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Yuɱa in late 2024
Location within Xarslasja
SubdivisionYuma County, Core Xarslasja
DemonymYuɱan (English), Jumunk (Arodjun)
MayorAgma Schwa, Unuv

Yuɱa (Arodjun: Juma), often written as "Yuma" for the sake of convenience, is the largest city in the Bezuvate of Xarslasja. It was founded by, and is ruled by the Xarslasjunk Bezuv Agma Schwa, in the form of Agamashuya I. It is the capital city of the Bezuvate, housing the Xarslasja Legislature, though the royal Copper Palace is located in Arcosanti. Yuma is also the county seat of Yuma County.


Yuɱa near the city center, along X. Dunxaum Juma

Before The Raid, Yuɱa was a thriving desert village with signs of only light interaction and trade with human players. In Wool Park, you can see one of the only confirmed player interactions with the landscape in or near Yuma - a single white wool block. Today, that block is protected and features a commemorative plaque.

After The Raid caused the dissolution of the Old Kingdom and the destruction of Phoeŋix, Agma Schwa followed the migration of players from the Five-Village Network to lands closer to the Spawn, where societies were coalescing. In January of 2024, Agma Schwa made the final and permanent move to Yuɱa, with Fort Yuɱa becoming the capitol of all of Xarslasja.

Yuɱa in early 2024

In January of 2024, Marcy I connected Yuɱa to the rest of the world with a Cenrail station.

In February 2024, the Colorado River bridge was rebuilt. The city street-address system was put in place.

By October, 2024, the city was over three times as large, with skyscrapers to the north, a new port, and much more.

In December 2024, new buildings were constructed as the Yuma and Tempe metro areas gradually came closer and closer to merging. The Yuma Exchange Rate Commission building and the Great Desert Bank were temporarily shut down, remodeled, combined, and equipped with the capacity to transact in both Slabs and PUA.

Juma with Cherry Trees along Sl. Xarslasja, April 2nd 2024


Most villagers in Yuɱa were farmers until expansions in March 2024 brought in several new industries. As of April 2024, a plurality of villagers work at lecterns in clerical positions for the Great Desert Bank, Fort Yuɱa, or the Yuɱa Post Office.

Most of the mining for all of Xarslasja takes place at Xu Engeu, "The Big Hole," located northeast of the city center.

The cultivation of saplings and grass is one of the major efforts hosted in Yuɱa by the Bezuv.

Address System

Yuɱa Address Grid with named roads labelled, April 2024

Yuɱa is known for its street naming and building addressing system. Every completed building within the Yuɱa city limits has an address number and street name attached to it for ease of navigation. The number grid is roughly based around the central square at the intersection of Sljadmeu Xarslasja (English: "Xarslasja Highway") and Xidmeu Dunxaum Juma (English: "Yuɱa Square Street").

Buildings situated entirely northwest of the Square have addresses beginning with 1, to the northeast beginning with 2, etc. For roads that are aligned mostly north/south, addresses on the west side end with odd numbers and addresses on the east side end with even numbers. For roads that are aligned mostly east/west, addresses on the north side end with odd numbers and addresses on the south side end with even numbers.

For example, the Yuɱa Post office is located at 107 X. Dunxaum Juma. This tells us it is located roughly northwest of the Square (directly north in this case as the road bends at the end), on the west side of the road, and is the fourth building on the west side of the street.

The Yuɱa Grid will apply to Quartzsite and Blythe but not Tempe or Payson or any future cities in Xarslasja.


Yuma in December 2024
Photos More Photos

Yuma in December 2024

Yuma CenRail Station, part of the Southern Loop (12/2024)

Yuma from above (12/2024)

The Colorado River Post Office and Port (12-2024)

The original section of Yuma is now a small part of a booming metropolis (12-2024)

The Xarslasja Legislature Building from afar (12-2024)

A view of some of the city's notable structures (12-2024)

Yuma at sunset from the east of the city (12-2024)

Yuma in December 2024

Yuma in December 2024

Yuma in December 2024

Yuma in December 2024

Yuma in December 2024

Yuma in December 2024