Ash Fork Station

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Ash Fork CenRail Interchange Station is a high-speed rail station on Cottonwood Island, Carefree Isles County, Xarslasja. It is notable for being Xarslasja's first Interchange Station, featuring the intersection of three major lines and one local line: The Southern Loop, Western Line, Olympic Line, and the Nguhlympic Local Line.

It was constructed in February 2025 after CenRail employees noticed that the Southern and Western lines intersected at that location and it would be a perfect location for the upcoming Olympic Line to have a stop as well. Xarslasja's Jomax Stadium is located in Anthem, just south of Ash Fork's site. With Jomax being the purported site of the opening ceremony of the 2025 Nguhlympics, these factors combined to make the construction of the stadium an obvious choice by the Bezuv.

The station is an unconventional one. While most Interchange Stations have the change between lines take place on one horizontal plane, this station had to deal with deeply-tunneled and already-constructed lines. As such, this station's interchange is vertical. An amusement ride, the "Loopy Cart," exploits this fact. Currently, foot travel between the levels is restricted to a ladder, but bubble elevators are planned to be built in the near future.