Saxo-Syzkynic languages
The Saxo-Syzkynic language family, also known as the Germanic language family is the largest language family on Nguhcraft. It consists of 12 languages; these are split into a Western (or Saxic) branch consisting of Saxish, Seolspraec, and English (including the Ninjargon variety) as well as German (including its Atlantic dialect), Alpic, and the extinct Augish, and a Northern (or Syzkynic) branch consisting of Syzkyn and Swedish as well as Vidish (the reason for the "west" and "north" terminology is not known). Hanebrugish is also in the language family, albeit it's exact placement in the family is undetermined. The French language may also be distantly related. Taylang may also be related to some extent.
- Saxo-Syzkynic
- Hanebrugish
- Saxic
- Syzkynic