Realm of Spamton
The Realm of Spamton is the Realm of Madness under the rule of Spamton Ŋ. Spamton. It still is officially called the Realm of Madness but has had drastic changes that warrant an additional name.
The government of the Realm of Spamton has 2 levels, TØP SPAMTON and the Council of Spamton, and is a democatic Spamtonocracy. A Spamtonocracy is a system of government ruled by Spamton, for Spamton, of Spamton.
The TØP SPAMTON is the figurehead of the government. Anyone who wants to interact with the government, from a foreign power or a citizen, interacts with the TØP SPAMTON. TØP SPAMTON makes all the declarations for the realm for all to know.
The Council of Spamton is made of hundreds of Spamton clones who make all the non-immediate decisions and inform the TØP SPAMTON on what to declare. Spamton Ŋ. Spamton's identity is smeared across each clone such that talking to one is identical to talking to all.
All government positions are democratically elected by the Electorate of Spamton who are all mini-Spamtons generated from the earth due to Spamton's intense hold on the country. The Electorate of Spamton are all citizens of the Realm of Spamton, but do not engage in government outside of elections. Every
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In reality, most random numbers used in computer programs are <em>pseudo-random</em>, which means they are generated in a predictable fashion using a mathematical formula. This is fine for many purposes, but it may not be random in the way you expect if you're used to dice rolls and lottery drawings.</p> <p>RANDOM.ORG offers <em>true</em> random numbers to anyone on the Internet. The randomness comes from atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms typically used in computer programs. People use RANDOM.ORG for holding drawings, lotteries and sweepstakes, to drive online games, for scientific applications and for art and music. The service has existed since 1998 and was built by <a href="mads/">Dr Mads Haahr</a> of the <a href="">School of Computer Science and Statistics</a> at <a href="">Trinity College, Dublin</a> in Ireland. Today, RANDOM.ORG is operated by <a href="">Randomness and Integrity Services Ltd</a>.</p> </div> <div class="ruler"></div> <div> <!-- <img style="float:left" src="/graphics/nuvola/games.png" /> --> <div class="maingraphic1">FREE services</div> <div class="mainindent"> <h3><a name="games">Games and Lotteries</a></h3> <p> <a href="">Lottery Quick Pick</a> is perhaps the Internet's most popular with over 280 lotteries<br /> <a href="">Keno Quick Pick</a> for the popular game played in many countries<br /> <a href="">Coin Flipper</a> will give you heads or tails in many currencies<br /> <a href="">Dice Roller</a> does exactly what it says on the tin<br /> <a href="">Playing Card Shuffler</a> will draw cards from multiple shuffled decks<br /> <a href="">Birdie Fund Generator</a> will create birdie holes for golf courses<br /> </p> </div> </div> <div class="ruler"></div> <div> <!-- <img style="float:left" src="/graphics/nuvola/middleware.png" /> --> <div class="maingraphic2">PAID service</div> <div class="mainindent"> <h3><a name="draws">Random Drawings</a></h3> <p> <a href="">Q3.1 in the FAQ</a> explains how to pick a winner for your giveaway for FREE<br /> <a href="">Third-Party Draw Service</a> is the premier solution to holding random drawings online<br /> <a href="">Step by Step Guide</a> explains how to hold a drawing with the Third-Party Draw Service<br /> <a href="">Step by Step Video</a> shows how to hold a drawing with the Third-Party Draw Service<br /> <a href="">Price Calculator</a> tells exactly how much your drawing will cost<br /> <a href="">Drawing FAQ</a> answers common questions about holding drawings<br /> <a href="">Public Records</a> shows all completed drawings going back five years<br /> <a href="">Drawing Result Widget</a> can be used to publish your winners on your web page<br /> <a href="">Multi-Round Giveaway Service</a> for verified video giveaways<br /> </p> </div> </div> <div class="ruler"></div> <div> <!-- <img style="float:left" src="/graphics/nuvola/middleware.png" /> --> <div class="maingraphic1">FREE services</div> <div class="mainindent"> <h3><a name="numbers">Numbers</a></h3> <p> <a href="">Integer Generator</a> makes random numbers in configurable intervals<br /> <a href="">Sequence Generator</a> will randomize an integer sequence of your choice<br /> <a href="">Integer Set Generator</a> makes sets of non-repeating integers<br /> <a href="">Gaussian Generator</a> makes random numbers to fit a normal distribution<br /> <a href="">Decimal Fraction Generator</a> makes numbers in the [0,1] range with configurable decimal places<br /> <a href="">Raw Random Bytes</a> are useful for many cryptographic purposes<br /> </p> </div> </div> <div class="ruler"></div> <div> <!-- <img style="float:left" src="/graphics/nuvola/security.png" /> --> <div class="maingraphic1">FREE services</div> <div class="mainindent"> <h3><a name="lists">Lists and Strings and Maps, Oh My!</a></h3> <p> <a href="">List Randomizer</a> will randomize a list of anything you have (names, phone numbers, etc.)<br /> <a href="">String Generator</a> makes random alphanumeric strings<br /> <a href="">Password Generator</a> makes secure passwords for your Wi-Fi or that extra Gmail account<br /> <a href="">Clock Time Generator</a> will pick random times of the day<br /> <a href="">Calendar Date Generator</a> will pick random days across nearly three and a half millennia<br /> <a href="">Geographic Coordinate Generator</a> will pick a random spot on our planet's surface<br /> <a href="">Bitmaps</a> in black and white<br /> <a href="">Hexadecimal Color Code Generator</a> will pick color codes, for example for use as web colors<br /> <a href="">Pregenerated Files</a> contain large amounts of downloadable random bits<br /> <a href="">Pure White Audio Noise</a> for composition or just to test your audio equipment<br /> <a href="">Jazz Scales</a> to practice improvisation for students of jazz guitar<br /> <a href="">Samuel Beckett</a>'s randomly generated short prose<br /> <a href="">DNA Protein Sequence Randomizer</a> (at Bio-Web) </p> </div> </div> <div class="ruler"></div> <div> <!-- <img style="float:left" src="/graphics/nuvola/tools.png" /> --> <div class="maingraphic1">FREE services</div> <div class="mainindent"> <h3><a name="tools">Web Tools and Widgets for Your Pages</a></h3> <p> <a href="widgets/integers/">Integer Widget Wizard</a> will put a mini-RANDOM.ORG on your web page or blog<br /> <a href="widgets/draws/">Draw Widget Wizard</a> will put the result of a paid drawing on your web page or blog<br /> <a href="">HTTP API</a> to get true random numbers into your own code<br /> <a href="">Guidelines</a> describe how to avoid getting in trouble<br /> <a href="">Banned Hosts</a> lists who didn't behave and have been blocked<br /> </p> </div> </div> <div class="ruler"></div> <div> <div class="maingraphic3"><img style="float:left" src="/graphics/nuvola/learn.png" width="64" height="64" alt="Learn about Randomness" /></div> <div class="mainindent"> <h3><a name="learn">Learn about Randomness</a></h3> <p> <a href="">Introduction to Randomness</a> explains what true random numbers are and why they're interesting<br /> <a href="">History</a> explains how RANDOM.ORG started and where it is today<br /> <a href="">Many Testimonials</a> from folks who have found very creative uses for random numbers<br /> <a href="">Acknowledgements</a> to all the generous folks who have helped out<br /> <a href="">Quotations</a> about randomness in science, the arts and in life generally<br /> <a href="">Media Coverage and Scientific Citations</a> lists popular print and scientific mention of the service<br /> <a href="">News</a> about the latest additions to the site<br /> </p> </div> </div> <div class="ruler"></div> <div> <div class="maingraphic3"><img style="float:left" src="/graphics/nuvola/graph.png" width="64" height="64" alt="Statistics" /></div> <div class="mainindent"> <h3><a name="statistics">Statistics</a></h3> <p> <a href="">Real-Time Statistics</a> show how the generator is performing right now<br /> <a href="">Statistical Analysis</a> explains how you test random numbers for randomness<br /> <a href="">Bit Tally</a> shows how much randomness has been generated since 1998 (hint: lots!)<br /> <a href="">Your Quota</a> tells how many random bits you have left for today<br /> </p> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="ruler"></div> <div> <div class="maingraphic1">FREE services</div> <img style="float:left" src="/graphics/nuvola/mobile.png" /> <div class="mainindent"> <h3>True Randomness on your Mobile</h3> <p> iPhone<br /> Android<br /> Blackberry<br /> Symbian<br /> </p> </div> </div> --> <!-- <div class="ruler"></div> <div> <img style="float:left" src="/graphics/nuvola/labs.png" /> <div class="mainindent"> <h3>Labs – What We're Working On</h3> <p> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> </p> </div> </div> --> <div class="ruler"></div> <div> <div class="maingraphic3"><img 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days, they vote amongst all the Spamtons, even themselves, to choose who becomes a new Spamton! When an Elector of Spamton becomes elected, he or it becomes a normal-size Spamton. Any government Spamtons voted out of office revert to their mini forms.
Government Agencies
Spamton has created government agencies for his realm.
- SPAM NEWS STATION: reports news from the Realm of Spamton. The news station is owned and directed by Big Boss Spamton and has only one writer, an up-and-coming Spamton named Suqi.
- KROMERY: sets the price of KROMER in the Realm of Spamton. It acts sort of like the stock market and has mini Spamtons constantly betting on random things to keep it going.
- GENERAL SPAMTON: a military organization that recruits newly-created mini-Spamtons into the military.
- POPULAR SPAMTON: a strangely Mettaton EX-like Spamton that goes around parading its popularity while counting the number of Spamtons in the realm.
Political Parties
Spamton Party
Spamton Party: promotes more Spamton, more power for Spamton, more glitching, more kromer, more freedom, more [[Hyperlink blocked]], and more HAHEHHAHHEHAHEHAHEHA. This party believes Spamton is the best thing to ever happen to the ŋorld.
Big Deals Party
Big Deals Party: promotes capitalism, bribery, scamming, and scamitalism. This party believes anything can be bought at any price whatsoever!
Pipis Party
Pipis Party: pipis