List of deities of Yukacan
The pantheon of Yukacan is rather large, with many tiers of spirits included.
Spirit types
Yukacan recognizes three types of spirit: the living, the material, and the divine. A spirit can be "sealed/hidden" or "visible/unbound"; sometimes, sealed deities are considered a fourth class, the "hidden" spirit. Divine and hidden spirits are classed together as "deities", but Yukacan ascribes similar traits to all spirits; the main difference is in scope.
Living spirits are souls born when a living being is born, material spirits are connected to the land in some way (such as to a home or physical landmark), divine spirits are connected to the building blocks of land or other such concepts, and titanic spirits are deceased or sealed divine spirits. All of the above are seen as indestructible to physical phenomena. For example, when a living being's body dies, its spirit is said not to die, but to ascend to one or another spiritual realm.
Divine spirits are not just divided into "hidden" and "visible", but also are divided into "yukazetta" ("war deities") and "yukahushata" ("peace deities").
Seeing as firstly, there are too many to name in a reasonable timeframe, and secondly, they are typically not translated as "deities", the first two classes will be ignored for the list of deities of Yukacan. For lists of them, check census or geographical data.
List of deities in Yukacan mythology
Name | Etymology | Domain | Type | Characteristics | |
Selshan Téshika Téraza Télíta |
"star-path (between) the great earth, great sun, and great moon" | the sky, the stars | visible yukahushata | The guide of the world, Selshan is said to ensure the good fortune of the earth and those who live on it. Although considered a yukahushata, their extended title is said to have come from the areas they had to conquer to calm the world. | |
Terreya |
"all land"; similar to modern "rheya" (open land, continent) | the earth | hidden yukazetta | A primordial deity that fought the other two in the chaos of the early world. He was sealed by Selshan using the Ruviyatang. | |
Rému'an, Rémuan |
"the heavens, dreamland" (Old Rokadong rêmuq + -jan; the place version is + -an) | the sky | hidden yukazetta | A primordial deity that fought the other two in the chaos of the early world. She was sealed by Selshan using the Ruviyatang. | |
Suras Nila |
"blue ocean, deep sea" | the ocean | hidden yukazetta | A primordial deity that fought the other two in the chaos of the early world. He was sealed by Selshan using the Ruviyatang. | |
Korakasda |
"mother of seas" (obliquely through korong "seafoam") | water, the seas, fish, shells | visible yukahushata | Said to have brought forth the kanva species alongside Arejakar. Her symbol is a nautilus shell. | |
Arejakar |
"father of volcanoes" (obliquely through ari "fire") | fire, volcanoes, magma, rocks | visible yukazetta | Said to have brought forth the kanva species alongside Korakasda. His symbol is obsidian. Owing to being the father of kanvakind, Rauratoshanian death rituals typically involve cremation of the body. | |
Nilmiyo and Alerahan |
"blue river", "red sand" | keeper of spirits | visible yukahushata | The first two kanvas, one male and one female, both of whom became "keepers of the abyss". | |
Fájibagu |
"promise" (from Imperial Karanesa fûgibahr) | tricks, deception, dishonor | visible yukazetta | A war deity in Karanian myth, hence why he is yukazetta. However, in Yukacan, Fájibagu is not so tied to warmongering, and instead is linked to misinformation and deception more generally. In some communities, he is responsible for the delirious visions of sea monsters that Rokaselan sailors commonly tell tales about, but others attribute this to Nuiceta instead. | |
Nuiceta |
"reflection" | visions, dreams, and premonitions | visible yukahushata | A favorite to invoke by oracles and mediums. However, Nuiceta has a more mischievous side, and she is said to sometimes give intentionally malicious or misleading visions to scare people. Sometimes, this mischievous side is linked to a separate deity of nightmares, or to Fájibagu. | |
Fainontovénia |
"deliverer of (the) abyss" | reaper of spirits | hidden yukazetta | Apparently a loaned Matelian death deity said to only appear to those who are soon to die, and severs souls from their body by stabbing them with his lance. Involved with Yukacan myths about the end of the world, though his exact role in the end of the world varies. |