The Emergency Sessions

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The Emergency Sessions were a series of votes held by the Xarslasja Legislature in the absence of Gu Sabah (representative of La Paz County and Gila County) and Bezuv Agamashuya I. The purpose of these sessions was to determine a course of actions to penalize Gu Sabah and other agents of the Xarslasja Port Authority who betrayed the central government in October 2024's Coup Sabah, while the attempted coup was taking place.

Unfortunately, the sessions were fraught with disagreement and paranoia, largely due to the economic and political schism drawn during The Fiduciary Sessions a month prior.

First Vote, on the Management of the Xarslasja Port Authority

The first vote was the easiest to decide, especially due to the absence of Gu Sabah's two guaranteed votes. Convening on October 24th, 2024, during the height of the two sieges, the Legislature voted 11-3 in favor of converting the Xarslasja Port Authority into a subsidiary of the Xarslasja Legislative Authority. The dissenting votes were both representatives from Coconino County and one of the two representatives from Santa Cruz County.

Second Vote, as to the Lack of Confidence in Gu Sabah as Dmacuv of the Xarslasja Port Authority

The second vote, held immediately after, yielded similar results. The final vote count was 12-2, in favor of ousting Gu Sabah from his position as Dmacuv of the Xarslasja Port Authority. According to the laws of the XPA, this ouster officially begins the process of appointing the Dmacuv's highest Dmacin as the new Dmacuv. In this case, that would be Dmacin Najva Gun. The Legislature was not happy about this, and decided to have a third vote on changing the system by which a Dmacuv is selected.

Third Vote, on the Appointment or Selection of a Dmacuv of the XPA

The third vote followed immediately as well. The question was whether to keep the Dmacuv appointment system as is, or to change the system to a nomination by the Bezuv, followed by an approval by a vote of the Legislature. This created heated arguments by more members of the Legislature. In fact, it looked as if the motion would fail. It was at that moment that an explosion was heard in the distance. This was the Blythe Port Authority Building being blown up by a non-state actor, an unknown terrorist. The paranoia ran to a new high, and as such the representatives from Coconino County left the Legislature Building to head back to Flagstaff. In an extremely controversial move, the Speaker of the House forced the vote to continue. With four dissenting voices missing, the still-controversial vote yielded a 7-5 result in favor of changing the rules.

The majority of the Legislature was upset with this course of action and worried for their safety, so the meeting was adjourned, with the next meeting to be on the subject of the fate of Gu Sabah, should he be defeated.

Fourth Vote, on the Fate of the XPA

Green: Abolish the XPA. Red: Don't abolish the XPA. Yellow: Split county. Grey: Ineligible to vote.

Sure enough, Gu Sabah retreated to the ocean after losing the bloody Battle of Flagstaff. La Paz County was officially in a state of rebellion, and Coconino County was under increasingly direct military occupation. As a result, only 13 voting seats were present during the vote as to whether the XPA should be fully abolished or if it should simply be given new management and personnel. After reconvening on October 26th, the vote was held. In an 11-2 vote, it was decided that the XPA would be abolished as a political entity.

Fifth Vote, on the Fate of Gu Sabah

The Bezuv announced that he had officially disowned his son for his rebellion. As a traitor to the Bezuvate, the Legislature voted 12-1 to put a warrant of death upon Gu Sabah, should he be caught.

Sixth Vote, on Remuneration for Humanitarian Aid

Following the battle, nations that supported Bezuv Agamashuya I sent a caravan of boats full of humanitarian aid materials to repair the damages. In a show of gratitude, the Legislature voted 13-0 to grant free plots of land to the nations that provided support. So far, buildings have been constructed in North Yuma by Twanland, Enkavak, and Þunan Qumreá.