Interŋational Workers' Association

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Revision as of 07:34, 8 February 2025 by Peaches (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 21027 by Peaches (talk) actually we should just have a former member table instead I think)
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The Interŋational Workers' Association, also known as the First Interŋational is a political international, or transnational organization, with the aim of uniting a variety of different left-wing socialist, social democratic, communist and anarchist groups and trade unions that are based on the working class and class struggle. Part of the listed goal is to promote greater cooperation and organization with various, previously mentioned, working class organizations of Ŋearth. It was founded on 24 September by Corneria, Pua and Oberia. Pihi was grandfathered in due to its status as a puppet of Pua, however, Pihi is not considered a founding member.

The Interŋational has voiced support for Communist and Socialist parties, trade unions and workers' organizations in a number of non-member nations.

On Jan. 29th of 2025, the IWA formally invited new members to join it in the current situation of rising tensions and other proxy conflicts.


Pre-foundation movements and foundation, then dormancy

Before the inception of the IWA, Oberia had already been a part of the Allied Allies of the Alliance, which is a looser organization of a smaller scale than the current IWA.

The idea of creating the First Interŋational came into existence after the Peasants' Republic of Oberia formally extended their friendship to Corneria and Pua, with the countries doing the same afterwards.

Peaches then formally declared the establishment of the First Interŋational, which did not amount to much at the time. Though not officially disbanded, the organization went into dormancy.

Reactivation and rapid expansion

In the aftermath of the Gu Sabah conflict in Xarslasja and thinly veiled threats from certain ŊATO members and other ŋations that were perceived as expansionist by its members, the First Interŋational was reactivated and overhauled into the Interŋational Workers' Association on January 29th 2025. It was decided that the IWA wouldn't just consider ŋations as full-fledged members, but also political parties and unions. This decision was taken as a means of solidarity between like-minded political parties and unions across the Ŋərld, and as a direct consequence of Oberia and Pua's formal support of the Hummlandic Communist Party and Kyawcenni Communist Party.

The organization then formally invited a selection of ŋations and political parties throughout the Ŋərld to join its ranks, most of whom accepted. All of the founding members and the new ones acknowledged that the IWA would need a clear organization and framework before going further.

Reorganization and projects

Supreme Commissar of Oberia MAGNVS formally announced that the association's reactivation would mean the building of the Interŋational Workers' Congress in the soon-to-be built city of Gardiana de la Revolucion, which is also set to replace Las Cabanetas as the capital city of Oberia.

Discussions were also started to write a constitution of the IWA to further elaborate its legal framework.


Current IWA member states

Member state of IWA Date of admission Notes
Corneria 24/09/2024 Founding member.
Pua 24/09/2024 Founding member as East Pua.

Due to the fall of West Pua on February 6th 2025, all subsequently reunited territories are now members of the IWA under the Floracratic Republic of Pua.

Oberia 24/09/2024 Founding member.
Pihi 24/09/2024 Was grandfathered into the organization as a puppet state of Pua, but isn't considered a founding member.
CMCic Federation 29/01/2025
Hummland 29/01/2025 Is the only ŋation to be part of both ŊATO and the IWA.
Avazistan 29/01/2025 Automatically joined as a result of Oberia and Hummland's membership.
The Realm of Madness 29/01/2025
Observer member states
States with association status
  • Port of Eras - Agreed to association status on Jan. 29th 2025.

Current IWA member parties

Member party of IWA Date of admission
Seccion Obèriana de l'Internacionala Obrièra - Comitat Revolucionari Centrau Obèrian (Oberian politburos) 24/09/2024 Founding members.

Although political parties are illegal in Oberia, its politburos serve as equivalents and The SOIO-CRCO is the central committee representing all politburos in Oberia.

Puan Workers' Party 24/09/2024 Founding member.
Agrarian Reform Party 24/09/2024 Founding member.
Socialist Party of Pihi 24/09/2024 Was grandfathered due to being the Pihi branch of the Puan Workers' Party, but isn't considered a founding member.
Avazistani Communist Party 24/09/2024 Unilaterally declared membership despite the Avazistani government's proclaimed neutrality, causing it to not be considered a founding member.

This situation was eventually resolved by Avazistan's admission into the IWA.

Anarcho-Monarchist Party of Hummland 29/01/2025
Kyawcenni Communist Party 29/01/2025
CMCic Socialist Party 29/01/2025
Iplesá - Imerchali Socialist Party 29/01/2025
Hummlandic Communist Party 31/01/2025
Observer member parties

Current IWA member unions

Member union of IWA Date of admission Notes
Confederacion Generala del Trabalh - Comitat Revolucionari Centrau Obèrian (Oberian sindicats) 24/09/2024 Founding members.

The CGT-CRCO is the central committee representing all unions in Oberia in the IWA.

See also