La Consequéncia deis Accions caoticas d'Ánuan

La Consequéncia deis Accions caoticas d'Ánuan (The Consequences of Annwan's Chaotic Actions), also known as CACA for short, is a personal territory of Annwan purchased from the BIG SHOT MINECRAP SALE!!!. It is surrounded by Evil Chile and borders Gazhelant in such a way that every block directly north of a block from Gazhelant is territory CACA.
Its territory is extremely complex and difficult to interact with with caution. This territory, too, extends fully in the Y and -Y directions for all of its block regions. Any structures or tunnels crossing above, below, or through exact CACA territory must receive permission from Annwan or they may be considered griefing. CACA will be marked with signs on every block of its territory. Any animals whose position in CACA territory is unclear must overlap with a sign to be considered inside the territory. These animals may not be killed as they are property of CACA.
CACA's block regions are too small to be visible on any official map, but are still a valid soverign territory.