Port of Eras

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Revision as of 13:16, 15 August 2024 by Finconlangs (talk | contribs) (updated a lot of info and added image)
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Port of Eras

Location of Port of Eras (dark green)
RulerChairman Fin
Official languagesEnglish

Port of Eras is a country in Southern Ŋafrica which gained independence from Coldba (Cuba) on 3 August 2024. It was officially admitted to the on August 9th, 2024.


The Port of Eras is extremely diverse in biomes. Notable ones include swamps, dark oak forests, savannah, beaches, and a birch forest.

A map showing the various Eras, with select planned builds labeled as well.

The Port is also subdivided into several Eras, each representing a Taylor Swift album.


The Port of Eras is ruled by Chairman Fin, who also represents the country interŋationally.