Realm of Madness Law

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This article includes everything one needs to know about the government, laws, and injustice in the Realm of Madness.

Consonantution (Constitution)

Articulacle I - Government Nature

The government nature specifies unchanging truths about the Realm of Madness to take into consideration when reading its consonantution and vowelaws.


  1. Suqi is the Lord of the Realm of Madness.
  2. The Realm of Madness is composed of only the mainland, Bad to the Land, and Uŋuŋəŋŋium territories.
  3. The Realm of Madness mainland may become an anarchy or cease being an anarchy at any time, at which point the government is restored exactly as it was prior to the anarchy.
  4. While in anarchy, the Realm of Madness retains its status as a sovereign region, merely one without a regulatory body. Its sovereignty is enforced by its official borders on the map drawn by Ætérnal.
  5. The only way of becoming a citizen of the Realm of Madness is by being permanently exiled from it, thereupon one's citizenship is instated immediately.

Articulacle II - Government Structure

The government structure outlines the constituent parts of the Realm of Madness and their relation to each other.


  1. The highest position in the Realm of Madness is the Lord of the Realm of Madness. There is typically one Lord, but other Lords may be appointed, in which case the first Lord may decide to create the position of Supreme Lord, or risk losing Lord status if the other Lord(s) betray by demoting them.
  2. The Department of Injustice is a department of the government beneath the Lord. The Department of Injustice is composed of one Injudge and several Injurors. The Injudge answers to the Lord and the Injurors are hired, fired, and directed by the Injudge for whatever length of time they desire.
  3. The Office of Insanity and Ninjoffice are considered beneath the Department of Injustice, but directly answer to the Lord.
  4. Political Parties are each run by only one individual with permission from the Lord.
  5. Any person may create a Political Party with permission from the Lord.
  6. Political Parties may have any number of members, but only the leaders can make political decisions.
  7. A person may perform any number of positions in the government.
  8. A person may be appointed to a position in government by request to the Lord.
  9. Every citizen holds equal standing underneath the Lord in political discussions regarding the Realm of Madness, and may advise the Lord at any time.

Articulacle III - Government Function

The government function describes the function of each part of the government of the Realm of Madness.


  1. The Lord of the Realm of Madness makes any decision they want in regard to how the Realm of Madness is run. The Lord may create and destroy any Realm of Madness law. The Lord may hire or fire anyone from any occupation in the Realm of Madness, even self-employed individuals. The Lord may even fire a person from unemployment, thence they become antiemployed. The Lord is required to engage in political corruption.
  2. The Department of Injustice reviews and decides the outcome of lawsuits. The Injudge prepares and rules hearings, while the Injury does whatever it can interfere with a case and court proceedings. The Department of Injustice must be as rash and reckless as possible in the handling and consideration of all cases.
  3. The Office of Insanity is in charge of making things slightly more inconvenient for people and making up arbitrary rules for citizens to follow. The laws created by the Office of Insanity last only during the Minecraft day cycle in which they were declared. In accordance with the Principle of Insanity, Officers of Insanity are required to assist any person building something pointless or detrimental to the Realm of Madness if asked.
  4. The Ninjoffice is in charge of managing the Bank of Evil, making sure people drink THE MADDENING during purchases, and ensuring everyone knows how the currencies work. Per the name, Ninjofficers must utilize stealth and funny ninja shennanigans in performing their duties.

Articulacle IV - Bill of Wrongs

The Bill of Wrongs denotes the ways in which the citizens and government of the Realm of Madness may wrong each other (in other words, their liberties).


  1. The Lord of the Realm of Madness may do whatever they want in the Realm of Madness mainland and Bad to the Land as long as they do not violate server rules.
  2. Citizens may disregard laws if they lack accessibility, specifically if they are not available or matching in both the wiki and Minecraft.
  3. Laws set by the Office of Insanity must be followed within the day cycle they were declared and do not require accessibility in the wiki.
  4. Contrary to the server rules, theft and griefing is permitted in Uŋuŋəŋŋium. However, there are other rules to follow within that territory and severe punishments for their violation.
  5. Two blocks of every structure in the Realm of Madness are owned by the Lord of the Realm of Madness, regardless of who they were built by.
  6. The government reserves the right to take all the Realm of Madness currency of any citizen at any time.
  7. Bad to the Land is open for any citizen to take its resources.
  8. Anyone may construct or edit government structures as long as they are not permanently damaged.
  9. Anyone may produce their own THE MADDENING.
  10. Anyone may terraform/destroy empty, sculk-less, mountain-less land within the Administration.
  11. The Lord of the Realm of Madness reserves the right to exile anyone for any reason, including no reason, at any time.

Vowelaws (Laws)

Restricted Areas

These areas are forbidden from being damaged or built in/on without express permission from the Lord.

  1. The Dark Island
  2. Trial Chamber(s) outside of Uŋuŋəŋŋium
  3. Monster Farm(s) outside of Uŋuŋəŋŋium
    • Damage to monster farms as a result of a monster's reaction to a player is also a punishable offence.

Illegal Actions

  1. One may not obtain THE MADDENING as payment instead of drinking it.
  2. One may not break sculk unless it is to make space for a build. This law is invalid in the event that sculk is broken due to a creeper, ghast, or the ender dragon.
  3. One may not obstruct the Ninjoffice from performing its duties.
  4. One may not build a structure without an evil aesthetic, unless it is a farm or unless it noticeably stands out.
  5. One may not use a water-removing machine outside of the Realm of Madness' maritime borders.
  6. Non-government members may not enter the Vault of Evil.
  7. Non-citizens may not build a base without intent to apply for citizenship.
  8. Non-citizens may not take sculk sensors or shriekers from the landscape of the Realm of Madness unless they are causing lag and are outside of the Door District.

Intonajustice System (Injustice System)

Members of the Department of Injustice

The Injudge is currently Suqi.

The Injury is currently not appointed.

What can be sued over?

By the government

  • Breaking the law.
  • Not breaking the law in the mainland.
  • Entering the Realm of Madness during exile.

By the offended party

  • Performing good deeds to another.
  • Violation of any contract deemed valid by the Lord of the Realm of Madness.
  • Looking at someone funny.


Trials are only performed in the event of a lawsuit or if there is uncertainty surrounding the breaking of a law. In the event that there is certainty surrouding breaking of the law, the Lord is directly in charge of punishment and there is no trial.

Punishments for lawsuits are decided entirely case-by-case by the Injudge, same for criminal activity by the Lord.