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Flag as of October 2024
Location of Aksiv (red)
Capital cityNone, temporarily Euthis
GovernmentCivil department of Oressia
Administrative Head: Orest

Aksiv, natively known as Áktib /ˈa˩˧.ksiv/, historically known as The Grasslands, is a civil department of Oressia. It currently does not have an administrative center, rather is temporarily externally administered by Euthis. It is bordered by the Kezlai department to the east, Euthis to the southeast and the Hafris department to the southwest. It doesn't currently have an administrative center, rather it is temporarily administered by Euthis.


Aksiv was founded on the same day as Oressia (June 30th, 2024) under the name of The Grasslands. It was subsequently renamed and its borders were adjusted on August 16th as part of the August Territorial Expansion.