Kyaw Lesh

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Kyaw Lesh (Kyawcenni: Kyawleš, lit. island(s) of fire) is a region in the Nether that roughly corresponds to the territory of the Kingdom of Kyaw Cen. It is de facto mostly controlled by the kingdom, but due to the interŋational law Restriction on Territorial Claims in the Nether, this region is not considered a part of the Kingdom of Kyaw Cen.


There are three named regions in Kyaw Lesh:

  • Darcyland is the region around the portal leading to Port Marcy.
  • Darkow is the region around the portal leading to Parkow.
  • Waichi (Kyawcenni: Waiči, lit. tomboy(s)) is the region around the portal leading to Yija.