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Chillvana at night
Location of Chillvana in the Empire of Coldba (Cuba)
CountryColdba (Cuba)
SubdivisionChillvana Metropolitan Area, Coldba, Coldba (Cuba)

Chillvana is the capital city of Coldba (Cuba), located in the northwest of the nation. It is currently the most populous city by player population, as 5 of the 7 Coldban player citizens have a residence there. The city is a cultural and architectural center for the nation.


As "Coldba" is a portmanteau of "cold" + "Cuba," the capital city is a parallel. It's "chill" + "Havana" (the capital of the real-world Cuba).


Chillvana lies in the northwest of Coldba. It is situated on the coast, with the city center lying on top of land at the confluence of the Coldban Ocean and two frozen rivers. The city is comprised of a snowy beach and snowy plains, which can be seen underneath the grand torch grid. The area is primarily flat, with some rolling hills; this has contributed to the orderly development of the city's structure.

Road System

Chillvana operates on a grid-based street layout. The streets are 3 blocks wide, made of spruce bottom slabs, with a trim of stone brick stairs on either side. At each intersection, the center slab is waterlogged to allow for riptide tridents to be used. Each intersection is spaced 32 blocks apart from the next, and the interior space of each block of the city is 29x29 blocks. The north-south roads are avenues, and the east-west ones are streets. From west to east, the avenues (each named for an important feature of the nation; most from Old Cuba) are as follows: Feng, Singularity, Castle, Torchgrid, Stormalong, and Everglacier. From north to south, the streets are as follows: Sprutia, Navia, Station, Sesame, Main, Boardwalk, and Gay.

Addresses are labeled going from the north- or west-most point of the relevant road. This system was created and implemented by Zhivämky.

There are also several other footpaths not part of the grid. The Freezeway-01, which turns into Stormalong Avenue, connects Chillvana directly to Old Cuba. The Bloomway, which extends from the intersection of Everglacier Avenue and Sesame Street, passes by the Chillvana Gardens, reaching the suburb of Eastbay. There is also a path extending from the intersection of Singularity Avenue and Main Street that leads to the Holy Temple of Chillvana, a cemetery, a nether roof portal, and trail ruins that are an archaeological site of the Chillvana Museum.



In addition to the road network, Chillvana is also connected to Cenrail. The Cuban Line runs through here, providing a vital link to the other parts of the nation. To the north, the next stop is Anweigh, and to the south, it's Old Cuba. The Cuban Line has a very high ratio of powered to regular rails, especially between Chillvana and Anweigh.

There are currently plans to expand Chillvana Station. These expansions will include work to the physical station building, along with the addition of 3 more rail lines. The planned Crystal Line will be an international Cenrail line, with stops planned at Byelaya Tepe, Fin's planned drowned farm, and the Port of Eras. The other 2 lines are local. The one that is Cenrail local will be a shuttle to the Arctic Circle Stadium. The other, a local transit system, will comprise the Chillvana Metro. The Metro will have stops around the Chillvana Metropolitan Area, providing quicker routes to key sites. You can view the map here.

Industry, Livestock, & Agriculture

Chillvana is home to several farms and methods of producing items.

Automated Farms

Chillvana has a melon farm, located on Main Street.


There are numerous animals in Chillvana. In terms of livestock, pens of sheep, cows, and pigs are kept on Station Street. There is also a sniffer pen there. Horses and camels are kept on Main Street. Plans are in the works for an aquarium on Everglacier Avenue, containing frogs, fish, and axolotls. Under the nether portal, there is a strider pen.


Chillvana has a small crop farm, and a cactus farm. There is also agriculture under the bakery. Off of the Bloomway, opposite the Gardens, are areas for trees, bamboo, and large mushrooms to grow. Chillvana is one of the few places with a homegrown mangrove swamp.


Chillvana also has a lava farm below the nether portal.



Chillvana itself is home to Fin, Kate, and JANVS. Fin's house, which is still incomplete, is on 4 Sesame Street. It takes up a full block of the streets. Janus' house is next to Fin's, and is even more incomplete. It has a big dirt spiral on it. Kate's house is inside an iceberg, at 1 Sesame Street.

Eastbay, a suburb, is home to Zhiv and Ann. Their houses are the only structures there.


City Hall

City Hall has 3 different addresses, for each of the 3 entrances to the main floor. This main floor is the communal storage of the nation, which all Coldbans are free to use. It is sorted by category. The second & third floors of City Hall have offices. On the second floor are the Office of Foreign Affairs and the Office of Building Affairs. On the third floor are the Treasury, the AAA meeting room, and the TBD.

The building is the epitome of Chillvan architecture, with its spruce and deepslate composition. It also features open windows, which allow better access. It is the tallest player-made structure in the city.

Chillvana Station

Another deepslate and spruce building, the open-air Chillvana Station serves as the entry point by rail to the city. It contains maps of the city and nation, as well as free minecarts and sweet berries. The old building was a small deepslate and spruce structure with several levels on the interior.

There are ongoing renovations to expand the station to include additional rail lines, as well as a larger building to serve as a visitor center. It is now the largest building in downtown, sitting at 25 by 37 blocks of space. The design is essentially an enlargement of the old building, retaining core design elements. It is constructed almost entirely of deepslate bricks and spruce. The longer east and west sides use straight pillars of spruce planks and stripped spruce logs, forming tall, thin window-like openings. The front of the building, the south facade, has large deepslate brick arches, much like the old building. The central one is the main entrance. The second floor of the south facade has a large clock and windows matching those on City Hall. The north face of the building has thinner deepslate arches.


A small structure with a tower, the guardhouse serves as the nation's prison. It is located on Sesame Street. It is built almost entirely out of deepslate bricks.

Post Office

The Chillvana Post Office, located on Main Street, was built to replace the mail floor of the Capitol in Old Cuba. Both were built by Fin. The Chillvana Post Office uses spruce and deepslate on the exterior, but the interior uses various types of wood to color code the mailboxes. To one side are inboxes for each Coldban citizen, and to the other side are outboxes to other nations, categorized by general geographic location. In the middle is the national inbox.


Nether Portal

The city's nether portal is located on the corner of Sesame Street and Castle Avenue, at the heart of the city. The design, incorporating each nether biome, was made by Suqi, with later modifications by Zhiv. The portal links to the Nether roof, connecting Chillvana to Leshrail Roof. Under the portal are the lava farm and strider pen.


Located on Station Street, the furnace building is a short structure, made of the usual spruce and deepslate. It contains 8 each of furnaces and blast furnaces, as well as barrels of charcoal.

Melon Farm

The melon farm is on Main Street.


Chillvana Museum

The Chillvana Museum, located on Singularity Avenue, contains both artifacts from naturally generated structures and items from Cuban history. Currently in the 2-story building are several items from trail ruins, as well as a few items discovered in Old Cuba. This was constructed by Zhiv and JANVS.

Holy Temple of Chillvana

The largest structure in the city, the Temple was built by Magnvs. It is constructed out of deepslate and spruce, and has several different areas. A main courtyard features a tree hand built by Zhiv, and several other flowers. Past that, a small second floor mezzanine includes all 3 Puan flowers. The main hall includes several allays and soul lanterns, in a grand hall. The temple is open for worship of any religion.

Chillvana Librarby

The librarby, made by Zhiv, is a small building on Sesame Street. It contains chiseled bookshelves with books in them. These include the Book of IPA and copies of Coldba's foreign treaties. Below the librarby is a cartography room.


The cemetery, built by Zhiv, is a small open air structure of deepslate and iron bars that lies just past the Temple. Currently, two bodies are buried there: Zhiv's horse Aubrey who died to powdered snow, and Bobert the frog, who jumped into lava on the way to the Froglight Farm.



Built by Suqi, this structure incorporates a number of different wood types. Its interior, meanwhile, is cherry and quartz. It is home to several in-house farms below it. It is not yet open for business. It also houses one of Chillvana's 3 beacons, this one colored to make a trans pride flag.


This birch, spruce, and cobbled deepslate building on Sesame Street was built by Zhiv, and contains free rooms and a small food store.

Main Street Market

Another of Zhiv's builds, this market has several open-air stalls with a variety of items. Notably, there are snow foxes for sale here. This market sits at the end of Main Street, next to the Freezeway-01.

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