List of holidays in Enkavak

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This is a list of holidays celebrated by the Atlantic People and other important days in Enkavak.

Date in Laevanaak Calendar Date in Gregorian Calendar for the year 2024 Holiday Details
1.-3. of any year 9th to 11th of August National election days These are the days when all Enkavak citizen can vote for their Magistrates and Senators.
4. of any year 12th of August Reveal of the result of the national election days On this day the Governmential Secretaries of Enkavak have to reveal the results of the election to the public and the elected Magistrates and Senators take office.
5. of any year 13th of August Day of banning The day when the "idiotum" Breel was banned from Ŋuhcraft.
6. and 7. of any year 14th and 15th of August National religion days The days of the celebration of a specific deity or religion in general.
11. of any year 19th of August National celebration day The day of the founding of Enkavak.
105. of any year[1] 7th of February, 21st of November Unity day The day of the founding of the United Ŋations.
124. of any Moonyear and 278. of any Sunyear 7th of March, 20th of December Thanksgiving The day Namnak Xhesas got the A Balanced Diet advancement as the first Ŋuhcraft player to complete this challenge.
  1. Except the years that are 25 days long