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The Realm of Madness

Location of the Realm of Madness (dark green)
Lord: Suqi
Official languagesEnglish
Ikai Taa
CurrencyCondensed Evil

The Realm of Madness (informally known as Madness or ROM), is a mountainous and swampy region on the northern part of the Land of Chaos, south of the Sea of Fortune. It was created on August 3rd, 2024.

The Realm of Madness in Ninjago

The country is heavily based on the Ninjago TV series' Realm of Madness, and incorporates other elements of the show, such as condensed evil.


The Bottomless Pit (pre-sculk)
Mob Farm

There is a half chunk-sized hole that leads into the void known as the bottomless pit and a mob farm to be used for spreading sculk. The Rail of Madness have been constructed to connect the realm to the Transfortunate Cenrail line, but the station itself is still under construction. A trial chamber was also discovered under the swamp.


The Realm of Madness is young, but plans are underway to build structures and change the landscape drastically. These include the following:

  • Converting the territory into a sculk bloom
  • A highly efficient XP farm
  • The unhouse, a house designed to be difficult and dangerous to traverse
  • The Illegal Museum, a museum of illegal items on Nguhcraft that players have managed to obtain
  • The Bank of Evil, the primary storage space of Condensed Evil currency
  • The Lord's Castle, where the lord occasionally shouts oddly specific insults at everyone in a French accent


The Realm of Madness is founded on 5 main principles (PENIC) that contribute to its vibe.

  1. Power: it should be a place where people can grow stronger (something about XP farms)
  2. Evil: things should look evil
  3. Nonsense: doing and building things that are pointless is encouraged
  4. Insanity: doing and building things that are detrimental is encouraged
  5. Corruption: it should promote people to act differently than they would in any other country

There are 5 offices dedicated to each PENIC principle:

  1. Office of Power: in charge of XP farm maintenance and getting up in everyone's face about how powerful they are. They have permission to attack players for no reason, but only as long as they respawn in the Realm of Madness.
  2. Office of Evil: in charge of general decor, pranks, and ensuring all markets are actual scams.
  3. Office of Nonsense: they do nothing.
  4. Office of Insanity: in charge of making things slightly more inconvenient and making up arbitrary rules for citizens to follow (which last only one Minecraft day cycle).
  5. Office of Corruption: in charge of making sure sculk is not damaged to the point it reveals real ground underneath and helping the Lord make the government more corrupt via bribery, embezzelment, lobbying, etc.



The Realm of Madness is governed by the Lord and two subordinate bodies: the Office of Insanity, mentioned above, and the Ninjoffice (both of which may include multiple officers). While named similarly, the other four offices are not governmental positions, merely players who contribute to the country's vibe. The government type fluctuates between a dictatorship headed by the Lord and an anarchy at random.

During the dictatorial phase, any member of government may represent the country interŋationally. They are all forbidden from communicating with each other about foreign relations in order to create confusion amongst themselves and the interŋational community.

The Lord's duties primarily consist of managing the Bank of Evil, political corruption, and potentially harassing the plebians. And, of course, making all the permanent laws.

The Office of Insanity's government duties are the aforementioned "making up arbitrary rules for citizens to follow". Creating inconveniences are not in their job description, but instead an encouraged side-gig. In the event that a member of the Realm desires to build something pointless or detrimental, the Office of Insanity is required to assist to some extent.

The Ninjoffice is in charge of covertly ensuring Condensed Evil is not stored outside of the Bank of Evil, in order to retain the currency's variable nature. More details provided in the Economy section.

During the anarchical phase, any citizen of the Realm of Madness may represent the country interŋationally. Citizens are discouraged from using critical thinking and proper judgement while under the role of representative– unless said recklessness may create an interŋational incident. All PENIC Officers have the same duties, except for the Officers of Insanity who only retain their duty to make things slightly more inconvenient.

PENIC principles and server rules (i.e., no stealing, no griefing) are to be upheld during dictatorship AND anarchy.

Political Parties

Main article: Parties of Madness

The Realm of Madness currently has 12 political parties which exchange power over the dictatorship and are based on what Lord Suqi's gender is at the time. Political parties also host parties related to politics in their offices every once in a while.


A player does not need to be a citizen in order to live in the Realm of Madness (unless a temporary rule against it was decided by the Officer of Insanity). However, only citizens can join an office of PENIC. On Fridays, citizens can participate in a raffle where something random is chosen by the Lord or an Officer of Insanity and given to a lucky or unlucky winner. Raffle prizes can include items, land ownership, government announcements, perilous journeys, abuse of power, and more!

To become a citizen, one must die on top of a sculk catalyst, write a short sentence in "The Booc" (a book that compiles sentences in order to form a story), answer 5 questions wrongly, and pledge to uphold the PENIC principles.

Private Property

The Lord owns 2 blocks of every structure in the country. Permanent structures must look either evil or stand out an absurd amount.

Interŋational Relations

As of this writing, the Realm of Madness retains a strongly anti-conflict stance in world politics. It will remain peaceful in any war that has the potential to threaten its property, territory, and overseas embassies.

The Realm of Madness is allied with Coldba (Cuba), the Port of Eras, and Oberia.



The Realm of Madness uses three currencies for different purposes.

  1. 64 Condensed Evil as coal
    The primary currency within the realm is Condensed Evil (C$), that being any black or very, very, very dark grey item/block that is named "Condensed Evil" in an anvil, or a similarly colored mob named "Condensed Evil" with a nametag. Hostile mobs are required to be put in boats. If used as currency, the Wither must be in an inescapable enclosure. While difficult to obtain, illegal items such as Enderman Spawn Eggs and Uncraftable Tipped Arrows are accepted as legitimate Condensed Evil– given, of course, that they are black and named "Condensed Evil". All items with the name are valued equally, so greater value is only obtained via a greater number of items.
    For trade in the realm involving the government, or if one does not wish to deal with the Bank of Evil, THE MADDENING (M$) is used as currency instead of Condensed Evil. This currency is Suspicious Stew named "THE MADDENING" in an anvil. Unlike Condensed Evil, THE MADDENING is kept by the citizens and has no involvement with the Vault of Evil. Stews are valued based on the effect they have on the drinker and how difficult they are to obtain. The official act of accepting MADDENING is to drink the stew you are given, otherwise its value cannot be verified. It is considered rude to drink milk to make the effect go away. In order to keep track of which stew is which, the value of the stew may be written in its name. For example, the Wither Stew could be written "1,000 THE MADDENING". When paying with positive money, one receives a good or service. However, when paying with negative money, one necessarily provides a good or service instead. Possessing negative money makes one unable to use the equivalent amount of positive money. The incentive to use negative money is to be rid of it while also benefitting the buyer.
    • 1 Wither Stew = 1,000 THE MADDENING
    • 1 Poison Stew = 20 THE MADDENING
    • 1 Blindness Stew = 10 THE MADDENING
    • 1 Weakness Stew = 5 THE MADDENING
    • 1 Unknown Stew = 1 THE MADDENING, or something worth the value after being drunk
    • 1 Saturation Stew = -1 THE MADDENING (yes, negative one)
    • 1 Night Vision Stew = -5 THE MADDENING
    • 1 Jump Boost Stew = -10 THE MADDENING
    • 1 Regeneration Stew = -15 THE MADDENING
    • 1 Fire Resistance Stew = -30 THE MADDENING
    • 10 Condensed Evil = 1 THE MADDENING
  3. 1 Plaguebucks
    Plaguebucks (P$) is the interŋational currency of the Realm of Madness, but may also be used for trade in its borders. Plaguebucks are Gilded Blackstone blocks given the name "Plaguebucls" in an anvil (yes, they're called Plaguebucks with a K but the items are actually labeled Plaguebucls with an L). Any Gilded Blackstone named "Plaguebucks" is a forgery and, perchance, punishable. There is no official value of Plaguebucks using Condensed Evil or THE MADDENING. Their worth is different for each transfer. If a citizen does not wish to obtain Gilded Blackstone on their own, they may request it from the government, which will give them an appropriate or inappropriate amount of Gilded Blackstone in exchange for an agreed upon amount of THE MADDENING. The citizen is not entitled to receiving the Gilded Blackstone in a timely manner if the agreed upon amount is not readily available.

Preserving the Equal Value of Condensed Evil

Given that players will value the same amount of Condensed Evil differently, measures need to be taken to avoid the currency becoming the easiest type of Condensed Evil to attain.

  • Anyone who receives Condensed Evil as part of a purchase may not know which items/blocks/mobs they are to receive. The customer is required to only disclose the amount they will give.
  • All unused Condensed Evil must be kept mixed in a single storage facility (The Vault of Evil inside the Bank of Evil), where players' money is kept track of using signs. Players can deposit and withdraw Condensed Evil via a redstone machine that randomizes the item/block/mob given. During anarchy, players are allowed to enter the vault.
  • The Ninjofficers are permitted to check all unlocked chests, dispensers, and shulker boxes for unauthorized possession of Condensed Evil. They have no authority to take said Condensed Evil, nor anything else in the storages, but they must confront the owner and/or involve the Lord of Madness. Unauthorized possession of Condensed Evil is allowed during anarchy as long as it is not stolen.
  • Any Condensed Evil that can be used or discarded may be used or discarded at any time. While the Vault of Evil is inaccessible during dictatorship, during anarchy, players are allowed to use any Condensed Evil they find inside. However, they shall not steal or discard any Condensed Evil as that would be against the server rules.


Every market in the Realm of Madness must be a scam.


The flag imitates the landscape of the Ninjago Realm of Madness, but includes its own symbolism as well. The bright vertical purple line represents how the country is a beacon of evil in the world of Nguhcraft; the black flower represents the spread of corruption, like a sculk bloom; the red circle is an eye representing viewing the world through a distorted lens; and the dark gradient from above symbolizes both the idolization of the night and how the Realm of Madness is coated by darkness.