Tunnel Collapse 1+i
The Tunnel Collapse 1+𝑖 is a hypothetical "accident" that happened somewhere between Latium and Vilantnen, maybe Arbustivum but who knows. On 30 December, while sq, Katherine Awesome and Lambda got stuck digging the Cenrail tunnel from Idanopolis because a certain someone named sq caused the whole ŋorld to collapse and leave them trapped in the ground, and thus could not use /warp or /home to get back.[1]
Prime Timeline
It took like 4 hours but it was completed[2]
Tunnel Collapse 1+𝑖
sq unknowingly caused 2 other people to get stuck in the tunnel because he was lazy to use his iron tools made with iron obtained from the iron farm at Kozdenen to dig. As such, he got Katherine and Lambda to help out (he was eating lunch while the others were digging, thus only built like, I don't know, a quarter of the tunnel?).
After getting back online, sq ran frantically to the other side of the tunnel due to his nyctophobia[3]. He then dug one gravel, which caused a chain reaction of the entire lake and Olympus Mons to collapse into the void, while the lightning storm got larger and the earth crumbled apart[4]. The hole slowly got bigger, swallowing up parts of Sabīnum and Idanopolis.
When theidealist joined a few hours later, he spawned on the hovering remains of the Land of Chaos[5], where he continuously fell down, prompting him to leave. By the time spook_bag joined the next day, the entire ŋorld had been swallowed up. Everyone in the server pinged Ætérnal repeatedly, causing him to tell everyone to temporarily shut up or he will mute them all[6].
Everyone did not shut up and so Æt shutted them up for a day or so while he revived the ŋorld. sq was later banned from making Cenrail tunnels.
This still leaves Vipolis unconnected to the Mountain Line.