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Top: The three Amujan nations just before their dissolution
Bottom: the partition of Amujan territory following the nations' dissolution

The Amujxplosion, also known as the Amujsplosion and Amujtosis, is the name given to the 3 week long splitting of the City State of Amuj into 3 ŋations (North Amuj, South Amuj and Igeþa) and subsequent dissolution. After the dissolution of Amuj, several countries claimed territory formerly belonging to the three Amujan ŋations.

After the Amujxplosion, the term "Amujization" has been coined in the interŋational community to refer to a ŋation that splits into many pieces in the same way Amuj did. It is an in-universe equivalent to balkanization.


Country Claimed
Aylongam Jē Mẽo Islands
East Pua Kuzhgub Oblast
Hummland Mawg
Imerchal (unofficially: ) Pòjaj
Kingdom of Kyaw Cen Mandate of Amuj
Realm of Madness Abstinence Subdistrict