User:CMCollective/Plan PJC

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[The following is a transcript of a recording taken from the security camera near cell 65 of Ehícláhti Prison in the Uzafnic Federation. Every mentioned individual is color coded and the names of the perpetrators are redacted.]

Oi, [REDACTED]. Should we check up on that lad?

I think we should, [REDACTED].

[The recording then shows the two perpetrators sliding the bars of cell 65 open]

Oi, you. What are ya two doing 'ere looking at me? Are you from the government or something?

Quite the opposite, actually!

We actively despise the Uzafnic government.

By Ásarin! I also hate the government!
Oh, right. Didn't introduce meself. I'm [REDACTED], and I actually used to be an intern at the UFMoFA before landing 'ere. Thing is, I hate the current government, and 'ave a personal vendetta against Iris and Eduard from back in the Amuj times, which is why I tried to impersonate the latter on the diplomatic communication channel. However, I wasn't allowed to do either of those things, and for that, I was thrown in 'ere for two months!

Hmm... A former UFMoFA intern who got jailed for impersonation and unauthorized use of government equipment, who also has a vendetta against two people in the government...
Aha! So you are [REDACTED]! [REDACTED] and I were looking for you here because we're planning a coup on Iris' government, and thought to bring the best coup organiser we knew of, that being you!

A coup, ya say? Ya sure have come to the right guy!

Alright, so [REDACTED] and I are planning to execute this plan on January 3rd at the earliest, but no later than February 3rd.

So whaddya say, [REDACTED]? Shall we write down our ideas for what we're calling Plan [REDACTED]?


[End of recording]