Republic of Umraute

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Republic of Umraute
Uéfráhti Ómráhti
Republikë Umrrotë
Location of Umraute (dark green)
Capital cityFisete
GovernmentRepublic of the Uzafnic Federation
Governor: Ian

The Republic of Umraute (Áwaric: Uéfráhti Ómráhti [wiɸ.ʀɔː.te um.ʀɔː.te], Albanian: Republikë Umrrotë /ɾepublikə umrotə/) was a constituent republic of the Uzafnic Federation. It was located in the north of the Land of Chaos.


The Republic of Umraute was divided into the following municipalities:

Names in other languages

Name in other languages:
  • East Narkevin: M'ëjäŋësp zda Umyote /mʕəˈjɛŋ.əsp zda umˈɣo.te/
  • Isle Narkevin: Majæňosp zda Umrote /maˈjɛŋ.osp zda umˈro.te/
  • Kathyrian: Umrote Umrote [ʊmʁɔˈte]
  • Knrawi: Sewàhit Ûmjati[x̟əʍa˩hɛt ʊ˥˩mx̠ɔtɛ]
  • Kozramva: Ur̃oote [uⁿro:te]
  • Mosici: an-ómráhtic iplestora an-Ómráhtic iplestora /ãtumʀɔːtec eplɛstoʀa/
  • Old Narkevin: Majeƞusp zda Umrawte /maˈjɛɴ.usp zda umˈraw.tɛ/
  • Regnate Latin: RÉSPV́BLICA VMBRÓTA /reːsˈbuːblɪkʰɐ ʊmˈbroːtʰɐ/, (colloquially) SCVDRÓ /ˈsgʊdroː/
  • Śácamþaśá: urATSU Śycrau /'ʃɵcrɐ̹u̯/[1]
  • Soc'ul': Xojait Umýáte[ʃo̞˥xʷɒ˧jt u˧mɰˀaː˩˥tə˥]
  • Toki Pona: ma Umote /ma ˈ
  • West Narkevin: Mëjäŋëcp zda Omyote /mɤjɛŋɤʃp zda omˈɣo.te/

References and Footnotes

  1. This is derived from the old name ‘Shudrow’