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Location of Tanylezi (dark green)
Capital cityNeu Tocoselesi
DemonymTanylezi, very rarely Tanylezite
Halen: Carl Cafaceu
Canahalen: Fencoh Alecolzon
Official languagesAparatas, Modern Greek
Official religionsChickenism
Ŋational Motto"I have no idea how to run a nation, to be honest. I'm just winging it."
National broadcasterTanylezi Radio Channel (English), Tanylezi Radiofneu Sanasali (Aparatas), Ραδιοφωνικό Κανάλι Tanylezi (Greek)

Tanylezi /tanəleʒi/ is a ŋation north of Kīvengṓ and the Enkavak Sea.




Carl Cafaceu and their sibling Tolesi Cafaceu settled in what is now Tocoselesi and Rupertos Ataso on the 14 July 2024 accompanied by their cat, Rupert.

After Rupert mysteriously disappeared on a trip to get buried treasure on That One Weirdly Lithuania-Shaped Island,[1] Carl would later name Rupertos Ataso in Rupert's honor.

A falling out between Carl and Tolesi caused Carl to pick up all ruling of Tanylezi with Tolesi feeling jealousy and vitriol towards them.

Carl founded a chicken restaurant named Los Pollos Hermanos on Rupertos Ataso on 18 July 2024.[2] After a chicken walked through a door at the location, it was revealed that said chicken was god.


On 9 August 2024, Tanylezi was allowed into the United Ŋations.

On 13 August 2024, it was revealed that SOMEBODY thought it would be fun to steal from Enkavak. Nothing other than the population counter changed.


On 24 September 2024, Tanylezi underwent a change in border, capital[3], and began work on an underground rail system.

It is speculated that September is when the Letters to Carl Cafaceu started being sent to Carl.


On 3 November 2024, after the publicity of the Letters to Carl Cafaceu, Tanylezi underwent a government change to full democracy. Carl Cafaceu would remain in power with their political party, with a villager named Fencoh Alecolzon as Vice President and Treasurer.

On the Ides of November 2024, Carl Cafaceu disappeared without a trace. Fencoh Alecolzon has taken leadership since then.

Carl came back later, around a month after their disappearance.



Tensions between Carl and Tolesi Cafaceu rise, and rumors say that Tolesi is building a dog army by the name of 1st Caninal Army T'Onzolo. The reasons are unknown.

On 20 February 2025, Tanylezi split in half into two ngations, the east staying Tanylezi and the west breaking off to become Tje Manathi T'onzolo. For more information, see Tanylezi Civil War.


A Not Very Good map of Tanylezi divisions and cities.


Tocoselesi-selo, is a division of Tanylezi located on the upper peninsula. As the name suggests, Tocoselesi-selo is the division in which Old Tocoselesi is located. It comprises of the old divisions of Tocoselesi-selo, Etethelio, Esylesi, and Rifescomo.

Tocoselesi-selo's Terhalen is Carl Cafaceu, as they literally just live there.


Etethelio, also known as the Lower Peninsula, is a division of Tanylezi located on the lower peninsula. There's a rail there.

Rupertos Ataso

Rupertos Ataso, also called "Rupert's Island", is a division of Tanylezi located on the center island between the two peninsulas. It was dedicated to Rupert after he disappeared. Rupertos Ataso is home of Los Pollos Hermanos.


Lithuania, also known as That One Weirdly Lithuania-Shaped Island, is a Lithuania-shaped island in which Kauŋas is located.

Lithuania's Terhalen is Pranas Maršalka IV, known in English as Frank Marshall IV. Maršalka was preceded by Frank Marshall III.


Carelisi is a division surrounding Lithuania. Neu Tocoselesi and Unnamedtown are located there.

Carelisi's Terhalen is Fencoh Alecolzon, as they are also the Canahalen.


Heimouna is the westernmost division. It is very cold.

Heimouna's Terhalen is Simon.


Atasozi is the northernmost division. It is islands.

Atasozi's Terhalen is Rupert Jorgensen.

Crack Islands

East Crack Island is an extranguhcraftial territory. Fujisaki Island, formerly and rarely known as West Crack Island, is a mushroom island on the northeast of the map.




Tanylezi has no currency. It was formerly the Poisonous Potato.


The Opescrafo is a certificate of citizenship. The formatting is:

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Political Parties

Name in other languages:
