Ætérnalist Alliumism

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Ætérnalist Alliumism (Xadwg: Epetynajsym Harwcninrujsym [ˈe.pe.tə.naj.səm ˈxa.ruʃ.nin.rɨj.səm], Hebrew: חסיתיזם איטרנאליסטי) is a subsect of Alliumist Florism practiced by Ætérnalists in the City State of Amuj before its dissolution, as well as by Alliumist Florists in some of the southern areas of The People's Floracracy of Pua. It mixes Ætérnalism's worship of Ætérnal with the importance of the Allium in Alliumist Florism.


A chart showing the basic doctrine of Ætérnalist Alliumism

Adherents to Ætérnalist Alliumism believe that once Ætérnal finished creating the world, He created the Allium to serve as His earthly form when interacting with His North Amujan prophets. Adherents also believe that Ætérnal uses the Allium as an earthly middleman for His miracles.

See Also