Constitution of Rauratoshan

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The Constitution of Rauratoshan is a currently work-in-progress constitutional document. It is being drafted by Quing Nozomi in 2025.

The main and most controversial aspect of this constitution is that it establishes a legislative parliament. This was seen as a compromise between the governmental structures of Rauratoshan and Elemental City, and use of this model was also swayed by the apparent tenacity of the Kingdom of Kyaw Cen, a constitutional monarchy native to Nguhcraft which has stood the test of time and committed itself to many grand works, such as founding the United Ŋations.

Articles of the Constitution of Rauratoshan

The following is an in-progress draft of the Constitution, and is not to become law until Quing Nozomi finds it satisfactory.

The use of Old and Middle English characters is a stylistic choice, as it is a translation of a Rokadong equivalent which uses the Imperial Karanesa script. Using þ, ð, ſ, ƿ, and ȝ in place of some gives the English translation a similar feel. These are the specific rules in use:

  • /θ ð/ are written <ð>. Resultant initial <ð> is instead <þ>.
  • Non-final single <s> becomes <ſ>. The first <s> in the sequence <ss> is written with <ſ>. Final <se> is seen as similar to final <s>, so is unchanged.
  • <w> becomes <ƿ>; however, <u> is unchanged, even when it represents /w/.
  • <y> /j/ and <gh> /∅/ become <ȝ>. <ey ay> do not technically have a /j/ and so do not become <ȝ>.

Note that <æ>, which represented /æ/, is not used; this is because <æ> is rarely used in Modern English, where it represents /i/. In its place, <ng> /ŋ/ is ligated to <ŋ>, with /ŋg/ becoming <ŋg>. This is already common Nguhcraft parlance and has a similar effect as <æ> did for /æ/.

I. Handling of the Royal Court

I.1 Þe Rauratoſhan Kiŋdom ſhall create an office, henceforð referred to as þe Parliament of Rauratoſhan. Þis office ſhall ſerve as þe neƿ legiſlature of Rauratoſhan.

I.2 Þe Parliament of Rauratoſhan ſhall convene in Capitol Toƿer on Iriſela Iſland. Þere muſt be at leaſt one parliamentary convention per annum. However, more þan one meetiŋ can occur per ȝear. As needed, þe Parliament of Rauratoſhan can declare emergency meetiŋs.

I.3 Þe exiſtiŋ roȝal court ſhall be retained, ƿið þe Quiŋ still ſerviŋ as executive head of ſtate. Hoƿever, roȝal offices, includiŋ but not limited to þe Office of þe Treaſury, þe Roȝal Court of Law, þe Tranſportation Netƿork, þe Timekeeping Adminiſtration, and þe Cabinet of þe Roȝal Academy of Rauratoſan, maȝ be elected to by þe Parliament of Rauratoſan.

II. Parliamentary Functions

II.1 Þe Parliament of Rauratoſhan ſhall be compriſed of five ſeats per diſtrict, for tƿenty-five ſeats overall as of January 28, 2025.

II.2 Oƿiŋ to þe apportionment rules above, diſtricts of Rauratoſan maȝ not be divided or deſtroȝed ƿiðout þe express, unanimous approval of all members of þe Parliament of Rauratoſhan and þe Quiŋ Regent of Rauratoſhan.

II.3 Þe above need not apply ƿhen territory is added to Rauratoſhan. In ſuch cases, þe territory may be added as one or more diſtricts, or appended to an exiſting diſtrict.

II.4 Duriŋ parliamentary conventions, þe Parliament of Rauratoſhan ſhall create bills, debate over þe content of bills, and pass bills ƿið vote.

III. Billing Process

III.1 Bills may be ſubmitted by ſiŋgular members of þe Parliament of Rauratoſan, committees þereof, and members of þe Rauratoſhanian public, including members of loƿer governmental bodies. Bills created outside of þe Parliament ſhall be called "petitions."

III.2 Þe Parliament of Rauratoſan need not debate over petitions unleſs þat petition is ſupported by at leaſt 20% of the population of Rauratoſan, or 40% of þe population of one diſtrict in Rauratoſan.

III.3 Þe Quiŋ Regent of Rauratoſhan holds þe ability to veto bills þat paſs parliamentary election. If þis happens, þe Quiŋ Regent is expected to explain why þe veto was performed, and give þe bill back to þe Parliament of Rauratoſan for reanalyſis.

III.4 Þe Royal Court of Justice of Rauratoſhan may ſtrike down bills þat paſs parliamentary election. Þis ſhall be done if the Court finds them unenforceable or unconſtitutional.

IV. Amendment Process

IV.1 The royal court of Rauratoshan does not expect that this document will be suitable under all circumstances. Therefore, this Constitution of Rauratoshan may be amended.

IV.2 Amendments shall take the form of additional articles to the Constitution of Rauratoshan, or edit any segment of the Constitution of Rauratoshan except for Article IV, section 1 or Article IV, section 2.

IV.3 Amendments to the Constitution of Rauratoshan require a 4/5 supermajority of Parliamentary votes to pass. They cannot be petitioned.

IV.4 Any part of the Constitution of Rauratoshan can be deemed unenforceable by the Royal Court of Justice, like any other law. However, since it is part of the Constitution of Rauratoshan, it cannot be deemed unconstitutional, as this is a logical paradox.

IV.5 If an article is found to be unenforceable by the Royal Court of Law, it may be amended. This restores its enforcement capabilities. Alternatively, the Royal Court of Justice may retract their ruling.