Heufaunese Broadcasting Corporation

The Heufaunese Broadcasting Corporation, or HBC (Tásí: t́íhífána t́íváćiésiome ćiérí/hvći T́íhífána T́íváćiésiome Ćiérí / HVĆi /dɨxɨˈfona dɨvod͡ʒiˈʃume d͡ʒiɣɨ/), is the ŋational broadcaster of the country of Heufauna.
HBC Channels and Stations
TV Channels
- HBC News (ht́ć fevózióńi HVĆ Fevózióńi /xɵˈvɵgɵ fevɵˈʒɵŋi/) - Broadcasts exclusively news programs 24/7
- HBC One (ht́ć té HVĆ Té /xɵˈvɵgɵ ti/) - Broadcasts any content unsuited for HBC News
Radio Stations
- HBC Radio One (ht́ć rat́éiá té HVĆ Rat́éiá Té /xɵˈvɵgɵ ɣaˈdijo ti/) - Radio version of HBC One
Names in other languages
Name in other languages:
- Hebrew: תאגיד השידור החאופונאי Ta'agid Hashidur Hakheufona'i [taʔaˈgid ɦaʃiˈduʀ ɦaχeu̯fonaˈʔi]