Namnak Xhesas

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For other uses, see Namnak (disambiguation).

Namnak Xhesas
Portrait of Namnak Xhesas by anonymous
Born58th of Mavellik, 25th, 4, 4
Other namesNamnak Xhesas Geaumi Ŋaemvaimaiinii Mavellikino or
Occupationspolitician, CEO, representative, artist
NationalityAtlantic, Kyawcenni, Hummlandic, Furric, Icic, German

Namnak Xhesas or formally Namnak Magistrate of Enkavak, Sovereign of McFurry's, Prince of Mountains Ice Xhesas Geaumi Ngaemvaimaiinii Mavellikino Senator of Enkavak, Administrator of the National Bank, Minister of Building and Build Management, Governmential Secretary, UŊ Officer of Script Management, UŊ Officer of Education, Science and Culture, Mayor of Xêgwar, ambassador to Kyaw Cen, ambassador to Imersial, ambassador to Xarslasja, ambassador to Þunan Qumreá, representative to the United Ŋations, CEO of Cenroad, protector of the Murben't Island, last warrior of Atlantis, protector of the southern rivers born on the 58th of Mavellik, 25th, 4, 4 is one of the first two Magistrates of Enkavak and furthermore in multiple domains an important politician in it and a mythical creature in Chickenism. Namnak Xhesas wrote the valuable constitution and a lot more legal texts in his native country.


Beeing born at this young age, Namnak Xhesas was one of the first people in modern Europe learning Laevanaak furthermore writing multiple summaries of the language and the culture bound to it for german and english speakers, which has never been done before. At around the same time he learned Ancient Greek, Latin and computer science, which made a lot of research and work on summarizing the laevanaak culture much easier due to the culture beeing strongly related to rome and greece. At the end of august 2022 he founded the republic Enkavak together with Taugnix. Later he became Nguhcrafter on the 5th of December 2023 at 16:17. From then he built much of Enkavak's infrastructure and cooperated with a bunch of different other countries until the 20th of August.


At the 20th of August Namnak Xhesas couldn't be found any more. Some speculate that he might be dead, but it appears that his political roles in Enkavak are still operating.


Namnak Xhesas summarized Laevanaak and other languages to be learned and hopefully spoken by more people in the future. He was also the one who built the most buildings and structures in Alnangaemak and Ekativak due to being the Minister of Building and Build Management. In the field of the digital work, he made a functioning connection, server and browser for Enkavak as the head of Veval Navnak, which are admittedly unfinished but working at the core.


Namnak Xhesas is employed in following positions in:

  • Magistrate
  • Minister
  • Senator
  • Administrator of the National Bank
  • Governmential Secretary
  • CEO of Cenroad
United Ŋations:
  • Ambassador
  • Mayor
  • Ambassador
  • Ambassador
Þunan Qumreá:
  • Ambassador



Namnak Xhesas wrote multiple pieces like 'Space Pope' or 'Pro Kramertum'.


For a quite short period he wrote poems and ballads.


Until now Namnak Xhesas was only planning on writing books. Yet he has only finished one, which is not ready for print an probably also never will be. The reasons for this are unknown.
