User:CMCollective/Plan PJC

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Revision as of 11:27, 4 December 2024 by CMCollective (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[The following is a transcript of a recording taken from the security camera near cell 65 of Ehícláhti Prison in the Uzafnic Federation. Every mentioned individual is color coded.] {{ColorText|color=#d00a24|t=Oi,}} {{ColorText|color=#ca0086|t=Cassie}}{{ColorText|color=#d00a24|t=. Should we check up on that lad?}} {{ColorText|color=#ca0086|t=I think we should,}} {{ColorText|color=#d00a24|t=James}}{{ColorText|color=#ca0086|t=.}} [The recording then shows {{ColorTe...")
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[The following is a transcript of a recording taken from the security camera near cell 65 of Ehícláhti Prison in the Uzafnic Federation. Every mentioned individual is color coded.]

Oi, Cassie. Should we check up on that lad?

I think we should, James.

[The recording then shows James and Cassie sliding the bars of cell 65 open]

Oi, you. What are ya two doing 'ere looking at me? Are you from the government or something?

Quite the opposite, actually!

We actively despise the Uzafnic government.

By Ásarin! I also hate the government!
Oh, right. Didn't introduce meself. I'm Patrick Scotíceót, and I actually used to be an intern at the UFMoFA before landing 'ere. Thing is, I hate the current government, and 'ave a personal vendetta against Iris and Eduard from back in the Amuj times, which is why I tried to impersonate the latter on the diplomatic communication channel. However, I wasn't allowed to do either of those things, and for that, I was thrown in 'ere for two months!

Hmm... A former UFMoFA intern who got jailed for impersonation and unauthorized use of government equipment, who also has a vendetta against two people in the government...
Aha! So you are Patrick Scotíceót! James and I were looking for you here because we're planning a coup on Iris' government, and thought to bring the best coup organiser we knew of, that being you!

A coup, ya say? Ya sure have come to the right guy!

Alright, so Cassie and I are planning to execute this plan on January 3rd at the earliest, but no later than February 3rd.

So whaddya say, Pat? Shall we write down our ideas for what we're calling Plan PJC?


[End of recording]