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South Arbustivum
sud Arbustiwum
ziícínasá aṕociéuo
דרום ארבוסטיוום
DemonymSouth Arbustivan
GovernmentCo-protectorate of Latium Regnātum, Vilantnen, and the CMCic Federation
Regents: theidealist, sq, Eduard
Official languagesRegnate Latin, English, Viossa, Tosï, Hebrew

South Arbustivum (Regnate Latin: ARBVSTÍℲVM AOSTRÁLE [ɐrbʊsˈtiːwʊ̃ ao̯sˈtraːlɛ], Tosï: Ziícínasá Aṕociéuo Ziícínasá Aṕociéuo /ʒɨkˈnaso abuˈt͡ʃiwu/, Hebrew: דרום ארבוסטיוום Drom Arbustivum [dʀom aʀbusˈtivum], Viossa: Sud-Arbustivumlant) was a three-way condominium between Latium Regnātum, Vilantnen, and the CMCic Federation located south of the former two's co-protectorate of Arbustivum, hence the name. It was absorbed into Arbustivum with the dissolution of the CMCic Federation.