protect it!!’ — Marcy
- ‘Tyrrosjoskwifmdapewjceiwemjcoejw’ — theidealist
Discussion regarding modifications of historical structures inside the borders of a Ŋation
Hilja mentions that others have expressed contention over their modification of pre-raid structures. Xhesas mentions that they are one of the people who had a problem with that and that one shouldn’t build structures of religious importance next to pre-raid structures. Hilja argues that this does not alter the original structure. Xhesas is still against it.
Hilja argues that this discussion is not about them being on trial, but about deciding on more general rules. Annwan is struggling to think of a way of expressing his opinion. Sven argues that tampering with structures made by ‘our lord Ætérnal’ is sacreligious. spook_bag argues that this should be decided on a case by case basis. Marcy argues that there is no need to propose a motion over this; Hilja agrees. Annwan says it’s ‘fine’, but for pre-raid structures, the UŊESCO should be contacted first.
Otherwise, so Annwan, repurposing a structure while keeping its spirit and general external appearance the same is acceptable. As an example, he lists building a rail line going through a house as too much of a modification. Hilja agrees, but also argues again that her building around an existing structure shouldn’t be an issue. Annwan agrees. theidealist proposes that any alterations be voted on by the UŊ first.
Xhesas disagrees, and states that Hilja’s construction of a religious building next to an existing building constitutes a repurposing of the latter for her own gains. Hilja and Annwan disagree. Hilja comments that we shouldn’t establish protection zones around buildings outside of already-established protective zones.
Hilja argues that it is worthwhile to ask whether UŊESCO wishes to protect a place before any edits to it are made.
No motion was put forth for this.
Establishment of a North Thasusan Natural Reserve
As the Officer of Environmental Protection, Hilja proposes to create an environmental reserve since the continent is very densely populated so as to ensure everyone else has enough unpopulated nature to enjoy. This would also include a jungle temple. This does not include anyone’s territory.
Ætérnal expresses his discontent over the fact that it wasn’t clearly communicated whether ‘Thasusa’ contains two ‘s’s or one.
Marcy argues: ‘I don't think the unclaimed area in Central Thasusa should become an interŋationally observed Natural Reserve for the sole reason it is unclaimed. If the protection of the area were a priority of the neighboring countries, they could protect it by themselves.’
Hilja argues that she could just annex the territory and donate it to the UŊEPO. Regarding a question how this land is supposed to be used should the motion pass, Hilja comments that this depends on what the Environmental Protection Agency is willing to do.
Astaryuu argues that it is worth keeping at least some nature in densely-populated areas.
Hilja also mentions that this area has been unclaimed for 6 months.
Marcy further comments that if Myžariky or ÞQ were to annex it, they could decide for themselves what to do with it.
No exact text was given for this motion.
- In Favour: 4+2=6
- Against: 6+3=9
- Abstain: 2+3=5
- ‘UŊEPO, not UŊESCO’ — Annwan
- ‘Too many organisations; just like the real UŊ’ — Ætérnal
- ‘Seo will be happy’ — Hilja
Relaxation of the protection of animals within the Ŋəri2na Natural Reserve
Hummus proposes that anyone may tame wolves from the Ŋəri2na natural reserve. Xhesas proposes to expand the motion to include any ‘despawning entity’ (i.e. anything that would despawn on its own anyway if left alone). This excludes any mobs that are always saved by the game, e.g. villagers, mobs in vehicles, named mobs.
After some discussion as to what exactly counts as an entity, and what causes entities to always be saved, ‘despawning’ is changed to ‘respawning’, as that better conveys the intent of the motion.
Amend 13.6 to exclude from the region’s status of protection any respawning Entity—that is, any entity that can spawn naturally within the reserve—which has not been named by a player. Any such entity within the bounds of the Ŋəri2na Natural Reserve is no longer part of the reserve or protected in any way.
- In Favour: 9+6=15
- Against: 1+1=2
- Abstain: 2+1=3
Twenty-Second Meeting
Date: 25 January 2025
Roll Call
- Imerchal (represented by Annwan)
- Rauratoshan (represented by Jamie)
- Kozdenen (represent by Pleb)
- Myžariky (represented by rnifnuf)
- Þunan Qumreá (represented by Hilja)
- Enkavak (represented by Namnak Xhesas)
- Fishland (represented by the Fishbowl)
- Hummland (represented by Hummus)
- Stej Ven (represented by Viklo)
- Aistov́y (represented by Fīl)
- Xtrakva (represented by Vÿl)
- Regnate Latium (represented by theidealist)
- Xarslasja (representded by Agamashuya)
In absentia
Admission of Vilantnen
- In Favour : 12 + 7 = 19
- Against: 1 + 0 = 1
Vilantnen has left a list of voting instructions to be counted in absentia.
Admission of T'anshilebs
- In Favour: 12 + 8 = 20
- Against: 0 + 0
//todo add idealists vote (not that it changes the result)
/ T'anshilebs joins
Forbid the use of weaponry in the Assembly Hall
The use of weaponry inside of the United Ŋations building is heretofore forbidden.
- In favour: 10 + 5 = 15
- Against: 4 + 0 = 4
/ T'anshilebs left
Admission of the CMCic federation
- For: 8 + 4 = 12
- Against: 3 + 1 = 4
Admission of The Vazr
- In Favour: 10 + 8 = 18
- Against: 1 + 0 = 1
/ The Vazr joins / Corneria submits absentee votes
Demote Dhourigkán to observer status
- In Favour: 4 + 5 = 9
- Against: 1 + 0 = 1
PASSED (point of order; see below)
Demote Zotazil to observer status
- In Favour: 8 + 5 = 13
- Against: 1 + 0 = 1
/ Kozdenen left leaving absentee votes / Naronpar left voting instructions
On the text of proposed motions
Any motion proposed for vote should provide an exact text to be voted on
- In Favour: 10 + 9 = 19
- Against 2 + 0 = 2
PASSED [on condition of support]
/ Tanzang left absentee votes
Of willful demotion to and restoration from observer status
Any member ŋation may, at any point, ask to be demoted to observer status by offically expressing its desire to do so
Any observer ŋation may, at any point, ask to be reinstated as a full member by offically expressing its desire to do so
- In Favour: 8 + 8 = 16
- Against: 1 + 2
PASSED [on condition of support]
/ Aistov́y leaves, leaving absentee votes
Establish Office Codes and Documentation Standardization
The office of codes and document standardisation shall provide standardised and authoritative code assignement to various elements of the Ŋorld requiring short identifiers.
- In Favour: 7 + 10 = 17
- Against: 0 + 1 = 1
/ Fishalnd left (disbanded)
Appoint an Officer to Codes and Documentation Standardization
- Fin (P.o.E.)
There is only one candidates, no election, investiture vote
- In Favour: 8 + 6 = 14
- Against: 0 + 1 = 1
Amendment to 3.2
Removal of all leaves from a tree while leaving all or nearly all of the logs intact shall also be covered. Intentional removals of leaves for decorative purposes are exempt from this amendment.
- Placing artificial leaves near trees also blocks the autochopper — Ætérnal
- In Favour: 6 + 10 = 16
- Against 2 + 1 = 3
Of Observer and Inactive Status
- All previous mentions of observer status are modified to refer to Inactive Status
- A nation may be admitted under an observer status (different from the aforementioned Inactive Status), giving them the right to participate in debate, but not vote on issues, they are not counted as members for the purpose of calculating quorums
- A nation with observer status can apply to become a full member like any other non-member nation
- I think this would not serve any purpose, since everything you could do as an observer you can just do anyways’ – Enkavak
- ‘I think there can just be two conditions for observer status: inactivity, or activity without proper ascession to the UNg, thus I think I disagree’ — Agma
- The term "observer" has always been confusing, renaming it to "inactive" makes sense. The new observer thing does not serve much of a purpose but doesn't hurt I guess.’ – Stej Ven
- ‘I'd be fine with the rewording, but the new one would be confusing and useless’ – Enkavak
As a result of these comments, it was suggested to split paragraph 1 from 2 and 3, but in light of the fact that there are a lot of absentia votes for this one, we can’t really change the motion after the fact.
- Ayes: 2+6=8
- Noes: 4+0=4
- Abstentions: 7
Point of Order raised by Ætérnal regarding the outcome of 22.6
This motion was passed with 9 in favour, which does not seem like it could feasibly have constituted a majority. A revote might be in order.
Point of order wrt Election of a Jury regarding jurisdiction in nether structures as per 12.8
This motion was intended to be the election of a jury for the INgCJ shall decide whether ngational laws are enforceable in nether structures based on 12.8.
A point of order was raised by Ætérnal regarding the election process: ‘This process is ill-defined. It’s not clear who can be elected. Do people have to volunteer for it to be able to be elected? It’s not clear if someone can decline to be appointed a juror. What happens if everyone declines or there are fewer than 3 jurors. What happens if there is a 4-way tie? Etc. This process should be documented more clearly.’
Ætérnal recommends that the UŊ elect judges permanently and not for every court case.
Xhesas recommends drawing lots every time there is a court case.
The meeting was adjourned, and this motion postponed until such time as this point of order is resolved.
- ↑ originally typed as "aprouval"