Amujan Sea

The Amujan Sea is a body of water located between the continents of Thasusa and the Land of Chaos. It is connected to the Sea of Fortune in the east and the East Murbet Sea in the west. Pihi, East Pua, Latium, the Realm of Madness, Tauranga Puawai, and Aylongam (through the Viren Islands) have coastlines on the Amujan Sea. In the southern waters of the sea is the Blighted Shrine, which is currently administered as a territory of Kozdenen.
Doge Peleṽa of Kozdenen first explored the Blighted Shrine as a location for an industrial Guardian farm, building a wall surrounding the monument from the sea floor to the surface and draining the sea within it. After accidentally digging down to the Drebzha-Mawg tunnel, Peleṽa built a Cenrail station at the shrine.
Names in other languages
- Augish: Амыїш Сы Amûyiš Sû [ˈa.mʉ.jiʃ sʉ]
- Feqhuv: Amujvomsa [ˈam.ɨj.ʋɤm.ça]
- Hebrew: הים האמויי Hayam Ha'amuyi [ɦa.ˈjam ɦa.ʔˈji]
- Japanese: アムイ海 Amui Umi /amɯi ɯmi/
- Knrawi: Juànth Âmii[x̠ɔa˩ntʰ a˥˩mɛj]
- Regnate Latin: MARE NOSTRVM /ˈmɐrɛ 'nɔsdrʊ̃/ (also includes the Sea of Fortune and East Murbet Sea)
- Soc'ul': Xec'en Amei[ʃə˧kʰə˧n a˧mə˧j]
- Xadwg: Epamu KuhuEpamu Kuhu [ˈɨ ˈkɨ.ɣɨ]
- Xindvâ: Xuôm Âmûy /ɕuə̯m ɑ.mɨj/
- Zanchulese: Epamy Kyhy [ˈe.pɑ.mɨ kɨ.ɣɨ]