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The musan (Rokadong:  musan), officially referred to as the gundarimusan (Rokadong: ), is the currency of the Kingdom of Rauratoshan.


The symbol used for musan ingame is "₻", though the symbol preferred is a Rokadong letter () with two horizontal lines through it. The currency is backed primarily by raw iron, but distributed with written books. Current regulation by the Rauratoshan Office of the Treasury is that RA$1 is equal to 4 raw iron.

Musan can also be subdivided into 3 firos (, "shilling"), each worth 12 payang (, "penny"); that is, there are 36 (or 100 in seximal) payang to a musan. The number of payang in an account (beyond the integer number of musan in it) is traditionally represented in seximal, even though musan is typically represented in decimal. This is because this representation makes fractions of the musan more apparent, as "₻0.20" is more clearly one-third of a musan than "₻0.12".


The Royal Bank of Rauratoshan in Azeria manages the coffers of the Rauratoshan Kingdom, as well as conversions from diamond, raw copper, and raw iron into musan.