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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Cenrail/Stops/doc
--[[ name = name of the station country = 2-letter country code coords = coordinates of station entrance date_opened = date of station's opening in format YYYY/MM/DD notes = any comments ]] return { ARA = { name = "Ash Fork", country = "AR", coords = {-1274, 618}, }, ARF = { name = "Flagstaff", country = "AR", coords = {-1745, 1335}, date_opened = "2024/08/27", notes = "Local transit exists at this station: the [[Nogales-Arcosanti Line]] runs here.", }, ARS = { name = "Sedona", country = "AR", coords = {-751, 995}, }, ARY = { name = "Yuɱa", country = "AR", coords = {-849, 1129}, date_opened = "2024/01/28", notes = "Local transit exists at this station: the [[Core Xarslasja Line]] and [[Nogales-Arcosanti Line]] run at the attached Yuɱa Nexus station.", }, AYK = { name = "Khaath Tran", country = "AY", coords = {366, 2705}, date_opened = "2024/04/27", }, AYR = { name = "Ruôy Rûdak", country = "AY", coords = {1137, 2239}, date_opened = "2024/04/27", }, AYT = { name = "Tepmuy", country = "AY", coords = {-717, 3579}, date_opened = "2024/10/06", notes = "The tunnel from RPZ (then SAN) to this station was dedicated to [[CMC]]'s IRL cat [ Vampir] after they found out that he died the night before [[Ian]] finished digging the tunnel." }, BDM = { name = "Dchâjâ Mountain", country = "BD", coords = {6800, 1795}, }, CBA = { name = "Anweigh", country = "CB", coords = {-4648, 599}, date_opened = "2024/05/03", }, CBB = { name = "Sprutia Bridge", country = "CB", coords = {-3316, 1600}, }, CBC = { name = "Old Cuba", country = "CB", coords = {-4975, 1479}, }, CBE = { name = "Everglacier National Park", country = "CB", coords = {-4827, 1755}, }, CBF = { name = "Frostanamo Bay", country = "CB", coords = {-4977, 2045}, date_opened = "2024/09/08", notes = "The 'M' in the code refers to Faeran's former name of 'Murbet Isle'", }, CBM = { name = "Faeran", country = "CB", coords = {-4273, 2570}, }, CBN = { name = "Mt. Navia Village", country = "CB", coords = {-2811, 2059}, date_opened = "2024/09/09", }, CBS = { name = "Arctic Circle Stadium", country = "CB", coords = {-4357, 1431}, }, CBV = { name = "Chillvana", country = "CB", coords = {-4958, 956}, notes = "Local transit exists at this station: the [[Chillvana Metro]] runs here, with this stop designated as Grand Central Station. [[Leshrail]] transit exists at this station: N-CBV." }, CFA = { name = "Ażamui", country = "CF", coords = {-3097, 4893}, notes = "Local transit exists at this station: CMCRail L2 runs between this station and [[Żyknus]]." }, CFL = { name = "Lower Ruxese", country = "CF", coords = {-2851, 4734}, }, CFR = { name = "Ruxese Kdo.", country = "CF", coords = {-2903, 4838}, date_opened = "2024/12/23", notes = "Formerly 'Ruxèsej' and 'Rosiese'", }, CFV = { name = "Vönuxö", country = "CF", coords = {-3301, 4694}, date_opened = "2025/02/05", }, CFZ = { name = "Duzhauzech", country = "CF", coords = {-1107, 3796}, date_opened = "2025/01/21", }, CPL = { name = "The Complex", country = "CP", coords = {-2903, 5616}, }, CRV = { name = "Vizdanja", country = "CR", coords = {7896, 5615}, }, CVY = { name = "Civuyiscajrn", country = "CV", coords = {-4935, 7555}, notes = "This station was originally planned to be connected to Drebzha, but that plan was scrapped. The current rails use the existing tunnel built by [[User:Dillon|ʡeter]].", }, DOF = { name = "Froglight Junction", country = "DO", coords = {-4096, -3724}, date_opened = "2024/08/26", notes = "Local transit exists at this station: a single-tracked rail connects to the overworld portal to the Froglight Farm.", }, DOR = { name = "Rintìh", country = "DO", coords = {-3243, -3742}, }, EDT = { name = "Tordanniòge", country = "ED", coords = {1556, -6283}, date_opened = "2024/04/20", notes = "The line used to conclude by releasing the minecart off the rails onto the ground. That has since been replaced with a small wood cabin for a station, but at least it's pink.", }, EKE = { name = "Ekativak", country = "EK", coords = {2573, -1460}, }, EKG = { name = "Enkavak Government", country = "EK", coords = {2766, -1672}, }, EKH = { name = "Alnangaemak", country = "EK", coords = {2760, -1532}, }, EKS = { name = "Gashanggak", country = "EK", coords = {2927, -1757}, }, EPM = { name = "I Êpcêm Mûn-nan", country = "EP", coords = {2422, -2301}, notes = "Local transit exists at this station.", }, ESK = { name = "Kytuowus", country = "ES", coords = {828, 6126}, }, ESM = { name = "Medzeitei", country = "ES", coords = {163, 5978}, }, ESR = { name = "Ríkízműis", country = "ES", coords = {-402, 5515}, }, ESW = { name = "Wyisei", country = "ES", coords = {148, 5718}, date_opened = "2024/06/03", notes = "Was made a tribute to Fīl's irl cat after she passed away in the morning of the same day.", }, FLB = { name = "Baarzenstad", country = "FL", coords = {3164, 2165}, }, FLN = { name = "Northern Plains", country = "FL", coords = {1777, 1330}, date_opened = "2024/10/26", }, FLR = { name = "Romania", country = "FL", coords = {434, 1438}, date_opened = "2024/09/26", }, FLT = { name = "Tarpoenstad", country = "FL", coords = {1576, 2047}, date_opened = "2024/04/27", }, HEN = { name = "Nóreesá", country = "HE", coords = {-3058, -4133}, date_opened = "2024/04/20", }, HEQ = { name = "Qòhééhinyèè", country = "HE", coords = {-2365, -4503}, }, HLA = { name = "Auŕol Uraxe", country = "HL", coords = {-2580, -1509}, }, HLF = { name = "Fliegenpilz", country = "HL", coords = {-1890, -1506}, date_opened = "2024/04/02", }, HLG = { name = "Glitter Island", country = "HL", coords = {-2543, -1960}, }, HLH = { name = "Mitthumm City", country = "HL", coords = {-2258, -1432}, date_opened = "2024/04/02", notes = "This station's code originates from its original name, 'Hummland Hauptbahnhof.' [[Leshrail]] transit exists at this station: N-HLH.", }, HLM = { name = "Mawg", country = "HL", coords = {-448, 6426}, date_opened = "2024/05/27", notes = "[[Leshrail]] transit exists at this station: N-HLM", }, IMC = { name = "West Chalmòsique", country = "IM", coords = {-187, -1202}, }, IMO = { name = "Òjovila", country = "IM", coords = {117, -1512}, }, IMP = { name = "Imerchal Pfr.", country = "IM", coords = {9, -1172}, date_opened = "2024/01/02", notes = "[[Leshrail]] transit exists at this station: N-IMC.", }, KCB = { name = "Barzewmari", country = "KC", coords = {-843, -4754}, }, KCC = { name = "Parkow", country = "KC", coords = {-654, -1053}, notes = "Parkow's code reflects the city's original name, Kyaw Cen City. It was left unchanged so that 'KCP' could be used for Pereganesia Station.", }, KCE = { name = "Esasne", country = "KC", coords = {-373, -2848}, date_opened = "2024/05/18", }, KCH = { name = "Sheep Island", country = "KC", coords = {-706, -846}, date_opened = "2024/07/30", }, KCM = { name = "Port Marcy", country = "KC", coords = {-683, -237}, }, KCP = { name = "Hsegwar", country = "KC", coords = {185, -2009}, }, KCS = { name = "Shingtin Xeh", country = "KC", coords = {-461, -2229}, }, KCY = { name = "Yija", country = "KC", coords = {-696, -2566}, date_opened = "2024/01/25", notes = "[[Leshrail]] transit exists at this station: N-KCY", }, KLB = { name = "Byelaya Tepe", country = "KL", coords = {-6005, 1111}, }, KTH = { name = "Hanebrug", country = "KT", coords = {2800, 6746}, date_opened = "2024/10/09", }, KTM = { name = "Mekathyr", country = "KT", coords = {3322, 7138}, date_opened = "2024/12/30", }, KZA = { name = "Gulf Arena", country = "KZ", coords = {1640, -1625}, date_opened = "2025/01/16", }, KZC = { name = "Campus", country = "KZ", coords = {1776, -1782}, date_opened = "2024/06/20", }, KZD = { name = "Diplomatic Quarter", country = "KZ", coords = {1948, -1666}, date_opened = "2024/06/20", notes = "Subway access to Kozdenen (KZK)", }, KZE = { name = "Petty Pier", country = "KZ", coords = {2118, -1624}, date_opened = "2024/06/20", }, KZG = { name = "Blighted Shrine", country = "KZ", coords = {-1481, 3912}, date_opened = "2024/05/16", }, KZK = { name = "Kozdenen", country = "KZ", coords = {1988, -1714}, date_opened = "2024/03/02", notes = "Local transit exists at this station; the Kozdenen Metro does not directly connect to Kozdenen's Cenrail station. [[Leshrail]] transit exists at this station: N-KZK" }, KZL = { name = "Grand Boule", country = "KZ", coords = {1836, -1690}, date_opened = "2024/06/20", }, KZN = { name = "Bank", country = "KZ", coords = {1896, -1782}, date_opened = "2024/06/20", }, KZP = { name = "Cascade Park", country = "KZ", coords = {2015, -1761}, date_opened = "2024/06/20", }, KZR = { name = "Grand Pier", country = "KZ", coords = {1960, -1581}, date_opened = "2024/06/20", }, KZT = { name = "Stoneworks", country = "KZ", coords = {2050, -1581}, date_opened = "2024/06/20", }, KZW = { name = "Warehouse", country = "KZ", coords = {2052, -1690}, date_opened = "2024/06/20", }, LRI = { name = "Idanopolis", country = "LR", coords = {-1987, 4614}, date_opened = "2024/07/08", notes = "Local transit exists at this station: the Latium Local Rail runs here; [[Leshrail]] transit exists at this station: N-LRI", }, LRP = { name = "Pallēscēntium", country = "LR", coords = {-1993, 5376}, }, LRT = { name = "Telmaticum", country = "LR", coords = {255, -5776}, notes = "[[Leshrail]] transit exists at this station: N-LRT, at the witch farm.", }, MDK = { name = "Kišino", country = "MD", coords = {516, 1312}, date_opened = "2024/09/25", }, MIK = { name = "K'vgeba", country = "MI", coords = {-838, 5382}, date_opened = "2025/02/10", notes = "Formerly had the code SAM reflecting the island's previous name of South Arbustivum", }, MIM = { name = "Mziuri", country = "MI", coords = {-1039, 5452}, }, MLD = { name = "Maryland", country = "ML", coords = {-3487, -1897}, }, MPB = { name = "BaLbeL", country = "MP", coords = {2232, -1720}, }, MZC = { name = "The Citadel", country = "MZ", coords = {1219, -198}, }, MZG = { name = "Ğyžven", country = "MZ", coords = {-85, -596}, }, MZL = { name = "Liztarp", country = "MZ", coords = {-363, -227}, date_opened = "2024/03/24", notes = "Local transit exists at this station: a rail connects to Ğyžven.", }, MZT = { name = "Tisheongja", country = "MZ", coords = {1039, -4}, date_opened = "2023/12/28", }, MZS = { name = "Spawn", country = "MZ", coords = {-13, -36}, date_opened = "2024/04/22", notes = "[[Leshrail]] transit exists at this station: N-MZS", }, NAN = { name = "Nārospiňt", country = "NA", coords = {-46, 1047}, date_opened = "2024/09/25", notes = "Local transit exists at this station: the [[Nāroňpārwaf_Pāroz_Sit|SitNār]] goes through the actual city, across the bridge from the station.", }, NBT = { name = "Ŋibraltar", country = "NB", coords = {-1272, 924}, date_opened = "2024/07/15", }, NGH = { name = "Nguhngle", coords = {-4022, -751}, }, NTC = { name = "RPDN Trial Chamber", country = "NT", coords = {1736, -2993}, }, NTN = { name = "Nolegiona", country = "NT", coords = {2108, -2727}, }, OBC = { name = "Las Cabanetas", country = "OB", coords = {-2104, -570}, date_opened = "2024/07/28", }, ORT = { name = "Todoian", country = "OR", coords = {-6466, -7274}, date_opened = "2024/07/31", }, PE1 = { name = "1989 Era", country = "PE", coords = {-6175, -523}, date_opened = "2024/08/18", notes = "Local transit exists at this station: the [[Rails of Eras]] run here.", }, PET = { name = "TTPD Era", country = "PE", coords = {-6435, -642}, date_opened = "2024/08/28", notes = "Local transit exists at this station: the [[Rails of Eras]] run at the adjacent local station, TTPD • Standard Edition.", }, RAR = { name = "Remulapola", country = "RA", coords = {-5004, -1025}, date_opened = "2024/11/27", notes = "Local transit exists at this station: the [[Rauratoshan Loop]] runs here." }, RAU = { name = "Azeria", country = "RA", coords = {-4566, -1060}, notes = "Local transit exists at this station: the [[Rauratoshan Loop]] runs at the adjacent local station. [[Leshrail]] transit exists at the adjacent station as well.", }, RIJ = { name = "R̦ijeləm", country = "RI", coords = {1997, -1952}, }, RKZ = { name = "Zestōspiṓ", country = "RK", coords = {1933, -69}, }, RMJ = { name = "Madness Junction", country = "RM", coords = {133, 3929}, notes = "Local transit exists at this station: the [[Rails of Madness]] connect to the mainland of the [[Realm of Madness]].", }, RPA = { name = "Allium", country = "RP", coords = {-2023, 1963}, date_opened = "2024/09/10", notes = "Expanded to connect Ŋerlin to Tauranga Puawai on 6 February 2025", }, RPK = { name = "Kanga", country = "RP", coords = {-877, 1887}, date_opened = "2024/09/29", }, RPN = { name = "Ŋerlin", country = "RP", coords = {-1421, 2164}, date_opened = "2024/10/02", notes = "Initially completed as a local line on 2 October 2024 but was connected to the line to Allium on 6 February 2025", }, RPR = { name = "Drebzha", country = "RP", coords = {-1460, 2729}, date_opened = "2024/04/09", }, RPS = { name = "Shangu", country = "RP", coords = {-1742, 2534}, date_opened = "2024/08/10", }, RPZ = { name = "Kuzhgubsk", country = "RP", coords = {-809, 2917}, date_opened = "2024/08/19", notes = "This station was disconnected from the rest of the line on 17 September 2024, and reconnected two days later.", }, SEL = { name = "Seolland", country = "SE", coords = {-1229, 7409}, }, SPG = { name = "Spansos Gaming", country = "SP", coords = {-2885, -758}, date_opened = "2024/09/26", notes = "Local transit exists at this station, but is currently out of order.", }, STB = { name = "Bąlo Zăskluz", country = "ST", coords = {933, -2517}, }, STN = { name = "Sajlo Nagăv", country = "ST", coords = {780, -2769}, }, STS = { name = "Saotäjäe", country = "ST", coords = {611, -2658}, }, SVG = { name = "Gagma Balls", country = "SV", coords = {1933, 451}, }, SVP = { name = "Saiŋt Pierre and Ɱiqueloŋ", country = "SV", coords = {-4130, 4331}, date_opened = "2025/02/05", notes = "Local transit exists at this station: Venrail N1 runs here.", }, SVS = { name = "Sta Wejs", country = "SV", coords = {-6382, 4972}, date_opened = "2024/07/07", }, SXG = { name = "Slab Exchange", coords = {597, -3383}, date_opened = "2024/04/10", notes = "The Slab Exchange formerly had the code SEX. It was nominally changed to avoid conflicting with the real world country code of Sweden.", }, TAV = { name = "Vasilob", country = "TA", coords = {5452, -67}, }, TPS = { name = "Tauranga Puawai", country = "TP", coords = {-2028, 3612}, date_opened = "2024/11/20", }, TQN = { name = "Ŋájaþáw", country = "TQ", coords = {-2777, 582}, date_opened = "2024/04/22", }, TQS = { name = "Saxland", country = "TQ", coords = {-288, 902}, date_opened = "2024/04/09", }, TQT = { name = "Þunan Ŋáce", country = "TQ", coords = {-293, 364}, date_opened = "2024/01/04", notes = "[[Leshrail]] transit exists at this station: N-TQG has a portal that exits nearby.", }, TRC = { name = "Czägrÿxyx", country = "TR", coords = {2224, 3261}, date_opened = "2024/05/31", }, TYE = { name = "Etethelio", country = "TY", coords = {4368, -3412}, date_opened = "2024/12/31", }, TYN = { name = "Neu Tocoselesi", country = "TY", coords = {3690, -3406}, }, TYU = { name = "Unnamedtown", country = "TY", coords = {3857, -3412}, }, TZB = { name = "Bòtang", country = "TZ", coords = {-2542, -3175}, }, TZM = { name = "Mosas", country = "TZ", coords = {-519, 242}, date_opened = "2024/03/22", }, TZP = { name = "Pamou", country = "TZ", coords = {-2032, -3466}, date_opened = "2024/05/23", }, TZR = { name = "Ricset", country = "TZ", coords = {-532, -6726}, }, TZS = { name = "Shàloub", country = "TZ", coords = {-2565, -3292}, }, UNF = { name = "Fisete", coords = {-1676, 4280}, date_opened = "2024/10/21", notes = "[[Leshrail]] transit exists at this station: N-UNF.", }, UNG = { name = "United Ŋations HQ", country = "KC", coords = {-532, -2649}, date_opened = "2024/05/18", notes = "[[Leshrail]] transit exists at this station: N-UNG", }, VAF = { name = "Cyerin Forest", country = "VA", coords = {475, -1623}, }, VAV = { name = "Cape Vanstèrel", country = "VA", coords = {887, -1214}, }, VLP = { name = "Vipolis", country = "VL", coords = {-940, 4791}, date_opened = "2024/12/30", notes = "Local transit exists at this station: the Vipolis Metro runs here; [[Leshrail]] transit exists at this station: N-VLP", }, VZF = { name = "Festeburg", country = "VZ", coords = {-6705, -1273}, date_opened = "2025/01/07", }, XCC = { name = "Capitol", coords = {3492, 3806}, date_opened = "2024/09/13", }, XCE = { name = "Cesarea", coords = {3344, -353}, date_opened = "2024/07/07", notes = "Cesarea retained the country code of [[Fenizuela]], whose government has since migrated from the area, until 20 September 2024.", }, XCI = { name = "Citadel Island", coords = {7120, 3385}, date_opened = "2024/09/14", }, XG2 = { name = "Guam 2", coords = {-5926, -5982}, date_opened = "2024/07/31", }, XIO = { name = "Iopvixen's Fort", coords = {2672, -879}, date_opened = "2024/03/02", }, XMB = { name = "Marti's Base", coords = {5405, -1122}, date_opened = "2024/07/07", }, XMH = { name = "Marti's Home", coords = {5525, -3627}, date_opened = "2024/10/20", }, XMT = { name = "Kog'eññe Mesa Temple", coords = {4373, 788}, date_opened = "2024/07/07", }, XMV = { name = "Marti's Village", coords = {5505, -3129}, date_opened = "2024/07/07", }, XOS = { name = "Ostmare Stronghold", coords = {-752, 4914}, date_opened = "2025/02/02", notes = "This stronghold is shared by 5 nations under the Ostmare Stronghold Treaty.", }, XPH = { name = "Phoeŋix", coords = {-5166, -5511}, }, XPL = { name = "Paul", coords = {-1221, 4630}, date_opened = "2024/12/30", notes = "This station was added due to Paul's status as a [[UŊESCO]] Heritage Site.", }, XSB = { name = "Sidón y Biblos", coords = {3837, -60}, date_opened = "2024/07/07", notes = "Sidón y Biblos retained the country code of [[Fenizuela]], whose government has since migrated from the area, until 20 September 2024.", }, XSH = { name = "Scarecrow Harbour", coords = {-2353, 2165}, date_opened = "2024/09/09", notes = "Local transit exists at this station: [[Kyawcenni Pua]]'s metro system has a terminal here. [[Leshrail]] transit exists at this station: N-XSH.", }, XVH = { name = "The Hole", coords = {1634, -879}, date_opened = "2024/01/01", }, ZGW = { name = "Ʒimh Gwynh", country = "ZG", coords = {-4916, -395}, date_opened = "2024/05/03", }, ZTB = { name = "Balijom", country = "ZT", coords = {-5301, -4890}, }, ZTZ = { name = "Zotazil", country = "ZT", coords = {-5189, -4077}, }, }