
Nguhrizona, also known as The Wasteland[1], was a desert region in Season 1 linked with the First Cuban Empire which was situated to its west. Most builds and development of Nguhrizona were done by Ætérnal, Agma Schwa, and KateThePanPlate. Nguhrizona was used as the site for multiple Nguhstreams. The most distinctive features of Nguhrizona were its three giant sandstone pyramids, Agma's castle, a parkour course, a garden with many tree variants (known as the Nursery), and other sturctures. There were also various weird blocks Ætérnal created using commands. The Nursery was pasted into Season 2 and can be found in the city of Blythe.
Nguhrizona was connected to Cuba both in the overworld (via the Cuban rail) and the nether via a path of obsidian Ætérnal build in creative, which led to one of Nguhrizona's pyramids.