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MAGNVS (also known as Magnvs, Mags, Maggy, The Man who Laughs or Joseph) is an Oberian politician currently serving as Oberia's Supreme Commissar.


MAGNVS uses a skin based on the Dreamwave G1 version of the Transformers franchise character Ultra Magnus, who also happens to be his namesake.

Alternatively, MAGNVS also uses skins based on the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam from Mobile Suit Gundam: Unicorn, both in normal and destroy mode, and the Enderman in a suit skin.


Spawn and Coldban (Cuban) citizenship

MAGNVS spawned on July 15th 2024 in Myzariky, after which he headed for Coldba (Cuba) under invitation from Suqi and Kate.

Despite being as old as the universe itself and playing Minecraft since before release, MAGNVS has never experienced survival before, which has become the subject of laughter and caused many hiccups in his first foray into the Ŋərld.

After formally being made a citizen of Coldba (Cuba) and getting his building permit, MAGNVS started multiple projects, one which was a house that is now unoccupied in Old Cuba, described as a remarkable landscape by Fin despite its builder's doubts.

The other project, a much larger one, was the Holy Temple at Chillvana. An iconoclast, pantheistic religious site for all, MAGNVS took care of the general structure and, with Zhiv's precious help for decoration, formally finished the project on August 1st because he forgor the actual date :skull:

Having grown tired of the snow, it was time for MAGNVS to seek a new adventure: founding his own ŋation.

Founding of Oberia and first term as Supreme Commissar

The foundation of Oberia is regarded by MAGNVS as one of his biggest achievements in the server and it has acted as a way for him to relieve stress by starting many building and development projects.

Since the founding of Oberia, MAGNVS has acted as its only Supreme Commissar and is one of the only two official Oberian citizens.



Currently, MAGNVS occupies the current positions:



Coldba (Cuba)

  • Built his own house in Old Cuba.
  • Built the Holy Temple at Chillvana, with help from Zhivämky for the decoration.