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Doretta in Alnaŋaemak
Born28 July 2024 [1]
Other namesQoqokesak Szah Bevakguddu

Doretta is a camel spawned presumably by Ætérnal in Guam 3 for the purpose of the Camel Road. On the 28th of July 2024 Charlotte and Elisa took Doretta out of her original home to begin a documentation of the Camel Road Journey[2]. She ended up staying in Alnangaemak since the project was abandoned and after Elisa left the server and Hilja refused to take Doretta to Thunan Qumrea as the rightful succeeding owner of Doretta[3], Namnak Xhesas adopted her to grant her the Atlantic Citizenship.

Links and References

  1. The officially recognized birth date of Doretta is the day when she left Guam 3. The actual birth date is not known.
  2. Youtube video documentation of the Camel Road
  3. Discord message from Hilja