City State of Amuj

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This article is about the City State of Amuj, later known as North Amuj. For the country which seperated from it in September 2024, see South Amuj. For the mandate following its dissolution, see Mandate of Amuj.

City State of Amuj
Adryt Camu
עיר מדינה אמוי
02 Apr 2024–08 Oct 2024
Extent of North Amuj's territory prior to dissolution
Capital cityDrebzha
DemonymNorth Amujan
GovernmentCity State
Kachbuches: Most of the Casual Mitosis Collective
Official languagesXadwg
Official religionsÆtérnalist Alliumism
CurrencyNorth Amujan Pymu (Ƥ, AMP)
Date formatyyyy-mm-dd
Succeeded by Shudrow (government)

South Amuj (territory)
Igeþa (territory)

Mandate of Amuj (territory)
The North Amujan coat of arms
A GIF showcasing North Amuj's territorial expansion from 2024-04-02 to the Amujxplosion

The City State of Amuj /əˈmuj/, also known as North Amuj after the breakaway of South Amuj (Xadwg: Adryt Camu [ˈad.rət ˈʃa.mɨ], Hebrew: עיר מדינה אמוי), commonly just Amuj and also known as Amuj 1.0 by scholars of Amujology, was a ŋation that was the smallest member state of the United Ŋations when it was admitted into the UŊ. It comprised territory east of where Murbetia used to be, west of Aylongam, south of West Pua and East Pua, north of South Amuj, and on the northern coast of the Amujan Sea. Most of its cities lied on the coast of the Amujan Gulf. Its most prominent feature was the Cenrail® station in Drebzha, which lets passengers go to and arrive from the Cenrail® Aquatic line, Southern loop, Transamujan line, and Forest line.


The City State of Amuj was split into the Drebzha Metropolitan Area and Pozhazh. Alongside the main divisions, there were the colony of Mawg and the Extranguhcraftial Territories of Jawjud and Littleworld.



Before the establishment of North Amuj, the area that would become Amuj was simply known as "CMC's base". It was only upon hearing of the 7th UŊ meeting approaching that CMC decided to upgrade their base into a ŋation, which was then accepted into the .

Amujan Expansionism

Immediately after being accepted into the , CMC started to expand the Amujan borders, increasing its size until it was roughly the size of what's now called Drebzha. It was only once Dozhizhrul Island was incorporated into the ŋation that Amujan Expansionism slowed down for a while. A bit more than a week later, however, the Kachbuches decided to expand the Amujan territory even more, expanding Drebzha up to the savannah to its north, and then going further, creating the division of Pfoas, formerly known as North Amujton or Bofas. It then took the CMC a bit more than two months to finally expand the Amujan mainland, after having already added both a colony and an extranguhcraftial territory to the list of Amujan federal subjects. This new expansion was to what's now called Ongashaw.

The Provincial Era

On 2024-06-30, Iris of the Casual Mitosis Collective announced that Amuj had been re-organized into 2 provinces, those being East Amuj (now the Drebzha Metropolitan Area) and Insular Amuj (now Esudghuzh). on 2024-07-04, the Kachbuches claimed the Kuzhgub Peninsula (now Kuzhgubsk under East Puan rule) as a colony of Amuj. A few hours later, the Kachbuches also claimed a suspicious island to the south of Dozhizhrul Island, aptly named Suspicion Island (now a protectorate), as part of the province of the Drebzha Metropolitan Area.

On 2024-07-31, the Kachbuches ratified the official Amujan constitution, which added a third province, that being Kuzhgub Province.

On 2024-08-22, following the Dissolution of Murbetia, CMC entered the Scramble for Murbetia and added the territory comprising Pozhazh to Amuj.

On 2024-09-10, by decree of Gepach Iris Kaxpymujtux (now known simply as Iris), the Casual Mitosis Collective opened public Amujan citizenship applications in hopes that people will reside in Amuj.

The Split State Era

On 2024-09-17, Ian and Patrick of the Casual Mitosis Collective decided to break away from North Amuj and form the People's Free City of Amuj.

On 2024-10-07, Amujtosis continued as Alice and Carl broke away from North Amuj to form Igeþa.

On 2024-10-08, CMC announced that the City State of Amuj and its two breakaway states are officially dissolved.


Main article: Government of The City State of Amuj

North Amuj's form of government was that of a City State, with CMC at its helm, being given the title of Kachbuches (Xadwg: Kacbuc [ˈkaʃ.bɨʃ], Hebrew: קשבושים).

Foreign Relations

Coldba (Cuba)

North Amuj had an embassy at Coldba (Cuba)'s capital of Chillvana.

East Pua

East Pua was considered by the North Amujan Gepach to be "ðe most disgustingly evil place on Ŋearþ. I will not let West Puans get wiþin even a kilometer of ðat country's worth of wretched scum".


North Amuj had an embassy in Enkavak, but other than that, the two ŋations aren't involved with eachother.


Igeþa's independence was recognised by North Amuj after an independence referendum occured among the North Amujan Zhobepi, in which 9 MZs voted to recognize the new state, while 3 voted not to recognize it.


North Amuj and Kozdenen each had embassies in the other's ŋation.

Kingdom of Kyaw Cen

The Kingdom of Kyaw Cen, despite being economically aligned with East Pua, was on very good terms with North Amuj, with North Amuj having an embassy at Yija, and Kyaw Cen having an embassy on Dozhizhrul Island.


Oressia was also on very good terms with North Amuj, having exchanged embassies with eachother, and with former Gepach Iris even having an Oressian passport.

South Amuj

North Amuj recognized the breakaway of South Amuj as, to quote Gepach Iris, "a significant sign ðat þings must happen how ðey are supposed to".

West Pua

West Pua was North Amuj's closest ally in the Pua region, and was, as of 17 September 2024, the only other ŋation to use the Amujan Pymu via the Transpunese Economic Union.


Xarslasja was one of many ŋations that North Amuj had an embassy in. However, despite what Gepach Iris wanted, Xarslasja did not join the TPU, instead joining the STCMA.



Main Article: Ætérnalist Alliumism

The official religion of North Amuj was Ætérnalist Alliumism, or Ætérnalism mixed with Alliumist Florism, which entails belief that Ætérnal created the Allium to serve as the middleman between Him and His followers in North Amuj.

Names in other languages

Name in other languages:
  • Áwaric: Pinéfráhti Amoí Pinéfráhti Amóí [peniɸʀɔːte amɨ]
  • East Narkevin: Wösehmüŋtjëz Pay zda Amï /wøˈsɛxm.yŋt.jəz pɑɣ zda aˈmɨ/
  • Isle Narkevin: Wesæhmiňtiz Pār zda Amuj /weˈsɛxm.iŋt.iz paːr zda aˈmuj/
  • Itsoikt: Ēupṭụ Ámị [ˈɛʊ̯f˥.θʊ ˈa˩˧.mɨ]
  • Japanese: アムイ()(こく) Amui Shikoku /amɯi ɕikokɯ/
  • Kathyrian: Αμϋι Διας Amuj Djas /ˈæmuj djæs/
  • Knrawi: Sjàri Âmii[ʃˣa˩ɹɛ a˥˩mɛj]
  • Kozramva:  Amʉʉ [amɨ:]
  • Old Narkevin: Weceꜧmiŋtiz Par zda Amuj /wɛˈcɛχm.iŋt.iz paʁ zda aˈmuj/
  • Saxish: jmUo f/uO t/itIs~0r~pU Burgsteate of Amyge [ˈbʏɹxˌstejtʰ ɔv ɑˈmøj]
  • Soc'ul': Xare Amei[ʃa˧rə˧ a˧mə˧j]
  • Śácamþaśá: szuuqmi NmUA Amyń Miquþus /'ɐmɵɲ miquθus/
  • Toki Pona: ma tomo Amuwi /ma ' '
  • Regnate Latin: CÍℲITÁS AMV33A /'kʰiːwɪtʰaːs ɐˈmʊjjɐ/
  • West Narkevin: Wösemüŋtïz Pay zda Amï /wøˈsɛʔm.yŋt.ɨz pɑɣ zda aˈmɨ/
  • Xindvâ: Semcheô-Krao Âmûy /sem.tɕəː.kræw ɑ.mɨj/
  • Aparatas: amyj /aməj/

See also