Ramfa is the official religion of MápabaL. Followers of this religion believe that everything (regardless of animacy) has a true, secret name. Knowing this name gives power to the knower over the thing which the name belongs to.
The followers Ramfa possess a strong moral compass and believe that acting dishonorably is the highest form of sin. They also value the pursuit and possession of knowledge.
According to oral belief and the limited translations of ancient texts thus far, the followers of Ramfa believe that long ago humans knew The Names of All Things, and ruled the world as gods. However, due to an tragic event humans forgot the names of things. This event most often involves a young man named Sigurd who heavily exploits the power of names to achieve a dishonorable goal for example, to gain money, fame or even more power. The story usually ends with a being of higher power confronting Sigurd and punishing him and humanity by removing their ability to remember True Names. Translation of a recently discovered prosaic story collection from Old MápabaLa to Forðü and English are still ongoing.