The Chicken Bible

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The Chicken Bible is the holy text of Chickenism. You can read it here or at the Chillvana, UNg or Naroňpari libraries.


Chapter I

Carl Cafaceu finds Chicken Jesus, is amazed.

Chapter II

Carl listens to Chicken Jesus yap. Becomes prophet.

Chapter III

Chicken Jesus gets stolen and also is named Cotje now.

Chapter IV

Cotje argues with Tolesi Cafaceu in disguise.

Chapter V

Cotje convinces Carl to stop hiding like a coward.

Chapter VI

Someone's meth-ridden letter to Gansaza Junath about a conspiracy, finished with odd poetry.

Chapter VII

Cotje dies.

List of References and Quotes

Outside-lore Carl thought it would be funny to add references to songs in the Chicken Bible. Here are a few of them:

Chapter II

  • "hidd'n in the sand"; reference to Tally Hall's Hidden In The Sand.

Chapter VI

  • "Can we live in a sane society? It's entirely stressful upon my brain[...]"; quote of Kendrick Lamar's good kid.
  • First Poem; structure is a reference to Tally Hall's Ruler of Everything.