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|currency=[[Glanga]]<ref>Formerly the [[Vaŋo]]</ref>
|ngational-motto="United for eternity"
|ngational-motto="United for eternity"

Revision as of 17:28, 24 January 2025

CMCic Federation
siéṕo t́íĆiMZ
הפדרציה הקמ"אית
Foederātiō TFCēnsis
Lantdai fu CMC
Capital cityRuxese
Head of the Federal Council: Iris
Official languagesTosï, English, Hebrew, Latin, Viossa
Date formatyyyy-mm-dd
Ŋational Motto"United for eternity"
MilitaryMitotic Armed Forces

The CMCic Federation (Tosï: siéṕo t́íĆiMZ Siéṕo T́íĆiMZ [ˈʃibu dɨd͡ʒɵmɵzɵ], Hebrew: הפדרציה הקמ"אית HaFederatziya HaQama'it [ɦafedeˈʀat͡sija ɦakamaˈʔit], Latin: Foederātiō TFCēnsis [foe̯dɛˈraːtioː teː.ɛfkeːnsɪs], Viossa: Lantdai fu CMC [lɑntdɑi̯ fu si em si]) is a nation comprising a vast amount of territory in 2 continents. It was founded by the Casual Mitosis Collective with help from Total pleb of Kozdenen, Namnak Xhesas of Enkavak, and Marcy I of the Kingdom of Kyaw Cen, among others, during what came to be known as the Congress of Vieŋŋə. It is also known as Amuj 12.0 by scholars of Amujology




Names in other languages

Name in other languages:
  • German: CMCische Föderation /ˌt͡seːɛmˈt͡seːɪʃə fødeʁaˈt͡si̯oːn/
  • Japanese: CMC(シー・エム・シー)(れん)(ぽう) Shī Emu Shī no Renpō [ɕiː emɯ ɕiː no rempoː]
  • Kathyrian: ρα Νασιον κ’ρα ΚΜΤ ra Nasjon k’ra KMT /ræ ˈnæsjon k‿ræ ˈkæpːæ mu tɒ/
    ρα Νασιον κ’ρα Καθνε Μιτόσισος Τυα ra Nasjon k’ra Kathne Mitósisos Tva /ræ ˈnæsjon k‿ræ ˈkæθne miˈtosiˌsos tʋæ/
  • Knrawi: Cèhara Câmaca[k̟ə˩hɛɹɔ k̟a˥˩mɛk̟ɔ]
  • Mosici: an-Olsaínlnarenevciaplesác voineciatore an-Olsaínlnarenevciaplesác voineciatore /ãtolsẽlnaʀɛ̃nɛβkjɛplɛsɔk βø̃nɛkjatoʀɛ/
  • Occitan: Federacion de CMC /federasju(n) de se.ɛmse/
  • Regnate Latin: ZOTAZZILIA /zɔtɐzzɪliɐ/
  • Rokadong:   Símásí Myuratengkian [ˈsiːˈmaːˈsiː ˌmjuɾəˈtɛŋkian]
  • Soc'ul': Ciér'e Cemece[kʲəː˥˩rˀə˩ kə˧mə˥kə˥]
  • Stejvenni: Y:CMC Itwioni Stej /ɪˈ ˈitwioni ˈstej/
  • Xindvâ: Xiemxi Setkoto Semcheô [ɕi.(j)ɛm.ɕi sɛ sɛm.tɕəː]
  1. Formerly the Vaŋo