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Barzewmari or Mari Point is an outpost of the Republic of Shingtsun, Kingdom of Kyaw Cen in Mariland. It is one of the northernmost settlements on Ŋearth, being located on the northern coast of Slabland, outside of the civilized core area around the Great Sea.


Barzewmari was founded on the 16th of December, 2024, after Yolyu Tachkow was smited off of the face of the Ŋearth during the Nguhcraft Winter. The survivors of this cataclysmic event founded Barzewmari at the very tip of the peninsula which the old town was located on.


Barzewmari continues the Chirean tradition of buildings being made out of what is locally available. As it is located in a spruce forest, it is built mainly out of spruce and stone.


The first things to be built were the harbour, built in what was formerly a small, partially submerged cave, and the town's warehouse. Barzewmari also has a tavern and a library, along with a few farms.