Deranged Scamming Contest

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The Deranged Scamming Contest (DSC) is a contest held by the Realm of Madness where participants compete to pull off the most impressive scams they can achieve. The main event will occur each Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall at variable times. There will be minor events "eventinos" at random times throughout the year.

Any entity may join the DSC, whether it be a player, friend group, ŋation, alliance, organization, etc. One person may enter as part of any number of entities. Each entity may only join once per event. In order to join, one must notify the host and their name will be added to the participant list. They may begin working on their scam at any point and update the host on all the necessary information for their plans and execution so that it can be submitted to the judges.


Event Date Participants Outcome
Spring 2025 Main Event April 30th TBD


Eventinos are minor/easy scamming events with a specific theme or goal. Suggestions for eventinos may be submitted by anyone to Suqi. The host of an eventino may be anyone as long as they coordinate with Suqi about it.


  1. Do not scam non-partipants.
  2. Respect personal boundaries.
  3. Do not steal.
  4. Do not grief.
  5. Do not blackmail.
  6. Failing to complete the scam results in elimination.


Prizes are different for each eventino, and set by the host.

Main Event

In the main event, the participant must pull off one major scam against a specific entity determined by the host in order to impress the judges. The entity being scammed shall be selected from a list of consenting entities and will not know if they are going to be scammed or by whom. Participants may use their full creativity to plan and execute the scam as long as the rules are obeyed. Failure to obey them may result in elimination, being banned from the contest, or being banned from the server depending on severity. The host of the Main Event is Suqi unless they have requested someone else host in their stead.


  1. Respect personal boundaries.
  2. Do not steal.
  3. Do not grief.
  4. Do not blackmail.
  5. You may not scam only yourself.
  6. You may not participate if you do not consent to being scammed.
  7. Failing to complete the scam results in elimination.
  8. Anyone who was scammed has the right to take back what they were scammed of. This may put the participant's victory in jeopardy, so they must find a way of majorly scamming without genuine harm.




Judges appointed by the most scamming country, the Evil Scamming Country, will score entries according to the following criteria. The participants with the most points in total wins the competition.

Score Criteria
How creatively the scam was executed.
0 Based on judge's opinion.
How greatly the scammer benefited from the scam.
0 No personal gain.
1 Temporary personal gain.
2 Debatable personal gain.
3 Minor personal gain.
4 Major personal gain.
5 Impressive personal gain.
How permanent are the effects of the scam on the entity who was scammed.
0 The entity scammed is unaffected.
1 It would take a small amount of time to make up for the scam.
2 It would take a medium amount of time to make up for the scam.
3 It would take a large amount of time to make up for the scam.
4 It is possible to make up for the scam, but the entity scammed does not express interest due to the intensity.
5 The entity scammed can never recover from the scam.
How significantly the scam produced a political change or reaction.
0 No impact on politics
1 Local political action and/or mention in higher political discussions. Includes infiltration of minor political offices as the scam.
2 Official statement from territorial, or national government. Includes infiltration of major political offices as the scam.
3 Political action taken by ŋational government. Includes infiltration of political leadership as the scam
4 Government restructuring and/or political action taken by or creation of supraŋational organization(s).
5 Border change, creation of new ŋation, or political uprising.


In the event of a tie, the tied contestants play rock-paper-scissors until one remains.

List of Consenting Parties

  1. Chronos
  2. Evil Scamming Country
  3. Legwa Rrina
  4. Leshrail
  5. Realm of Madness
  6. Spamton Ŋ. Spamton
  7. Suwi
  8. Ten Shadows
  9. The The Natural Reserve
  10. United Places