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  {{Trans/item|Isle Narkevin|''Mižāraži'' {{ipa|/miˈʒaː.ra.ʒi/}}}}
  {{Trans/item|Isle Narkevin|''Mižāraži'' {{ipa|/miˈʒaː.ra.ʒi/}}}}
  {{Trans/item|Japanese|ムジャリキュ ''Mujarikyu'' {{ipa|/mɯ(d)ʑaɾikjɯ/}}}}
  {{Trans/item|Japanese|ムジャリキュ ''Mujarikyu'' {{ipa|/mɯ(d)ʑaɾikjɯ/}}}}
  {{Trans/item|Kathyrian Urmhu|{{script|script=kathyr|t=Meżarici}} ''Meżarici'' {{ipa|[ˌmeʒəɰɪˈki]}}}}
  {{Trans/item|Kathyrian|{{script|script=kathyr|t=Meżariĸi}} ''Meżariĸi'' {{ipa|[ˌmeʒəɰɪˈki]}}}}
  {{Trans/item|Laevanaak|''{{script|script=laevanaak|t=}}'' {{Ipa|/nɑːg.lɪːv.nɐv/}}}}
  {{Trans/item|Laevanaak|''{{script|script=laevanaak|t=}}'' {{Ipa|/nɑːg.lɪːv.nɐv/}}}}

Revision as of 11:22, 15 December 2024

Location of Myžariky (dark and light green)
Official languagesSyzkyn
Photo of Hokqalonde, Myžariky
Hokqalonde, Myžariky

Myžariky (Syzkyn: Мыжариқы [ˈmɘʒɐˌrikʰʲɪ̈] 'Central Realm') is the a country located in the very center of the Nguhcraft, surrounding the spawn area and Hokqalonde. It is home to the village of Liztarp, the ruins of Nerven and Tisheongja, and the first Ætérnal Shrine.



The oldest extant settlement currently within Myžarikan territory is Hokqalonde, today in the southwest of the Svezy of Bažaxyžyn. It was founded by conlanger and former Nguhcord user EnigmaticLucas in March of 2022. The name is thought to come from his Oikan language, with the approximate meaning of "land of holes" alluding to the presence of several nearby caves. A long road was constructed from Hokqalonde to the village on the opposite side of the highlands, now known as Liztarp. Eventually, Liztarp was depopulated, though the timing and nature of this are not clear.

Marci (a former mod not to be confused with Marcy I) built a house upon a small, elevated island that is now part of the Svezy of Quvaven.

Later in 2022, rnifnuf settled on a small archipelago at the southern end of the Great Central Bay, establishing the base of Nerven. She built a modest but fully-featured house on the island, as well as an underground mob grinder, a tower for growing crops, a small livestock pen, and a joint melon-pumpkin farm on the western edge of the island. A simple bridge was built to connect the main island to one of the smaller islets, where Jungle trees were grown and harvested.

As Nerven developed, rnifnuf primarily explored the then-unclaimed islands of Qolven (formerly called Tritreven) and Ğyžven. However, virtually no development or terraforming happened on either island apart from placing torches in the natural formations of Vesqolyn and Jatnysqun.

Sometime in 2023, hummus built a small house on the southern shore of Quvaven. Later that year, Marcy I built a small base beneath the highlands of Bažaxyžyn and a bridge connecting it with her subsequent base on Marcyland. She would also construct a chicken pen and the very first Ætérnal Shrine near the entrance to the old base.

Nerven was destroyed during The Raid on 13 November 2023. Due to its proximity to Spawn, unsecured storage, and one of the perpetrators mentioning how they found "all this free shit" within two minutes of the raiders logging on, it is likely that Nerven was the first target and they stole several tools in order to wreak havoc elsewhere. Today, all that remains of the base is half of the melon/pumpkin farm, the porch and roof of rnifnuf's house, the outer shell of the crop tower, the bridge, and the underground lava farm. The bridge between Marcy's bases was destroyed, as was the house in southern Quvaven. The covered bridge in the lowlands of Hokqalonde was griefed, but neither the path nor the copper house were destroyed, and it is unknown if Liztarp was affected.

Formation of Myžariky

rnifnuf lost everything that was not in her inventory during The Raid. Following the destruction of the base, she saw no reason to rebuild on Nerven and looked elsewhere to rebuild. Eventually, she built a simple house on the eastern coast of Ğyžven facing the Great Central Bay as a temporary base pending the construction of a larger base elsewhere. The house was never finished due to rnifnuf's indecision about what roof it should have, but a crop garden, livestock pens, a mob farm, and some other assorted farms have been added.

Seeing the formation of a new post-Raid order, rnifnuf proclaimed Myžariky on 2 February 2024 with a territory comprising of five Svezy and three Marxar directly south of the Central Sea. Despite being centered on the Spawn region, she deliberately avoided annexing it in the interest of keeping it neutral, but later changed her mind in order to have a contiguous mainland between Bažaxyžyn and Syzdžunglamarx. Soon after, Myžariky was admitted to the United Ŋations.

The Esperanto Flag Incident

On 20 February 2024, ex-Nguhcrafter Rakso built an Esperanto flag out of Terracotta on the plateau of Bažaxyžyn without approval from rnifnuf, much to the horror of the largely anti-Esperanto userbase of Nguhcord. Annwan, First Director of Ímersial, responded by building a cross over it out of orange Wool, prompting a threat of IP theft and personal visitation by Rakso.

rnifnuf herself did not notice the flag until the morning of 23 February, jokingly resolving to put Rakso through "bureaucratic hell" in order to preserve it. Instead, Annwan destroyed the flag with rnifnuf's blessing, placing the contents in a chest where it once stood. Within 24 hours, however, Rakso returned, rebuilt the flag, and directed threats of IP theft and physical violence towards rnifnuf. In the interest of compromise between the existence of the flag and respect for Myžarikan territorial integrity, rnifnuf rebuilt the flag in an unclaimed patch of desert about 2500 blocks east-southeast of Spawn. In light of repeated threats and antisocial behavior, Rakso was permanently banned from both Nguhcord and Nguhcraft.

On 17 March, the flag was destroyed without opposition from rnifnuf, and a small commemorative monument was put in its place.

The Arrival of Plexus

On 20 April 2024, Plexus joined the server. Unaware of its historical significance, he demolished the Copper House in Hokqalonde and used it in the walls of a new house in northwestern Bažaxyžyn. After informing him of his illegal construction and helping him demolish it, rnifnuf let him settle in Narzdžynglamarx.

The next day, Plexus returned the stolen copper at the request of rnifnuf, who then restored the copper house.

Plexus would then aid rnifnuf in the renovation of the Cenrail station in Liztarp, constructing the double spiral staircase and the station building. In honor of his contributions, rnifnuf named the station Niž Bylğarynğs Vagzalyn (Syzkyn: Ниж Былӷарынӷс Вагзалын [niʒ ˈbɨɫʁɐɾɪ̈ɴɢ͡ʁs ʋɐgˈzɑɫɪ̈n] 'The Helpful Bulgarian's Station').

Flag and Banner

Flag of Myžariky in a 1:2 proportion

The banner is defined as follows: "Party per pall azure, vert and gold, a bezant argent."

The yellow and green halves of the banner represent the distinct halves of the country. Specifically, the yellow represents the western half and mineral wealth, while the green section represents the eastern half and agricultural wealth. The azure triangle represents the Great Central Bay between the halves and the maritime commerce to which Myžariky is well-suited. The white roundel in the center represents the Spawn Island, Myžariky's central location, peace, optimism, and fairness.

The flag is of the same design and symbolism but horizontally extended to have a proportion of 1:2.

Administrative Divisions

There are two categories of top-level administrative divisions in Myžariky: the svezy (Syzkyn: свезы [ˈsʷɛzɪ̈], from Old Norse svæði) and the marx (Syzkyn: марх [mɑrχ], from Old Norse mǫrk). In the Syzkyn language, svezy does not have a plural form, while the plural of marx is marxar (Syzkyn: мархар [ˈmɑrχɐr]).


Concentrated in the western half of the country are the svezy, analogous to Canadian provinces or Russian oblasts.


The Svezy of Bažaxyžyn (Syzkyn: Бажахыжынс Свезыҭ [ˈbɑʒɐˌχɤʒɪ̈ns sʷɛzɪ̈tʰ] "Bell Hill") comprises of a large, roughly rectangular land directly west of Spawn as well as a few small islands surrounding it. It has maritime borders with all of the other Svezy, as well as Syzdžunglamarx, and internationally with Þunan Qumreá, Marcyland, and the overseas possession of Tantsang. There used to be a land border with Byrtanšaland, but Ætérnal severed it on 7 April 2024 in the interest of shortening travel time by boat.

The northeastern two thirds of Bažaxyžyn's land area is covered in a savanna. The remaining third in the southwest is split into two bands of biomes: a plains biome directly bordering the savanna and split into two parts by a forest, and a sparse jungle in the coastal lowlands.

A distinctive feature of Bažaxyžyn's topography is the large plateau at an elevation of approximately y = 120 in the center of the Svezy, comparable in size to the entirety of Ğyžven. Although the elevation drops sharply along the southern and southeastern faces, the difference in elevation is less harsh along the northern and western edges. This is because the lowlands surrounding the plateau on all sides gradually rise from sea level in the south and southeast to the northwest, with these parts extending approximately to y = 96.

Bažaxyžyn has the highest number of distinctive attractions in all of Myžariky. To the northwest of Spawn is the old settlement of Hokqalonde and its distinctive copper house. A long road crossing over the plateau from the east connects Hokqalonde to the village of Liztarp, the closest village to Spawn and the only village in Myžariky. On the plateau itself is the oldest Ætérnal Shrine and an entrance to Marcy's old base. rnifnuf has announced plans to eventually build an Ætérnalist cathedral on the plateau.

Bažaxyžyn is especially rich in caves that are open from the surface. This is thought to be the source of the name of Hokqalonde, which translates to "land of holes" in a conlang created by its original founder, EnigmaticLucas. However, the extent and ore content of these caves is not known to any active members.

To the south of the mainland is a small island


Occupying the Spawn is the Svezy of Byrtanšaland (Syzkyn: Бырҭаншаландс Свезыҭ [ˈbɘrtʰɐnʃɐˌlɑndz sʷɛzɪ̈tʰ] "Land of Appearing"). Originally, rnifnuf decided not to claim this area in the interest of keeping the area immediately surrounding Spawn neutral; she changed her mind in order to have a contiguous mainland extending from Bažaxyžyn to Narzdžunglamarx, promising the right to freedom of movement through the Svezy to all players.

Much of the svezy is covered in a forest with a highland directly to the south of Spawn. The southern portions along the river border with Þunan Qumreá and the eastern border with Syzdžunglamarx are comprised of dense jungle at or near sea level. A small part of the northwest of the Svezy is a savanna, with a river marking the border with Bažaxyžyn. The northern coastline of the Svezy forms the southern extent of the Great Central Bay.

Apart from being home to Spawn, one of the few protected regions on the entire server, the Svezy has extensive connections to Ætérnal, as he established an outpost here. On 7 April 2024, he placed a sculpture on the northern part of the highlands: a piston with five heads extending out of it, each in a different direction. As a simple demonstration of his power and creativity, it is one of the most sacred objects in Ætérnalism.

Pursuant to an agreement between rnifnuf and Hilja, all parts of Byrtanšaland west of x = -200 are administered as a condominium between Myžariky and Þunan Qumreá known as Þunan Þár (Syzkyn: Ҭунанҭаар [ˈtʰunɐnˈtʰɑːr]). This area comprises of a small peninsula north of Þunan ŋáce and the surrounding waters. It was the first condominium between two UŊ member states.


The Svezy of Ğyžven (Syzkyn: Ӷыжвенс Свезыҭ [ˈʁɤʒʷɛns sʷɛzɪ̈tʰ] "Gold Island") consists entirely of the island of Ğyžven at the northwest of the Great Central Bay. The island is split into two large biome regions: a savanna highland in the southeast and a plains lowland in the northwest. Ğyžven's most notable geographic feature is the large open hole in the northern part of the island, known as Jatnysqun (Syzkyn: Яҭнысҟун [ˈjɑtʰnɪ̈sˌqʹʊn] "The Giant's Shoe").

In May of 2024, while the gold farm in Þunan Qumreá was non-functional, rnifnuf built a more primitive gold farm on the northwestern plain to the west of Jatnysqun.

Unusually for Myžariky, Ğyžven is extremely poor in surface-accessible caves apart from Jatnysqun, which itself does not extend into Deepslate levels

Ğyžven is home to Taxšosrumyn (Syzkyn: Ҭахшосрумын [tʰɑχʃosˌrumɪ̈n] "The Roofless Room"), a small, provisional base built by rnifnuf after the destruction of Nerven.


The Svezy of Qolven (Syzkyn: Ҟолвенс Свезыҭ [ˈqʹɔlʋɛns sʷɛzɪ̈tʰ] "Bowl Island") is the smallest svezy in Myžariky, comprising of the island of Qolven off the northeastern coast of Bažaxyžyn. It is a roughly circular island mostly comprised of a hilly savanna in the west with a small strip of deciduous forest along the eastern coast.

Although completely devoid of above-ground structures, Qolven has one natural feature of note. In the center of the island is Vesqolyn (Syzkyn: Весҟолын [ˈʋɛsqʹɔɫɪ̈n] "The Island's Bowl"), a large depression with a natural stone floor and a low point of y = 48, several meters below sea level. There is also a cove in the southwest of the island accessible by sea that overlooks Vesqolyn.

The island of Qolven was formerly called Tritreven (Syzkyn: Ҭриҭревен [ˈtʰritʰrɛʋɛn] "The Island of Three Trees") after the three kinds of trees that natively grow there. The name was changed once Quvaven was found to have a greater diversity of trees.


The Svezy of Quvaven (Syzkyn: Ҟувавенс Свезыҭ [ˈqʹuwɐˌʋɛns sʷɛzɪ̈tʰ] "Forested Island") is a large svezy comprising of the island of Quvaven and six smaller islands.

The main island is almost entirely covered by forest, with only the small and largely sloped strip of savanna across the channel from Liztarp and a few small beaches not being forested. Much of the island is covered by a Forest biome, but the northern portion is comprised of a dense jungle. An exceptionally shallow portion of the channel near the northwestern edge of Liztarp indicates that there may have been a small isthmus between it and Bažaxyžyn.

The main island of Quvaven currently has no player-made attractions north of z = -215. There are two paths to Marcyland, one destroyed in The Raid and one that postdates it. The newer path contains a bridge that crosses the border between Quvaven and Marcyland. On the beach at the southern tip of the main island was a house built by Hummus that was destroyed in The Raid.

The second-largest island in the Svezy used to have a house built by former Nguhcord moderator Marci, but this was also destroyed in The Raid.

Bees and turtles have been spotted in Quvaven.


The marxar in the eastern half of the country are a collection of four large but unexplored and undeveloped territories. They can be compared in scope and function to the Canadian territories or Russian krais. They are generally covered in dense jungle, but open areas exist on the fringes near the northern and southeastern coasts.


The westernmost marx is Syzdžynglamarx (Syzkyn: Сызджунгламарх [ˈsɨzˌʤuŋgɫɐmɐrχ] "Southern Junglemarch"), directly to the east of Byrtanšaland. This area consists of the Nerven archipelago and a large plateau in the west-center portion of a similar height to that of the plateau in Bažaxyžyn.


Myzdžynglamarx (Syzkyn: Мызджунгламарх [ˈmɨzˌʤuŋgɫɐmɐrχ] "Middle Junglemarch") is a large, crescent-shaped mass of dense bamboo jungle with one densely forested island to the east and four smaller islands to the north in the Central Sea.


Narzdžynglamarx (Syzkyn: Нарзджунгламарх [ˈnɑrzˌʤuŋgɫɐmɐrχ] "Northern Junglemarch") comprises the northeasternmost corner of Myžariky. Though mostly covered in jungle, both on the mainland and Yat Island, the coastal areas in the north contain several sand beaches and a plains biome where Plexus built his base.


The area of Voc'džynglamarx (Syzkyn: Воҵджунгламарх [ˈʋɔʦʹˌʤuŋgɫɐmɐrχ] "Eastern Junglemarch"), annexed in July 2024 in anticipation of an update to the official map, extends from Narzdžynglamarx to the border with Fishland. Its borders were drawn so as to give Myžariky an extra coast in the southeast without overlapping with the existing claims of Arktsev. Although mostly covered in in dense jungle and forest like the rest of the Junglemarches, the southeastern portion near the border with Fishland comprises of a desert and a large mesa.

The pre-Raid underground city of Tisheongja is located in Voc'džynglamarx, and the ruins of the New Citadel are just outside of the marx's borders. The corresponding Cenrail stations for both destinations are also located entirely in Voc'džynglamarx.

Names in other languages

Name in other languages:
  • Áwaric: Hicióráhti Hicióráhti [ˈʀɔː.te]
  • East Narkevin: Müzayïki /myˈzɑ.ɣɨ.ki/
  • Isle Narkevin: Mižāraži /miˈʒaː.ra.ʒi/
  • Japanese: ムジャリキュ Mujarikyu /mɯ(d)ʑaɾikjɯ/
  • Kathyrian: Meżariĸi Meżariĸi [ˌmeʒəɰɪˈki]
  • Knrawi: Mìyaricha[mɪ˩ɉɛɹɛk̟ʰɔ]
  • Laevanaak:  /nɑːg.lɪːv.nɐv/
  • Old Narkevin: Miȷariki /miˈʝ
  • Śácamþaśá: qiiSAmU Myśaici /'ⁿbɵʃɐi̯ci/
  • Saxish: T/irO~tmI Midriece [ˈmedˌrɑjt͡ʃ]
  • Soc'ul': Mexeric'e[mə˥ʃə˧ri˧kʲʰə˧]
  • Toki Pona: ma Misaliki /ma ˈ
  • West Narkevin: Müȷayïki /myˈʒɑ.ɣɨ.ki/
  • Xindvâ: Mûjôrikyû /mɨ.ʑə.ri.kjɨ/