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GovernmentCo-protectorate of Vilantnen and T'anshilebs
Directors: sq, Lambda
Official languagesEnglish, Viossa, T'ashvolubi

South Arbustivum
sud Arbustiwum
ziícínasá aṕociéuo
דרום ארבוסטיוום
DemonymSouth Arbustivan
GovernmentCo-protectorate of Latium Regnātum, Vilantnen, and the CMCic Federation
Regents: theidealist, sq, Eduard
Official languagesRegnate Latin, English, Viossa, Tosï, Hebrew

The Directorate of Mziuri, also known as South Arbustivum (Regnate Latin: ARBVSTÍℲVM AOSTRÁLE [ɐrbʊsˈtiːwʊ̃ ao̯sˈtraːlɛ], Tosï: Ziícínasá Aṕociéuo Ziícínasá Aṕociéuo /ʒɨkˈnaso abuˈt͡ʃiwu/, Hebrew: דרום ארבוסטיוום Drom Arbustivum [dʀom aʀbusˈtivum], Viossa: Sud-Arbustivumlant, Mziurilant, T'ansholubi: 'მზიური mziuri) was a three-way condominium between Latium Regnātum, Vilantnen, and the CMCic Federation, now between Vilantnen and T'anshilebs located south of the former two's co-protectorate of Arbustivum, hence the name. It was established as a condominium with T'anshilebs for a building project.


Mziuri is made of 2 main islands and a couple smaller islands around it. The main island is Dźonglant (T'ansholubi: 'ჯონგლანტი jonglanti) and the smaller one east of it is called Ćawanlant ('ჭავანლანთი ch'avanlanti). The capital is K'vgeba (კვგე'ბა k'vgeba) located on Ćawanlant, however a bigger city is being developed on Dźonglant called Mziuri City.

Mziuri City

Mziuri city is divided into 3 sections, Upper Mziuri, Lower Mziuri and Lowest Mziuri. Lowest Mziuri is an ancient city that appears to have been looted by someone before it was discovered by sq. bla bla bla


Nothing. Like, literally, nothing of note was done there.


On 9 Feb 2025, following the CMCxplosion, theidealist gave the land of South Arbustivum to sq, who then made a condominium with Lambda. A connection to the Mountain Line was made the following day. insert stuff here