Sheikah language

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The Sheikah language is said to be the predecessor to the Kyawcennic languages.


Bilabial Alveolar Postalveolar Palatal Velar-Uvular
asp unv v asp unv v unv v asp unv v
Plosive /pʰ/ /p/ /b/ /tʰ/ /t/ /d/ /kʰ/ /k/ /g/
Nasal /m/ /n/ (ŋ)
Fricative /s/ /(d)z/ /ʃ/ /(d)ʒ/ (ɕ) /x/
Affricate /ts/ /tʃ/ (tɕ)
Liquid /l/ /ɻ/ ⟨r⟩ /j/ /w/
Front Central Back
Short Long Short Long
Close /i/ /iː/ ʉ
Mid /e/ /eː/ /ɘ/ /o/ /oː/
Open /ɑ/ /ɑː/
/aʊ/ /ai/ /eo/ /ei/ /iu/ /oʉ/


Translt. Pronunciation
A /ɑ/
AA /ɑː/
AW /aʊ/
AY /ai/
B /b/
C /ts/
D /d/
E /e/
EE /eː/
EW /eo/
EY /ei/
F /pw/
G /ɡ/ (onset)

/ŋ/ (coda)

H /x/
I /ɘ/
IY /ɘi/
J /ʒ/
K /k/
KI /kʰ/
L /l/
M /m/
N /n/
NG /ŋg/
O /o/
OO /oː/
OU /wʉ/
P /p/
PI /pʰ/
Q /tʃ/

/tɕ/ before front vowels

R /r/
S /s/
T /t/
TI /tʰ/
U /ʉ/
V /ɱ/
W /o/

/w/ before vowels

WU /oʉ/
X /ʃ/

/ɕ/ before front vowels

Y /i/, /j/ before vowels
YW /iw/
Z /z/



Evolution to Kyawcenni

  1. x > χ
  2. ɘi > ɪj
  3. ɘ > i
  4. i > ɪj /_#
  5. ɱ > mw
  6. ʉ > y
  7. r > ɻ
  8. e > ɛː /_{tʰ,kʰ,pʰ}
  9. o > ɔː /_{tʰ,kʰ,pʰ}
  10. tʰ,kʰ,pʰ > t,k,p
  11. ɑ,ɑː > a,aː
  12. e,o > eː,oː /_{r,l}
  13. e,o > ɛ,ɔ
  14. l > w /_#, C_V, V_C
  15. tɕ,ɕ > cç,ç

See also